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SEARCH KEYWORD -- Programming.Net

  C programming tips in SPARC architecture

If you are a newbie of C programmers in SPARC architecture (For example, working on Solaris), you should pay attention to the following tips:(1) By default, SPARC is big-endian (For Endianness, you can refer It means for an integer (short, int, long, etc), the MSB will be stored in the lower address, while the LSB will be stored in the higher address. (2) SPARC requires byte-alignment. It means for a short (2 bytes long) variable, the star...

   C     2014-06-01 03:56:30

  Accessing Reddit top posts using OAuth

Previously one can use the API to access one subreddit's top posts. This API doesn't require any access token to fetch the data. However, this API may not work all the time. Reddit may block the API's request if it finds that you are using a script or some app which accesses the API now and then. For an app or script which needs to fetch the data routinely, what should we do? Reddit provides one method which can be used to fetch this kind of to...

   REDDIT,OAUTH,TOP POSTS,HOT POSTS     2023-12-16 07:24:14

  Building an iPhone application.

One of my New Years resolutions was to finally learn the iOS SDK and build a 'real' application.I am happy to report that progress is going really well and wanted to share something that I have noticed about iOS programming.It only looks scary... it's not. It's actually very easy.Now, I am not building Mail, Angry Birds or Photosynth or anything, but the core concepts of the SDK are not that bad once you spend some time learning delegation. If you don't understand delegation, iOS programmi...

   Apple,iOS,Application development     2012-01-28 07:03:36

  The Hungry Programmer

Programming is a lot like eating. Tonight I was hungry. I wasn't at home. I couldn't go to the kitchen for a snack. I looked around and saw only McDonald's across the street. Then I was struck with the same dilemma that I face whenever I leave the comfort of my own home for any decent spread of time: Do I eat crappy food now and satisfy that hunger? Or do I stay hungry for a little longer and eat a healthy meal back at home? As I pondered this dilemma I couldn't help but notice how much i...

   Programmer,Hungry,Coder,Coding     2012-01-19 11:04:30

  All Programming is Web Programming

Michael Braude decries the popularity of web programming:The reason most people want to program for the web is that they're not smart enough to do anything else. They don't understand compilers, concurrency, 3D or class inheritance. They haven't got a clue why I'd use an interface or an abstract class. They don't understand: virtual methods, pointers, references, garbage collection, finalizers, pass-by-reference vs. pass-by-value, virtual C++ destructors, or the differences between C# struc...

   Programming,Web programming,Opposite,Views,Web app     2011-11-12 10:38:00

  Standardizing Python WSGI deployment

Over the past year I have been testing all of the new python platform as a service companies that have popped up, and I have posted my notes on my blog so that everyone can learn from my experiences.,,,,, Heroku, Django hosting roundup, All and all, the platforms were very similar, they allowed you to easily host your python/django project without having to worry about managing a server or other typical system administr...

   Python,Standard,WAR,Java     2011-12-31 15:39:44

  10 habits of 10x developers

Last week, I discovered The Rise of Developeronomics via Brad Feld. As long as I’ve lived, it has always been a great time to be a software developer. The economics keep getting better for us. My favorite quote: The one absolutely solid place to store your capital today — if you know how to do it –  is in software developers’ wallets. If the world survives looming financial apocalypse dangers at all, this is the one investment that will weather the storms. ...

   Developer,Efficiency,Advice,Rest,Focus     2011-12-26 02:54:06

  JavaScript programming style

Douglas Crockford is a JavaScript expert, he is the inventor of JSON. In November 2011 he made a speech "Youtube", during the speech he talked about what JavaScript programming style is.I recommend this speech to everyone, it not only helps you learn JavaScript but also make you enjoying because Crockford is very humorous and he made audience laugh frequently.Next I will summarize JavaScript programming style according to this speech and his article code convention. The so-called programming ...

   JavaScript, programming style,Curly braces,Equal     2015-10-14 10:16:44

  5 comment styles should be avoided

Have you ever found some superfluous comments while checking others codes? The purpose of using comments in the code is to enhance the readability of the code, so that non-original code developers can understand them better and easier.I summarized 5 kinds of comment styles and the developers who write them. Hope you don't do the same thing as below in your application development process. 1. Arrogant comments public class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { string message...

   Code comment, comment style     2012-11-21 10:57:34

  A trap about PHP random number

The method to get random number in PHP is very simple, we only need to use rand() function. int rand ( int $min , int $max ) One function call can return the random number in a specified range. But in fact, the random number in computer is actually pseudorandomness, generally to increase the randomness, we may set a random seed before calling rand(). void srand ([ int $seed ] ) According to other language features, we should pass a time value as a parameter to the srand() function, generally...

   PHP,rand,srand,mt_rand     2013-06-07 09:10:10