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  PHP advisory file lock : flock

When we process a file in PHP, we may often need to acquire a lock so that other scripts cannot edit the same file at the same time. There is a flock() function in PHP which can help us lock the file we want to process. But there is one issue we should take care. Recently, ffb encountered one issue while he was trying to lock a file handle. The codes are below: $filename = "/tmp/lock.txt";      $fp = fopen($filename, "r+");   if (!$fp...

   flock(),advisory locking,PHP     2013-04-23 11:42:48

  How small should a function be?

"The well-designed functions are often relatively small, large function design is often a mess or there is a lot of room for optimization."Maybe you think there is no need to discuss the size of functions, because the nature of the function design is cohesive, its size is only its manifestations. But it is necessary to discuss about the size of function because the statement above .First let's understand the concept of minimum code processing unit : a basic operation (assignment, comparison, etc...

   Function size,Optimization     2012-12-18 13:58:07

  Python basics summary

Python is recommended by many people as the first language to be learned now. Even in some universities, it is the primary language to be taught to CS/CE students. To master this languages, we should understand some basics of it. Here we summarize some basics about this language. These basics include : string replacement with regular expression, traverse a directory, sort a list, remove duplication, dictionary ordering, dictionary, list, string conversion, date object manipulation, command line ...

   Python,Summary     2013-09-23 10:04:42

  What's Wrong with the For Loop

Closures in Java are a hot topic of late. A few really smart people are drafting a proposal to add closures to a future version of the language. However, the proposed syntax and the linguistic addition are getting a lot of push back from many Java programmers. Today, Elliotte Rusty Harold posted his doubts about the merits of closures in Java. Specifically, he asks "Why Hate the for Loop?": I don’t know what it is some people have against for loops that they’re so eager to...

   For loop,Basic,Problem,Efficiency,Java     2012-02-24 05:06:15

  10 Tips To Make Your C Program Effective

The beauty of any code lies not only in finding the solution to a given problem but is in its simplicity, effectiveness, compactness and efficiency( memory ). Designing the code is harder than actually implementing it. Hence every programmer should keep a couple of basic things in mind while programming in C. Here we introduce you to such 10 ways of standardizing your C code. 1. Avoid unwarranted function calls Consider the following two functions: view source print? 1 void str_print( c...

   C,Tips,Efficient,Speed increment,Recursi     2011-08-05 01:34:16

  Stop obsessing over HTML5 and CSS3

As web designers, we all seem obsessed by HTML5 and CSS3 at the moment. Endless posts, tutorials and discussion about them dominate the blogosphere. But how much are we learning that can be applied today? Don’t get me wrong. We all need to understand HTML5 and CSS3. And a lot of it can be used today. My point is that we seem to be spending a disproportionate about of time reading up on the subject when so many other areas deserve our attention. While others are reading yet another tut...

   Clients, Opinion, Web Designers     2011-06-24 00:55:06

  Building the new AJAX mail UI part 2: Better than templates, building highly dynamic web pages

This is part 2 of a series of technical posts documenting some of the interesting work and technologies we’ve used to power the new interface (see also part 1, Instant notifications of new emails via eventsource/server-sent events). Regular users can skip these posts, but we hope technical users find them interesting. As dynamic websites constructed entirely on the client side become de rigueur, there are a number of templating languages battling it out to become the One True Wayâ„...

   Web design,Dynamic,Ajax,UI     2012-02-21 05:32:29

  Scala feels like EJB 2, and other thoughts

At Devoxx last week I used the phrase "Scala feels like EJB 2 to me". What was on my mind?ScalaFor a number of years on this blog I've been mentioning a desire to write a post about Scala. Writing such a post is not easy, because anyone who has been paying attention to anti-Scala blog posts will know that writing one is a sure fire way of getting flamed. The Scala community is not tolerant of dissent.But ultimately, I felt that it was important for me to speak out and express my opinions. As I s...

   Scala,Module,EJB,Concurrency,Feature     2011-11-22 08:29:44

  The Reality

Everyone loves to talk about benchmarks. AMD’s Andy Parma recently wrote a blog that covers the top performance scores for the AMD Opteronâ„¢ 6200 Series processors. As marketing professionals, of course that’s what we talk about. What’s important to look at is the reality as well – what customers are actually purchasing. When you drive past car dealership, you’ll always see the fancy red sports car prominently displayed. It draws people in â€â...

   AMD,Intel,Comparison,AMD vs Intel processor,artitecture     2011-11-15 08:33:58

  Deep Understanding of ReentrantLock: Unlocking the Mysteries of Java Concurrent Programming

ReentrantLock introduction ReentrantLock is a class in the Java concurrent package, java.util.concurrent.locks, and is an implementation of the Lock interface. As its name suggests, it is a reentrant mutual exclusion lock. A mutual exclusion lock is a synchronization tool used to protect shared resources, ensuring that only one thread can access the resource at a given time. Reentrant means that a thread can acquire the same lock multiple times without causing a deadlock. This lock provides some...