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  Automate Everything

Performing manual, repetitive tasks enrages me. I used to think this was a corollary of being a programmer, but I’ve come to suspect (or hope) that this behaviour is inherent in being human. But being able to hack together scripts simply makes it much easier to go from a state of rage to a basic solution in a very small amount of time. As a side point, this is one of the reasons that teaching the basics of programming in schools is so important. It’s hard to think of any j...

   Automate,Email,Repeative     2012-02-07 06:21:19

  Use Java ThreadLocal with caution

According to Oracle documentation, ThreadLocal is a class provides thread-local variables. These variables differ from their normal counterparts in that each thread that accesses one (via its get or set method) has its own, independently initialized copy of the variable. ThreadLocal instances are typically private static fields in classes that wish to associate state with a thread. In short, ThreadLocal variables are variables belong to a thread, not a class or an instance of a class. One common...

   JAVA,MEMORY LEAK, THREADLOCAL     2015-11-03 07:31:57

  Automatically post to Facebook from PHP script

Facebook is currently on of the most important publishing and traffic generating sources for many websites. Manually Cross publishing content on your own site and Facebook seems like a lot of extra work. This post guides you through the creation of a Facebook application that can automatically post messages and other types of content on your Facebook wall. Getting started Building a php script that automatically posts status updates on your wall requires the following steps: Download Faceboo...

   PHP,Facebook,API,Auto post,OAuth     2012-02-27 09:03:00

  How to tell if this idea is a good idea.

Good Idea or Bad Idea?I’ve got an idea for a product. I’ve talked to some people. I know some people in the industry. I have been cold calling others. The idea is promising. The price point people have agreed with is about where I would like it to be. I’ve shown some mockups around and iterated on them. Now, I feel the need to start writing code because, well, I like writing code. And I’m comfortable writing code.But I see lean people.Steve Blank, Eric ...

   Idea,Good,Bad,Distinguish,Feature,Coding     2011-11-24 09:19:01

  Building The Linux Kernel In 60 Seconds

In less than one minute, it's now possible to build the Linux kernel from source on a desktop. Besides finishing up the Phoronix Test Suite 3.6-Arendal release this weekend, on Saturday I began running some new Intel CPU benchmarks. In building the Linux 3.1 kernel for x86_64 in a default configuration (make defconfig), I've now managed to trim down the compile time to less than sixty seconds on a single-socket desktop system. Similar speeds can be achieved out of multi-socket servers and othe...

   Linux kernal,Build,Intel processor,sgort time     2011-12-12 07:45:32

  Performance comparison of string concatenation in Go language

In Go language, string concatenation is an inevitable operation during development, and efficient string concatenation is crucial for improving application performance. This article will delve into several common ways of string concatenation, provide performance comparisons, and offer optimization suggestions aimed at helping developers write more efficient code. Common ways of string concatenation In Go language, common ways of string concatenation include the following: Using the + operator fo...


  Understand GoLang WaitGroup internals and how it works

Background Before getting into the main content, let me give a brief introduction to WaitGroup and its related background knowledge. Here, the focus is on the basic usage of WaitGroup and the fundamental knowledge of system semaphores. For those who are familiar with these, you can skip this section directly. WaitGroup WaitGroup is one of the most common concurrency control techniques in Golang, and its function can be roughly compared to the join() in concurrency control of other languages' mul...

   GOLANG,WAITGROUP,SOURCE CODE     2023-04-26 08:02:01

  LinkedIn ceases operations in China

Microsoft's social platform LinkedIn announced on Wednesday, August 9th, that it would cease its operations in China, ending its nearly decade-long presence in the Chinese market. This move signifies the departure of a major Western social media platform from China. Currently, when accessing LinkedIn's domain within China, users are redirected to a page that provides services for corporate clients. The mobile app for "LinkedIn Workplace" displays a message stating, "Unable to load data." ...

   CHINA,LINKEDIN,MICROSOFT     2023-08-09 03:28:56

  Debunking the Google Interview Myth

Years ago, rumors used to circulate about Microsoft interviews.  They were the hot, new company that everyone wanted to work.  With envy came the urban myths.  These rumors have since been transfered to Google, and will surely be transfered to some new company in due time. Bloggers – always desperate for links and traffic – have capitalized on this, with scary articles about their “nightmare interview” and “crazy questions“.  Let’...

   Google,Microsoft,Business insider,Interv     2011-04-26 10:09:53

  How much money do you *really* need to start your company?

I keep hearing startup entrepreneurs tell me “We need funding. If we just had $XXXk of investment, we’d be killing it right now.” I press them with one question: what would you do with the money if you had it? Inevitably the question is met with a blank stare. Most of the time people haven’t thought about it. The answers that do come feel a little half-baked:“Buy a bunch of ad words to get people to our site – that’s all we need”“Build th...

   Business,Startup,Investment,Money,Ad     2011-09-26 11:16:35