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  Python threads: communication and stopping

A very common doubt developers new to Python have is how to use its threads correctly. Specifically, a large amount of questions on StackOverflow show that people struggle most with two aspects: How to stop / kill a threadHow to safely pass data to a thread and back I already have a blog post touching on these issues right here, but I feel it’s too task-specific for sockets, and a more basic and general post would be appropriate. I assume the reader has a basic familiarity with Pytho...

   Python,Multithreading,Communication,Synchronize     2011-12-28 07:38:32

  Why does LinkedIn migrate to NodeJS from Ruby?

Node.js, the server-side JavaScript-based software platform used to build scalable network applications, has been all the rage among many developers for the past couple of years. Node.js uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model that makes it lightweight and efficient, perfect for data-intensive real-time applications that run across distributed devices. Because of these advantages, there are many websites are migrating to Node.js.One of them is LinkedIn. LinkedIn was initially built on Ruby...

   LinkedIn,NodeJS,Ruby     2014-03-21 23:39:25

  HTTP Streaming and Internet Explorer

In early 2006, Alex Russell posted about a neat hack that the Google Talk team in Gmail use to support Comet in Internet Explorer, a trick which works as far back as IE 5.01. What great news! A reliable way to stream Comet messages to Microsoft’s browsers. If only it were that easy. I have not been alone in the following findings: after connecting the htmlfile ActiveX object as a streaming Comet transport to my Comet server, everything works perfectly for a few messages, but then abruptly...

   IE,Streaming,JavaScript,htmlfile,ActiveX     2011-09-05 04:05:23

  Net Neutrality is Dead - and Web Development Will Never Be The Same Again

Against the wishes of web users and tech businesses alike, the FCC has pushed through regulations to kill net neutrality. Here’s what that means for web developers. On December 14, 2017, the FCC voted in a 3-2 decision to roll back the Obama administration’s 2015 net neutrality rules. These policies, which demanded stronger oversight for broadband companies and internet service providers, ensured that all data on the web was treated equally. Most importantly, they prevented web traf...

       2019-05-02 21:55:53

  In-memory key-value store in C, Go and Python

Subtitle: Wow Go’s net library is fast On paternity leave for my second child, I found myself writing an in-memory hashmap (a poor-man’s memcached), in Go, Python and C. I was wondering how hard it would be to replace memcached, if we wanted to do something unusual with our key-value store. I also wanted to compare the languages, and, well, I get bored easily! The code is on github as Key-Value-Polyglot. Each version implements enough of the get and set commands from the mem...

   key-value,Memory,C,Python,Go     2012-03-21 09:21:51

  Why is my IP blocked at a website I visit regularly after I changed ISPs?

I just installed a new Express Card with Verizon Broadband wireless last night. Had tons of fun accessing the web from places I usually cannot, (we are in trucking) until I got to my favorite forum. It's a public place I have been to thousands of times, but instead of happily browsing all the daily news events and checking to see if the world blew up yet, I found myself blocked by a big white screen that said YOUR IP ADDRESS HAS BEEN BANNED. What can I do? I can't go to the forum owners to ...

   ISP,IP Block,StopForumSpam,Solution     2012-02-01 08:53:38

  Java Then, Java Now - Looking at the evolution of Java from EE7 to EE9

Java, the programming language developed at Sun Microsystems in the 90s and later acquired by Oracle, is the most common programming environment used today, by developers across the globe. With the diversification of applicability that accompanied the technological boom, Java updates now come as Standard Editions (SE), Enterprise Edition (EE) and Micro Edition (ME). The Java SE contains the core programming logic and platform, used for relatively smaller-scale tasks and academic purposes. Java E...

   JAVA DEVELOPMENT COMPANY     2017-07-05 01:09:28

  Demo on creating worker pool in GoLang

A worker pool is a pool where a specified number of workers(usually goroutine) created and run to pick up tasks. This can allow multiple tasks to be ran at the same time while keeping the number of workers a fixed number to avoid overuse of resource in the program. There are usually two approaches of creating worker pool. One is with fixed number of workers pre-created One is creating worker when needed until the max number of workers created In this post, we will cover the demonstration of cr...

   WORKER POOL,GOLANG,GOROUTINE     2021-01-24 05:04:00

  When and How to Use the Go Channel

Go’s concise structure and powerful native library enable us to hit the ground running easily. It is more efficient than Java or Python when implementing the same functions, especially its concurrent programming, which is very handy and widely admired due to its goroutine and channel. goroutine and channel has much to dig into, and let’s start with channel, which I used to consider narrowly as a message queue to transfer data between gorouti...

   GOLANG,CONTEXT,CHANNEL     2022-09-17 23:06:36

  How to secure an Ubuntu Apache web server

Securing server software is not a straightforward task. Not all of our operating environments are the same, leading to a variety of potential security vulnerabilities. However, using a few basic configuration and security options, you can stay a little ahead of where you want to be. 1. Fail2ban Fail2ban is a Python-based intrusion prevention software that detects and blocks malicious IP addresses from multiple unsuccessful attempts at software logins. In other words, if someone is attempt...

   Unix server security,Log,.htaccess,Cache     2011-12-27 09:25:32