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  Bytes Matter

I love to profile applications, because I always learn something that surprises me. Initial Profiler Surprise: Client Side Case in point, I was recently profiling our Android application, the Famigo Sandbox. This app sends a lot of data back and forth with our API, as we try to determine which of the apps on your phone are safe for your kids. I always assumed that, if app performance suffered during some of the ...

   Byte,Low level,Operation,Importance     2012-02-28 08:07:22

  How the Go language improves expressiveness without sacrificing runtime performance

This week there was a discussion on the golang-nuts mailing list about an idiomatic way to update a slice of structs. For example, consider this struct representing a set of counters. type E struct { A, B, C, D int } var e = make([]E, 1000) Updating these counters may take the form for i := range e { e[i].A += 1 e[i].B += 2 e[i].C += 3 e[i].D += 4 } Which is good idiomatic Go code. It's pretty fast too BenchmarkManual 500000 ...

   Go,Expressiveness,Performace,Sacrifice     2012-02-12 04:53:55

  Simple Strategies to Boost Your Android Phone Security

Android is one of the safest operating systems for smartphones and tablets if used correctly. Unfortunately, only a third of Android users use the latest version, and older versions are far more vulnerable than newer ones. Not to mention that many manufacturers take their time when it comes to downloading the latest security patches. A news blog Android Authority ranked the fastest manufacturers in downloading system updates. Here are the results: LG - 78 days Motorola - 88 days HTC - 95 days S...

   ANDROID,DATA SECURITY     2019-02-19 07:36:46

  10 Easy Things to Do to Enhance Your Online Security Today

If you think you don’t need to take extra steps to increase your cyber security, you are wrong. Statistics on cybercrime are shocking and clearly prove that you can’t have ‘too much security’ while using the Internet today. For example, did you know that by 2023 cybercriminals will have stolen over 33 billion private records or that 15 million Americans became victims of digital identity theft in 2017 (Norton)? That’s not even mentioning millions of monetary losses ...

   DATA SECURITY,SECUIRITY     2019-01-21 07:01:37

  Why Flash didn’t work out on mobile devices

The debate over whether supporting the Adobe Flash plug-in on mobile devices is a feature or not is over. Last night, ZDNet got hold of a leaked Adobe announcement: It’s abandoning its work on Flash for mobile. It’s not a huge surprise that it came to this, since Adobe had been struggling to optimize the performance, and the tide has been turning toward HTML5.From the Adobe announcement ZDNet published:Our future work with Flash on mobile devices will be focused on enabling Fl...

   Flash,HTML5,Advantage,Merit,Mobile device,Support     2011-11-15 03:15:12

  Difference between localhost and

Lots of people would think what the address is when first seeing this address. In fact, is a loopback address which refers to the local machine. It is generally used for local testing. When typing ping on local command console, it will send network packets to local IP/TCP layer to test whether IP/TCP works properly or not.  To those who are used to use localhost, it is actually mapped to by default. There are hosts files in the system which store this...

   LINUX,NETWORK,LOCALHOST,,LOCALHOST VS     2018-09-29 22:11:12

  You should publish your contributions of Open Source, even it’s not required

Although many Open Source projects don’t require you publish the modifications of them, I still propose you should make the changes open. The reasons are as following: (1) For other people: the out-of-box Open Source projects save your time and money, and you get benefit from them. You should not only take, but also need to give! Only if everyone shares his code, document, or whatever related, the Open Source projects can grow up healthy. (2) For yourself: You release your code can actuall...

       2017-07-18 03:53:05

  Seven Java projects that changed the world

O\'Reilly is celebrating the release of Java 7, and our inaugural OSCON Java conference: July 25-27 in Portland, Ore. Java\'s open source ecosystem is strong and healthy, one of the primary reasons for our creation of OSCON Java. Over the last decade, several projects have traveled beyond mere adoption and had effects dominating the Java world, into software development in general, and some even further into the daily lives of users. JUnit Ported to Java by Kent Beck and Erich Gamma from Be...

   Java,Projects,Prominent,Eclipse,Sue     2011-07-26 02:50:42

  Easy Ways To Make Sure Your Website Is Ready For Mobile First Users

Websites are no longer a novelty or a useful complement to a brick and mortar store. They are an essential part of everyday life. The average American is spending up to ten hours every day online.   Businesses exist solely online, entrepreneurs with great ideas can start up online with very little help and even the most casual of users know what looks good. Consumers aren’t likely to forgive mistakes. If your website isn’t completely user-friendly, they know they ...


  How to Choose the Right Ruby on Rails Hosting Platform

Over the last decade, Ruby on Rails has become an increasingly popular framework for web-based apps. At its beginnings, hosting Rails was a real challenge and required a fair amount of relevant know-how. Nowadays, there are dozens of hosting platforms that provide cheap and accessible services for building and deploying Rails apps. In general, the choice of hosting should be based on your requirements and technical skills – some platforms are much more difficult to handle than others. Here...

   ruby on rails, ruby hosting     2015-01-30 06:27:47