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  Websites Android developers must bookmark

Android now is an extremely popular mobile OS on the planet. This small robot creates a big world. Many developers are also devoting themselves to Android development. For both novices and experts, you all need to keep your skills updated and know what's happening in Android community. So we recommend some websites which you should bookmark. News Android People : Very interesting and most updated Android Weekly : Newsletters specially for Android developers Android and me PHAndroid Blogs Android...

   Android development,Resource     2013-07-23 20:45:28

  Top Ten Tips for Correct C++ Coding

Brian Overland, long-time Microsoft veteran and author of C++ Without Fear: A Beginner's Guide That Makes You Feel Smart, 2nd Edition, shares 10 of his most hard-earned, time-saving insights from decades of writing and debugging C++ code.My first introduction to the C family of languages was decades ago (yes, I know this dates me horribly). Later I learned C++. I wish someone back then had steered me around the most obvious potholes; it might have saved me hundreds of frustrating hours.I ca...

   C++,Tips,Top,Ten,Magic number,Integer di     2011-09-03 10:58:35

  Square bracket in checkbox name

0down votefavorite i have a form with checkboxes like this:    <input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"type[]\" value=\"1\" />Fast Food<br>    <input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"type[]\" value=\"2\" />Table Service<br>    <input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"type[]\" value=\"3\" />Cafeteria<br> when i use the brackets in the name (type[]), my php works:    $type=$_POST[\'type\'];    echo \"types are:\";for ( $counter...

   Square bracket,PHP,JavaScript,Array of n     2011-03-22 10:32:40

  Former Microsoft Executive Vice President Qi Lu joins Baidu

Former Microsoft Executive Vice President Qi Lu joined Baidu(The largest search engine in China) on January 1, 2017. Qi will be group president and COO at Baidu. He will be in charge of Baidu's products, technology, sales and marketing and operations. And he will be the second most powerful person in Baidu just behind Robin Li, the founder and CEO of Baidu. At the same time, Robin Li will step away from daily operation of Baidu. In a statement, Robin Li said “Dr. Lu possesses a ...

   MICROSOFT,CHINA,BAIDU,NEWS,QI LU     2017-01-18 08:53:42

  Why Building a Mobile App is Hard

Kent Nguyen has a great article about how building iOS apps takes a lot of work. And, here at Parse, we agree. Making a well-designed app is not a trivial task. Many non-developers hugely underestimate the amount of sweat and tears that goes into a single app. The big component that is overlooked and that Kent stresses is the server component. An app is not an island. Users expect their apps to richly interact with the internet. This means you need to worry about developing code on servers, com...

   Mobile app,Hard,Chanllenges,Platform     2012-02-01 04:45:45

  Javascript motion tracking

It is very often that I have to do video motion tracking for interactive video campaign in my daily work. If I’m used used to do that in Flash, I made a quick experiment to do the same in javascript. Thanks to Olof Storm who made me a perfect corner pin motion tracking in After Effects, and I’ve been using some code from Steven Wittens to draw an image in perspective. Click here to see the motion tracking demo (give it a bit of time to fully load). What I’m doing in this dem...

   JavaScript,Motion tracking,Flash     2012-03-20 07:43:46

  How deep should unit test go?

There is a question on Stackoverflow which says "How deep are your unit tests?". It is asked by a guy named John Nolan. The question is not too new, but what catches me is the Best Answer given by Kent Beck, who is the creator of Extreme programming(XP) and Test Driven Development(TDD). Let's look at the question first. The thing I've found about TDD is that its takes time to get your tests set up and being naturally lazy I always want to write as little code as possible. The first thing I seem ...

   Unit test,TDD,XP     2012-09-03 10:11:27

  JavaScript is now a necessity

I've long looked at JavaScript as a second-class citizen in the programming world. Early on, it was the source of numerous security problems; it was a nice bit of glue to patch together HTML applications with a bit of styling, but nobody would use it for serious code; and so forth. Java, Ruby, Python, they were the languages for doing real work. But my attitude toward JavaScript has changed completely in the past few years. JavaScript has "grown up." I'm sure there are many JavaScript dev...

   JavaScript,HTML5,Necessary,Client langua     2011-06-24 00:50:14

  What Is the Best VoIP Service Provider For Your Organization?

If you own an organization or a business and are looking for the most effective VoIP service provider, this is just the right place for you. You will get to know the best VoIP service provider for your needs. When VoIP services are the topic, there is no one like cNumber. cNumber is the best and a well-reputed name for VoIP services for most users and provides a lot of benefits for your business or firm. cNumber – Just The Perfect VoIP Service Provider With the cNumber cloud voice over IP ...

   VOIP     2020-07-14 11:06:38

  A Baseline for Front-End Developers

I wrote a README the other day for a project that I’m hoping other developers will look at and learn from, and as I was writing it, I realized that it was the sort of thing that might have intimidated the hell out of me a couple of years ago, what with its casual mentions of Node, npm, Homebrew, git, tests, and development and production builds. Once upon a time, editing files, testing them locally (as best as we could, anyway), and then FTPing them to the server was the essential ...

   Front-end,JavaScript,Baseline     2012-04-18 07:13:49