Today's Question:  What does your personal desk look like?        GIVE A SHOUT


  Web Security: In-Depth Explanation of X-XSS-Protection

What is X-XSS-Protection X-XSS-Protection is an HTTP response header designed to enable or configure built-in cross-site scripting (XSS) filters in certain versions of Internet Explorer, Chrome, and Safari. The purpose of these filters is to detect reflected XSS attacks in the response and prevent the loading of pages, thereby protecting users from such attacks. The X-XSS-Protection response header was initially introduced by Microsoft in Internet Explorer 8 to control the browser's XSS filter. ...


  Dart is to JavaScript as C# is to C++

Given the background of Lars Bak, the Google engineer whose V8 JavaScript interpreter upended Firefox's claim on speed, it was reasonable to suspect Google's new Web development language might look a lot like Smalltalk. But that might have taken the Web in a strange and different direction. Today, on the day of a Web developers' conference in Denmark, Google and members of the Chromium open source development team raised the curtain on Dart, the company's bid for a new and somewhat more str...

   Dart,Google,JavaScript,Virtual Machine,Chromium     2011-10-21 08:40:09

  Writing great JavaScript

I probably could have named this post something like “Writing clean, validating and portable JavaScript”, but that would be no where near as catchy. The problem with “great” is it means different things to different people. I am going to show you my idea of great which may differ from many developers views, but I hope it helps someone improve their code. So what’s the point in this, why can’t you just carry on writing JavaScript as you have been for a...

   JavaScript,Great,Clean,Tips     2012-03-24 05:18:12

  Let's talk about JSON.stringify()

JSON has been used in lots of places to exchange data among different services/systems. Nowadays all mainstream programming languages have built-in library support of JSON data parse and stringify. In this post, let's talk about JSON.stringify() in JavaScript. Let's first take a small example of Object conversion handling. There is a requirement to convert below object const todayILearn = { _id: 1, content: '今天学习 JSON.stringify(),我很开心!', ...

   JAVASCIPT,JSON,JSON.STRINGIFY     2020-02-22 04:25:08

  Shell script common interview questions

Shell script is frequently used when monitoring system status on Linux. It's not an easy task to write shell script but it's a very important skill for developers and system administrators to ease work and automate common tasks. This post will share some common interview questions about shell script. 1. Get random characters(8 characters) Method 1 # echo $RANDOM |md5sum |cut -c 1-8 471b94f2 Method 2 # openssl rand -base64 4 vg3BEg== Method 3 # cat /proc/sys/kernel/random/uuid |cut -c 1-8 ed...

   LINUX,INTERVIEW,SHELL SCRIPT     2018-09-28 10:46:00

  â€œNative vs Web” Is Total Bullshit

The web is dead. HTML5 is the be-all end-all of the future. Users are spending more time on apps and less time on the web. You can do anything on the web that you can in a native app. Yawn. Here’s how I feel whenever I hear/read anything about the overplayed “Native Versus Web” argument: It’s not an either-or decision Why aren’t we still arguing over “Print vs Digital”? Well, because (most) people understand that each medium has its place in thi...

   Web app,Native app,Comparison     2012-02-24 05:30:03

  Build a Kubectl Plugin from Scratch

by author The command-line tool kubectl is indispensable when using Kubernetes. You need it to query related Pod and Service information both in developing or performing some maintenance operations, such as events, scale, rolling update, etc. However, when using kubectl, there are many inconveniences. Though Kubernetes is officially maintaining kubectl¹, and you can submit the problems, improvement, and even PR in its Github Issues, you still have to wait long before its release. The m...

   KUBENETES,KUBECTL,PLUGIN,GOLANG     2020-12-02 03:43:16

  Java Polymorphism and Overriding Methods

Most Java developers will be familiar with polymorphism – we’ve all seen the example of the Dog and Cat classes inheriting from some abstract Animal class and having their say() methods produce different results. But it’s still worthwhile to look at a few simple examples to reinforce the concepts.First, we define a simple class with one instance method and one static method.public class A { public String getName() { return "I a...

   Java,Overriding,Polymorphism,Demo,Dynami     2011-10-04 14:09:06

  Tips on Writing for Tech Blogs

If you know your stuff when it comes to tech, you might be inspired to start contributing articles to tech blogs. A friend or colleague may suggest the idea to you, or you may see an invitation for submissions, much like the one on this website. Sounds like a great idea; but what do you know about writing articles, blog posts, or other types of content? Writing is a skill, and there are also practical aspects to writing that you need to be aware of before you start creating your own pieces. Gett...

   TIPS,TECH BLOG     2019-01-14 09:25:07

  Data as code

What is a good command line parser API? A good command line parser should consider below 5 aspects: Support convenient help information generation Support sub commands, for example, git has push,pull,commit sub commands. Support single character option, word option, flag option and option with parameter. Support default option, for example, if no -port is set, set it as 5037 Support usage model, for example, tar's -c and -x is mutually exclusive, they belong to different usage models. Here are...

   Command line,API     2013-08-08 22:40:36