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  A guide on installing and setting up GitLab server on Ubuntu

GitHub, GitLab and BitBucket are the three most famous code hosting platform in the world. They have different features which allow teams or individuals to share code with others remotely. In case you want to build your own code hosting server so that you can host and share the code by yourself, you can install and set up your own server. In this post, we will walk you through a guide on installing and setting up GitLab server on Linux environment. gitlab is a web based code hosting tool which i...

   UBUNTU,TUTORIAL,GITLAB     2020-04-25 07:05:33

  Macro vs. Micro Optimisation

So there's recently been a bit of hype about another Colebourne article: I'd like to respond to a few points he makes. First - You should evaluate Scala and pay attention to its benefits and flaws before adopting it.  Yes, there are flaws to Scala.   Working at typesafe makes you more aware of some of them.  We're actively working to reduce/minimize/get rid of these.   In my opinion, the negat...

   Optimization,Performance,Micro,Macro,Software     2011-11-30 12:04:25

  Web design trends in 2012. What’s new?

It’s no surprise they call them trends, become they come and go. Maybe you don’t want to take them with the constant changes in web design you sure don’t want to be left behind, do you? Nobody can predict the future of web design, but we’re already seeing small changes to the newer designs and I bet we all want to be part of the movement. Most of the changes in web design are subtle so we need to focus mainly on the concept behind each trend. We will exemplify e...

   2012,Web design,Trend,Slab,Typography     2011-12-16 09:31:27

  Javascript Frameworks Are Too Small

A while back I stumbled upon a great post by Jean-Baptiste Queru. It describes the incredible depth of the modern technology stack. Layers upon layers of complex science, hardware, and software, each layer creating a simpler abstraction around the previous. This ultimately enables our paltry human brains to create amazing things that would otherwise be impossible (or really difficult). This is, in my opinion, the lifeblood of modern software development. For some reason, however, when i...

   JavaScript,Framework,Size,Small,jQuery     2012-01-10 07:20:59

  Taking Precautions to Avoid Shady VPN Providers

VPNs or virtual private networks are virtual tunnels that obscure your IP address, routing your internet traffic through a server located in a country of your choice, in an encrypted and anonymous way. Using a VPN allows you to: secure your sensitive data from hackers obscure the IP address so you can see content not available in your country avoid websites you routinely surf (e.g., Facebook) noticing a different IP address when you are traveling, and asking you to verify your identity bypass t...

   VPN,NETWORKING     2019-02-19 07:26:26

  Writing forward-compatible websites

This is a list of best practices for creating websites that do not break when browsers are updated. It's not always possible to follow all of these, but following as many of them as possible will help future-proof your website. This is especially important for intranet applications and other non-public websites where problems are likely to not be noticed during testing by browser vendors.JavaScriptPrefix all global variable access in onfoo attributes with “window.”When an e...

   Web design,Forward compatible,CSS,JavaScript,window     2011-11-23 08:07:35

  Guide to Clearing Storage Space on a Macbook

Macbooks are pretty notorious when it comes to what storage space you have available. Those few gigabytes that you have will disappear in no time if you are not careful. The whole issue becomes even more problematic for people who are not that familiar with Macbooks or have switched from another computer. And if you do not pay attention, it will not take too long before you have next to no storage space on the hard drive. Leaving only a few gigabytes of free space will significantly reduce the ...

   MACBOOK,APPLE,DATA STORAGE     2020-08-08 00:21:42

  Is The Cloud Finally Catching Up With Mighty Oracle?

Oracle for years has seemed impervious to cloud computing. First Larry Ellison dismissed it. Then he sort of touted it, his version at least. But all along, Oracle was growing nicely. The industry chatter didn’t seem to matter. Big companies buy big software systems. Something changed this winter.   Oracle’s software license sales limped up just 2% in December, and the company blamed customer budget cuts and fears over the European debt crisis. Sales to Europe, Africa and...

   Cloud,Oracle,Incorporation,Trend     2012-02-23 07:17:03

  Why Memorizing is Ineffective

The information-age has burst into life, creating a wake of social change. Young people are growing up faster and more sophisticated, as raw information, tailored-entertainment, and branded-marketing are streamed into their rooms. But this technological exposure has not necessarily made them savvier or more capable of handling tomorrow’s challenges.The debates in public education over “school-choice” and standardized testing have missed the far more important issue. The real c...

   Memory,Memorization,Ineffective,Career     2011-11-19 02:13:41

  Prototypes and Inheritance in JavaScript

Forget everything you know about object-oriented programming. Instead, I want you to think about race cars. Yes – race cars. Recently I was watching the 24 Hours of Le Mans –a popular racing event in France. The fastest cars in the race are the Le Mans Prototypes. Although these cars are built by car manufacturers like Audi and Peugeot, they are not cars you’ll see on the streets and highways of your home town. They are built exclusively for high-speed endurance ra...

   JavaScript,Prototype,Inheritance     2012-02-27 04:55:22