Today's Question:  What does your personal desk look like?        GIVE A SHOUT

SEARCH KEYWORD -- Illiterate

  Illiterate Programming

Donald Knuth cleverly imprisoned the phrase "Literate Programming" - if you're not documenting your source with his particular methodology then you must be a proponent of "Illiterate Programming," which sounds truly awful. I very much believe in documented code but I think no amount of pontification in English will ever make a piece of code clearer than the code itself (I'm not talking about project or API documentation). I'm also not talking about the super...

   Programming,Illiterate     2012-02-10 06:20:52

  Why is Design the Body Language of the Web?

Good web design is not just about the looks. It is also about the message being delivered to the user and this is probably much more important that it being pretty. Designing a visual message which will contain text has to be easily understood by the people you deliver that message to.Given this, you have to master the method of connecting to the people that visit your website. Besides knowing what they want and what they are looking for, you will have to know how to make it comfortable for them...

   Web design,Body language,Visual,Connection,Focus,Communication     2011-10-26 03:24:53