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SEARCH KEYWORD -- PHP error handle

  5 Signs of a Great User Experience

If you've used the mobile social network Path recently, it's likely that you enjoyed the experience. Path has a sophisticated design, yet it's easy to use. It sports an attractive red color scheme and the navigation is smooth as silk. It's a social app and finding friends is easy thanks to Path's suggestions and its connection to Facebook. In short, Path has a great user experience. That isn't the deciding factor on whether a tech product takes off. Ultimately it comes down to how many ...

   Usef interface,Standard,Good UI,Criteria     2012-01-30 05:51:35

  â€œExperience says it all”- Pentaho ETL Developers’ Comment on the Use of ETL Tools

Since months Pentaho ETL developers have been juggling with three distinct tools- Pentaho DI, SSIS, and PowerShell. Their experience has provided them new perspective on the cons and pros of every tool. In this post, they are sharing their experience with these tools and explain their significance. Before getting started, they first would like to explain ETL in brief and how the tools suits ETL landscape. ETL is Extract Transform Load. Informatica was the initial ETL tool introduced in the mid n...

   Pentaho BI ETL tools     2015-05-13 01:14:57

  Bing now supports code search

In programmer's daily life, much time is spent on searching Google or StackOverflow for code snippets which can help them understand how the code works. Now there is one more option. Microsoft's Bing now adds a new feature which support code snippet search. With this new feature, you can search code snippet and execute them directly within the search results. For example, if you type "quick sort java", you will see below search result : This feature now supports a few popular programming langua...

   BING,CODE SEARCH,HACKERRANK     2016-04-09 02:49:25

  Will nil == nil be true in GoLang

There is some interview question may ask whether nil == nil be true in GoLang. Wil it be true. false or compilation error? To know the answer, some knowledge about nil in GoLang needs to be explained first. nil definition According to Go's official documentation, the definition of nil is // nil is a predeclared identifier representing the zero value for a // pointer, channel, func, interface, map, or slice type. var nil Type // Type must be a pointer, channel, func, interface, map, or slice type...

   GOLANG,NIL,NIL EXPLANATION     2021-08-08 02:54:15

  Ruby net-scp cannot scp multiple files with asterisk(*)

net-ssh/net-scp is a Ruby gem which can be used to scp files between different *nix machines. It's similar to how the *nix scp command. It can be used to scp a file or a directory. However, it seems it has some problem to scp multiple files using pattern *. For example, below script is supposed to download all files from remote directory to local directory: require 'net/scp' host = 'testmachine' login = 'testaccount' password = "testpassword" remote_path = '/tmp/remote...

   NET-SCP,RUBY,ASTERISK,MULTIPLE FILES     2016-10-20 03:00:13

  How to let Google index AJAX contents?

There are lots of websites containing only one page now with the popularity of AJAX. The website will load different contents according to different inputs from users. This approach provides good user experience and it also helps save bandwidth, the drawback is that AJAX contents are not easy to be indexed by search engines. For example, if you have a website: Users can see different contents with the appended # structure in the URL: h...

   AJAX,Search engine,Google,History     2013-07-16 00:47:14

  Install and setup Kafka on Windows

Kafka has become a very popular distributed message delivery service which decouples different services while making message delivery between service easy, fast and reliable. In this post, we will walk through how to install and set up Kafka on Windows. Pre-requisite Java Apache ZooKeeper Installation Go to Kafka's download link and download the latest stable release, we downloaded 2.2.0 as of this writing. After downloading, copy the installation file to some folder and unzip it.  Sinc...

   KAFKA,STREAM,USER GUIDE     2019-06-01 02:12:07 is down

UPDATE : The service is back now! is now inaccessible. It shows below "Access denied" message on its official site. It is still unknown why the service is down. And there is no ETA on when the service will be back to normal. From the error message, some people think this happens because Apple uses Akamai's security product and the security policy in place is violated. It's basically a WAF. The big issue is it takes 45 minutes for changes to propagate through Akamai's network. So, you ...

   IPHONE 6S,IPHONE 6S PLUS,APPLE     2015-09-12 00:50:17

  A C++ program puzzle

Recently I came across a question asked by wang2191195 on a Chinese IT forum CSDN which asks about a C++ program puzzle. He has a code snippet which cannot be compiled. The code is:#include <cstdlib> #include <iostream> using namespace std; class Base{ public: virtual void func(){ cout << "Base::func()" << endl; } virtual int func( int num ){ cout << "Base::func( int " << num << " )" << endl; return 0; ...

   C++,Puzzle,Hide,Overload     2012-05-13 02:31:26

  Disgusting programming language list

To avoid arguments among different programming languages, this ranking only covers the opinions from programmers with multi-language experience. Also it doesn't mean the language is not good if the language is on the list, it just means those developers don't like some features of the language. Below ranking is summarized from Quora、Stack Overflow and Hacker News. 10. Python Reason : It uses code indent to define block level scope, why not use curly braces? It also uses massive colons and ...

   Programming language rank     2013-09-27 09:53:39