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  Why is single threaded Redis so fast

Redis is a high-performance, in-memory key-value database. According to official test reports, it can support around 100,000 QPS (queries per second) on a single machine. However, Redis uses a single-threaded architecture in its design. Why does Redis still have such high performance with a single-threaded design? Wouldn't it be better to use multiple threads for concurrent request processing? In this article, let's explore why Redis has a single-threaded architecture and still maintains its spe...


  A Peek Inside the Erlang Compiler

Erlang is a complex system, and I can’t do its inner workings justice in a short article, but I wanted to give some insight into what goes on when a module is compiled and loaded. As with most compilers, the first step is to convert the textual source to an abstract syntax tree, but that’s unremarkable. What is interesting is that the code goes through three major representations, and you can look at each of them. Erlang is unique among functional languages in its casual scop...

   Erlang,Peek,Erlang compiler     2012-02-08 10:12:04

  Multithreading interview questions in Java

Multithreading as a widespread programming and execution model allows multiple threads to exist within the context of a single process. These threads share the process' resources but are able to execute independently. The threaded programming model provides developers with a useful abstraction of concurrent execution. However, perhaps the most interesting application of the technology is when it is applied to a single process to enable parallel execution on a multiprocessor system.Many programme...

   Multithreading,Java,Interview     2012-05-28 06:33:25

  4 asynchronous programming methods in JavaScript

You may know the execution environment of JavaScript is single threaded. The so called single thread means only one task can be running at any time, if there are many tasks, they need to be in a queue and wait for the previous task to be completed. The advantage of this mode is it's easy to implement and the execution environment is relative simple; the disadvantage is that if one task takes long time, the tasks following it must wait in the queue and this will delay other tasks consequently. Th...


  JavaScript tutorial - Creating time delays

There are two ways of creating time delays with JavaScript. The first is more simple and will simply wait for a specified amount of time before executing a function. The second does the same but will repeatedly execute the function. Note, many browsers have a minimum delay length of between 25 and 75 ms, with some of the fastest browsers having a minimum delay of about 3 ms. If a shorter delay is specified, the actual delay will be the minimum delay length. Even with higher numbers, the delay i...

   JavaScript,Time delay,setTimeout,setInterval     2012-04-13 07:17:46

   Python – parallelizing CPU-bound tasks with multiprocessing

In a previous post on Python threads, I briefly mentioned that threads are unsuitable for CPU-bound tasks, and multiprocessing should be used instead. Here I want to demonstrate this with benchmark numbers, also showing that creating multiple processes in Python is just as simple as creating multiple threads. First, let’s pick a simple computation to use for the benchmarking. I don’t want it to be completely artificial, so I’ll use a dumbed-down version of factorization...

   Python,Multitasking,Multiprocessing,CPU bound     2012-01-17 11:38:22

  The evolving history of asynchronous operation in JavaScript

JavaScript is single threaded, it means there would be only one task running at any point of time. But this would slow down the overall program execution if there is long running task, hence asynchronous task execution is desired in complex cases. To achieve asynchronous task execution, there are a few options introduced in JavaScript. setTimeout/setInterval Event Promise Async/Await setTimeout/setInterval is one of the first mechanisms introduced in JavaScript to simulate asynchronous operati...

   JAVASCRIPT,ASYNC,PROMISE,AWAIT     2019-11-09 08:21:56

  The several flavors of random in Java

Random number generation is one of most basic features in any programming language. The basic utilization is always the same: generate a random number between 0 and 1. With such a simple resource at hand we sometimes overlook some interesting features. What do we learn from the books? The most obvious and maybe intuitive way to generate random numbers in Java is simply calling: java.lang.Math.random() Random generation is in the Math utility class with abs, pow, floor...

   Java,Random,Thread,Math,Type     2012-03-22 14:17:44

  JavaScript interview questions

This post will cover the JavaScript questions I have encountered and have seen during my programming career. They will mainly focus on vanilla JavaScript though there are lots of excellent frameworks out there and many people are using them in their daily work. this keyword this keyword is an very important but easy to confuse concept in JavaScript since it is always referring to the calling object of the function. 1. What will be the output of below code snippet? function User(name) { this....

   JAVASCRIPT,ALGORITHM,THIS,CLOSURE     2019-03-09 07:05:46

  Tomcat vs. Apache: Why One Over the Other?

When determining which type of web server to use, the differences and technical details can be daunting. It can be a difficult task to compare web servers and make the decision on which is best for you and your project. Since Apache is currently the most popular web server, this article will discuss the differences between the Apache Web Server and Apache Tomcat, which are very different and fulfill different needs.The Apache Web Server, often just called “Apache” or â€...

   Apache,Tomcat,Choice,Web server     2012-03-23 12:01:25