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  var in JavaScript

Geoff published an article sometime ago--"How one missing var ruined our launch". This article described one case where MelonCard uses Node.js as their backend system, suddenly there was a small registration peak period--50-100 people registered concurrently, then the entire website stopped responding and many other strange problems showed up. When they were investigating the source of the problem, they found one missing var in the following‘/apps/:user_id/status’, fun...

   JavaScript,Scope,variable     2012-05-26 12:35:36

  How to check whether a web page can be loaded in iframe

Sometimes you may want to load other website's page in your own website's iframe, but due to some security concerns, other website may have security configurations which prevent you from loading their pages into your iframe. In this case, if you try to load them, you would see a blank page or a text message telling that it's prohibited. Fortunately, you can detect this before you actually decide to load it. To prevent a page from being loaded by an iframe from other site, the response ...


  When and Where to Use Pointers in Go

When declaring variables in Go, we usually have two syntax options: In some scenarios, pointers; in others, reference; sometimes, either. It’s great to have choices, but it is also confusing sometimes as to which one in which scenario. To be more reasonable in choice-making, I started from pointers, walked through their natures, and summarized some rules in using them in Go. from unsplash, Jordan Ladikos Pointers Go has pointers. A pointer holds the memory address of a ...

   POINTER,GOLANG     2022-05-01 02:24:43

  37 powerful Linux shell commands

To work on Linux platform, you cannot avoid using shell commands to complete some tasks. These tasks can be as simple as list files in some directories or find some text in some file, or can be as complex as monitoring processes. In this post, we will share 37 powerful Linux shell commands.   Task Commands 1 Delete file with 0 byte(empty file) find . -type f -size 0 -exec rm -rf {} \;find . type f -size 0 -delete 2 Check process memory consumption ps -e -o "%C : %p : %z : %a"|sort -k...

   Linux command,List     2013-09-16 07:47:16

  Can we believe our eyes?

Several days ago, one of our customers submitted a sample (SHA1: fbe71968d4c5399c2906b56d9feadf19a35beb97, detected as TrojanDropper:Win32/Vundo.L). This trojan hijacks  the hosts “” and “” (both social networking sites in Russia)and redirects them to, but achieves this in an unusual way. A common  method used to hijack a website and redirect it to a site of the attacker’s choice is to add an entry in the Windows hosts f...

   Window,Software,Eye,Weired     2011-08-22 12:12:16

  Prototypes in JavaScript

Following on from his previous article, David Chisnall explores JavaScript as an example of prototype-based object orientation. In this article, he shows how it's possible to implement more complex object models on top of this simple abstraction.My previous article, Prototypes and Object Orientation, considered the differences between class-based and prototype-based object orientation. In this article, we'll look in a bit more detail at the workings of the JavaScript object model, since it'...

   JavaScript,Prototype,Object oriented,Obj     2011-09-02 11:44:12

  Free jQuery UI themes

jQuery UI is a jQuery User Interface library, it provides many frequently used components and functions. It consists of datepicker, slider, progress bar and drag and drop support etc. Also it has many themes, you can use ThemeRoller to customize your own theme. But with ThemeRoller, we can still find the shadow of jQuery UI. If you want some highly customized, free and high quality jQuery themes such as Bootstrap, Windows-Metro, then the following themes may suit you. 1. jQuery UI Bootstrap jQu...

   jQuery UI, Theme     2012-10-20 10:59:20

  Why I Use Vim

I've been using MacVIM as my editor of choice for a couple of years now, yet in many ways I still feel like a beginner. Every day I am learning more and more about my editor, but it takes a conscious effort to become proficient with an editor like Vim. Here's why I make that effort. Editors are something that are very personal; they have to fit with your own work flow approach to programming. If you have ever stopped to think about it, the way each person goes about editing text is quite differe...

   Vim,Editor,Feature     2012-01-11 12:03:35

  Microsoft Edge extension manifest v2 migration to v3

In June 2023, Microsoft Edge would not allow Edge extensions with manifest version before v3 to be listed on Microsoft web stores as v3 extensions add more security privacy related restrictions on some of the functions. Hence all extensions with manifest v2 must migrate to v3. In this post, we would show how we did the migration for one of our extensions and the changes made. There is a checklist provided by Microsoft Edge team on what needs to be updated so that the extension can stil...

   MICROSOFT EDGE,EXTENSION,MANIFEST V3     2022-10-01 02:54:47

  Chrome extension manifest v2 migration to v3

In 2023, Google would not allow Chrome extensions with manifest version before v3 to be listed on Chrome web stores as v3 extensions add more security privacy related restrictions on some of the functions. Hence all extensions with manifest v2 must migrate to v3. In this post, we would show how we did the migration for one of our extensions and the changes made. There is a checklist provided by Chrome team on what needs to be updated so that the extension can still work in v3. It can be checked ...