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SEARCH KEYWORD -- Google search

  Native Client Brings Sandboxed Native Code to Chrome Web Store Apps

Wouldn’t it be great if you could create web apps using your existing C and C++ code? Native Client lets you do just that, and it is now enabled for Chrome Web Store apps in Google Chrome’s beta channel. Native Client apps live on the web platform, so you don’t need to create separate versions of your app for each operating system. Rather than relying on OS-specific APIs, Native Client apps use Pepper, a set of interfaces that provide C and C++ bindings to the capabilities o...

   C++,Web application,Native Client,Useful     2011-08-24 02:23:03

  The Go Programming Language Turns Two

Two years ago a small team at Google went public with their fledgling project - the Go Programming Language. They presented a language spec, two compilers, a modest standard library, some novel tools, and plenty of accurate (albeit succinct) documentation. They watched with excitement as programmers around the world began to play with Go. The team continued to iterate and improve on what they had built, and were gradually joined by dozens - and then hundreds - of programmers from the open source...

   Go,Google,Evolution,Development     2011-11-11 02:40:55

  10 major updates of Windows 8.1

Last night, the 2013 Microsoft Build Developer Conference started in San Francisco. The highlight of the first day is Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer announced the release of Windows 8.1 Preview . The final version will be released in November and he also mentioned that there would be over 300 updates on the new OS. Now let's summarize 10 major updates of the new OS. 1. Classical desktop mode After getting a lot of feedback from users, Microsoft adds a new setting. Users can choose to start in clas...

   Windows 8.1,Build     2013-06-27 05:45:02

  Why every programmer should learn Python or Ruby

If you are a student, you probably know C, C++ and Java. A few know VB, or C# / .NET. At some point you’ve probably built some web pages, so you know HTML, CSS and maybe JavaScript. By and large, it is difficult to find students who have any exposure to languages beyond this. And this is a shame because there are a number of programming languages out there which will make you a better programmer. In this article, we give some reasons why you must learn Python or Ruby2. Compared to C...

   Python,Ruby,Advantage,JavamCmDusadvantag     2011-07-25 08:41:42

  Tips and tricks about JavaScript from Google

JavaScript is now a very popular client side language. It's flexible, powerful but easy to make mistakes. So good programming style is better for you to write efficient and readable JavaScript codes. Here are some tips and tricks about JavaScript from Google. True and False Boolean Expressions The following are all false in boolean expressions: null undefined '' the empty string 0 the number But be careful, because these are all true: '0' the string [] the empty array {}&n...

   JavaScript, Google, Coding standard     2013-02-26 23:11:03

  Landing page optimization : Less is more

There is a question on Quora : Why doesn't Quora show interesting questions/answers on their landing page? Why is it this? not this? Quora's product manage gives his answer to this question, it's agreed by many users in this community. Here is his answer: The logged out homepage is pretty sparse now mostly because it hasn't been given much treatment since the initial product launch. But we have plans on redesigning it and testing different variations (some with less info on the page, some with...

   Landing page,Optimization,Principle     2012-11-03 01:50:07

  Java code to retrieve Bing background image path

When Microsoft presented their search engine Bing, this new design gave us some surprise, especially its background images, they are very beautiful and it will change every day. But   unfortunately we cannot save the image onto our PC by right clicking the mouse.  After some research on its source code, I found a feasible but not so sophisticated way to achieve this, we can retrieve the image path from the source code and then use this path we can download the image. This is just to sh...

   Java,Bing,Background image path,URL,Download,Save     2012-05-02 10:51:51

  Samsung will build its own mobile browser

According to the Korean IT News, Samsung is developing its own brand mobile browser based on WebKit, make its the default browser for future Gaxlaxy products.Samsung has posted recruitment advertisements for recruiting Webkit developers in its Advanced Software Platform Lab located in the Silicon Valley. Webkit is an open-source browser engine, Apple's Safari and Google's Chrome are based on this open source engine.For many users, the phone's built-in default browser is still the most used, so S...

   Samsung,Browser,Webkit     2012-09-24 22:32:00

  TIOBE : No news today

TIOBE released the programming index for September 2012. There is no big change for this month compared to last month, the top 3 are still C, Java and Objective-C. In top 20, only Transact-SQL exchanged the position with VB.NET. Java shows trend of drop, will it be worse because of the ignorance of Java's vulnerabilities by Oracle. This index shows that the programing lnaguage market is quite normal, no big events. Except Objective-C, in recent years there are no other new languages which have b...

   TIOBE,Objective-C,Index     2012-09-05 07:36:07

  Vim anti-patterns

The benefits of getting to grips with Vim are immense in terms of editing speed and maintaining your “flow” when you’re on a roll, whether writing code, poetry, or prose, but because the learning curve is so steep for a text editor, it’s very easy to retain habits from your time learning the editor that stick with you well into mastery. Because Vim makes you so fast and fluent, it’s especially hard to root these out because you might not even notice them...

   Vim,Anti-pattern,macro,syntax     2012-02-08 10:06:15