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SEARCH KEYWORD -- Mobile Application Development Company

  When can Chinese buy fresh food online?

Farmigo is an online agricultural marketing platform. Farmers can post their own products, people can directly purchase their favorite ingredients on it. Farmigo promises that fresh ingredients will be sent to the designated location within 48 hours, but the price is 20-30% cheaper than the supermarket.In other words, Farmigo itself does not sell agricultural products, it just plays a platform intermediary role. Their advantages to attract consumers are fresh ingredients supply, home delivery a...

   Agriculture, Online sales, B2B     2012-12-12 13:37:03

  Host multiple websites in Wamp

I have decided to start playing around with the Zend Framework. I have a web host (of course) however sometimes when developing I find it is easier and faster to use a local web server, with all the bells and whistles. WAMP, LAMP (this link is ubuntu specific, but any linux distribution should have easy HowTo guide for installing the LAMP software stack), MAMP, all provide the basic environment for beginning web development, and some have nice little GUIs to help you con...

   multiple hosts, wamp, websites, differen     2011-04-04 11:42:06

  Haskell’s effect on my C++: exploit the type system

Like most programmers, I was attracted to Scheme by the promise that it would make me a better programmer. I came to appreciate the functional style, but swapped to Haskell, a more developed language with a rapidly developing standard library. Unfortunately, for me, Haskell can’t yet replace C++ on a day to day basis, so I reluctantly spend my days tapping away at C++. So, were the promises true? has functional programming made me a better programmer? Better is a tough question,...

   Haskell,C++,Type system,Comparison     2012-02-06 07:44:35

  Learn how to tell a story before building your own start-ups

Imagine one day you become a successful start-up founder like Mark Zuckerberg, then somebody will come and find you and want to shoot a movie for you with your start-up story. If you are not successful yet, then this story should be written by yourself. For start-up founders, learn how to tell a story will not only promote yourself among investors, users and medias but also can create a macro development plan for your start-ups by explaining various unexpected things will happen. Pixar storyboa...

   Start-up,rules,Pixar     2013-03-10 10:06:54

  OpenLDAP Proxy -- Introduction

OpenLDAP is an open source project which is intended to provide some commercial-grade, fully featured applications and development tools based on the well known Light-weight Directory Access Protocol(LDAP). Hence corporations which want to manage their user and group information can freely use these tools.  OpenLDAP provides ldap servers, ldap clients and corresponding tools to work on LDAP. The LDAP server is called slapd(Stand-alone LDAP  daemon). And it would serve as the server whi...


  New Text-to-Speech API for Chrome extensions

Interested in making your Chrome Extension (or packaged app) talk using synthesized speech? Chrome now includes a Text-to-Speech (TTS) API that’s simple to use, powerful, and flexible for users.Let’s start with the "simple to use" part. A few clever apps and extensions figured out how to talk before this API was available – typically by sending text to a remote server that returns an MP3 file that can be played using HTML5 audio. With the new API, you just need to add "...

   TTS,Google,Speech,Text,Text to Speech     2011-10-21 08:46:41

  Break down defer statements in GoLang

Basic Concepts What are the characteristics of the deferred statement defer in Go language? When is it usually used? The deferred statement(defer statement) in Go language has the following characteristics: Deferred Execution: Deferred statements are executed before the function containing them exits, regardless of whether the function returns normally or encounters an exception. Last In, First Out (LIFO): If there are multiple deferred statements, they are executed in the order of last in, f...

   DEFER,GOLANG     2024-02-10 21:56:10

  The worst program I ever worked on

Most contract jobs fade pretty quickly in memory after the work is done, but some you remember for the rest of your life. This is one of the latter variety. This happened long ago, at a (fair sized) company that shall remain nameless. The software was a chunk of code that had been maintained by a single guy that had been fired recently and was a core component of a commercial system. So far nothing unusual, companies tend to find out that they have a piece of critical knowledge in one head all ...

   Program,worst     2011-03-17 13:58:36

  Game Development Essentials #1 - Don’t use inheritance for your game objects

I recently released my first game, X Fleet, available now in Android Market. It’s a fast paced space shooter / rpg riddled with awesomeness and you should get it now. The reason you should avoid hierarchies/inheritance is your objects will be far too varied and complicated in form to be accurately represented as such. More on this below.  The alternative is a component model. This is very basic. Instead of having everything inheriting (e.g. Object -> MovableObject -> Animat...

   Game design,OOP,Inheritence,Game object     2012-02-07 06:26:40

  A Quick Look at the Services Offered by RDBMs vs. NoSQL

The world of IT has to deal with the issue of data storage. The reason for this is that there is plenty of data produced and created daily on the internet and on various business applications. In the past, RDBMs or Relational Database Management Systems were used for storage. Even though they are still used today, there are other offerings that present competition and anyone wishing to purchase data storage systems needs to make comparisons.  One such competing system is NoSQL or Not Only ...