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SEARCH KEYWORD -- Data structure alignment

  10 rules of PHP-masters

1. Use PHP only when it is necessary – Rasmus Lerdorf There is no better source than the creator of PHP, to learn what he can do. Rasmus Lerdorf created PHP in 1995. Since then, the language has spread like a wildfire rate in the developer community, incidentally changing the face of the Internet. However, Rasmus did not create PHP with these intentions. PHP was created for the needs of web development. As is the case with many other projects wi...

   PHP,Master,Experience,Advice     2011-12-16 09:38:07

  The requirements of DevOps development

DevOps has become a popular and commonly adopted software development model in IT industry in recent years. Its popularity is partially because it advocates it could improve software development efficiency, delivery speed and cost saving. This is especially favored by managers who become the main force to promote this type of development model in their companies. However, we must be cautious about DevOps model as well. With their advantages, they also bring challenges to development teams and th...

   AGILE,DEVOPS,SPRINT     2018-06-03 23:18:44

  Difference between ConcurrentHashMap and Hashtable

Both ConcurrentHashMap and Hashtable are Collection classes for storing key value pairs and they both provide fast element search with a supplied key. They have much in common. However, we will not discuss the similarities between them here, instead we will focus on the differences between them. ConcurrentHashMap and Hashtable are both thread safe. But the mechanism for thread safe is different between them. Hashtable is synchronized, it utilizes the synchronization mechanism; while ConcurrentHa...

   ConcurrentHashMap,Hashtable     2013-11-18 08:06:54

  Make Big Data Collection Efficient with Hadoop Architecture and Design Tools

Hadoop architecture and design is popular to spread small array of code to large number of computers. That is why big data collection can be made more efficient with hadoop architecture and design. Hadoop is an open source system where you are free to make changes and design new tools according to your business requirement.   Here we will discuss most popular tools under the category Hadoop development and how they are helpful for big projects. Ambari and Hive– When you are designing...


  Introduction to DTLS(Datagram Transport Layer Security)

Secure communication has become a vital requirement on the Internet. Lots of information transferred through the Internet are sensitive data such as financial transactions, medical information, media streaming etc. To ensure security of data transferred on the Internet, a few secure protocols have been designed including SSL/TLS and IPsec. Many large websites in the world have adopted TLS. Apart from SSL/TLS, there is some other protocol designed to be used in special cases. One of them is ...

   JAVA 9,DTLS,TLS,SECURITY     2016-04-02 05:55:36

  C Preprocessor Hell

Lisp programmers should stop reading right now because they'll likely suffer severe injury of the jaw muscles as they laugh themselves silly at how hard it is to do some things in C. The C language has a pre-processor (typically called cpp) that is both infuriating and powerful. How powerful is usually best described as 'just too little' and it has happened more than once that I found myself almost - but not quite - able to do what I wanted to do. The frustration can run very deep at ti...

   C,Preprocessor,Lisp,Hell     2012-01-19 10:22:31

  Data Scientists and Their Harder Skills than Big Data

The field of data science is often confused with that of big data. Data science is an aid to decision makers in a company with a logical approach.  Who is a Data Scientist?  A Data Scientist reviews a huge collection of data(that may extend to a couple of terabytes of disk space or thousands of excel sheets). This humongous chunk of data is not feasible for being handled, sorted and analyzed by a single person. Here we require the help of data science, and most recently, the field of A...

   BIG DATA     2017-12-13 04:22:55

  What is cache penetration, cache breakdown and cache avalanche?

When designing and developing highly available system, cache is an very important consideration. It is useful to cache some frequently accessed data so that they can be accessed quickly and also cache can protect the downstream system like DB from being hit too often.  To provide better cache design in large systems, some problems may need to be considered first. In this post, we will talk about some frequently discussed cache problems and mitigation plans. Cache penetration Cache penetrati...


  Google CEO : Facebook holds its users hostage

Google CEO Larry Page claimed in a media interview recently that it’s unfortunate that Facebook has been pretty closed with their data while Google is in the business of searching dataPage has been attacking Facebook ban on the search engine to search its data. In fact, the battle between the two sides has been going on for several years, and in June 2011 Google launched its social networking service Google+ which somehow further exacerbated the tension. On Monday, Page, in an interview...

   Google,Facebook,Hostage,Larry Page     2012-05-23 05:58:07

  Why should we drop or reduce use of MD5?

MD5 is a frequently used one-way hash algorithm, it is commonly used in following situations: Check data integrity. We take hash of the data stored in two different places and compare them. If the hash results are the same, then there is no need to check the actual data. This utilizes the collision-resistant feature. Two different data block will have little chance that their hash values will be the same. Many data service providers use such technique to check repeated data to avoild repeating...

   MD5,Vulnerability,attack     2012-09-29 04:47:49