Today's Question:  What does your personal desk look like?        GIVE A SHOUT


  A list of English abbreviations

When we read emails or short message on our phone, we will often see some words such as FYI or LOL etc. Do you know their meanings, right? But some of the abbreviations we may not know or cannot remember clearly. Here is a list of English abbreviations which may be useful to you in the future when you want to check them.      Numbers:    &n"sp;   2 = to/too   2B or not 2B = To be or not to be   4 = for   ...

   Abbreviation,English,Summary     2012-07-05 23:41:06

  The 10 Greatest Hacks of My Life

My co-founder and I briefly considered applying to YCombinator for the Winter 2012 session. We eventually decided to bootstrap Curvio initially, and raise a seed round on our own after we launch (so far so good!). But looking over the YC application, one question intrigued me:Please tell us about the time you, tansey, most successfully hacked some (non-computer) system to your advantage.Now, there are a lot of ways to interpret this. A mechanical interpretation would be about...

   Hack,Most important,Example,Curvio     2011-10-22 12:47:42

  Don’t Call Yourself A Programmer, And Other Career Advice

If there was one course I could add to every engineering education, it wouldn’t involve compilers or gates or time complexity.  It would be Realities Of Your Industry 101, because we don’t teach them and this results in lots of unnecessary pain and suffering.  This post aspires to be README.txt for your career as a young engineer.  The goal is to make you happy, by filling in the gaps in your education regarding how the “real world” actually works.  ...

   Career,Programmer,Advice,Low level,Development     2011-10-29 07:09:23

  5 things my 4-year-old taught me about technology

One of the great things about being a parent is that you get to see how kids use technology. I have a 4 year-old daughter who loves to mess around with my phone, watch videos on YouTube and play Angry Birds.It’s fun to watch her interact with these things, not only because she’s already better at some of the games than me. The really interesting stuff happens when stuff doesn’t work the way she expects it to, or when she finds ways to use tech that I hadn’t thought of...

   Learning,Children,Siri,Voice,Tech,Course     2011-10-26 07:07:48

  Don't. Waste. Time.

Stuff we startups do that doesn't delight users:Office spaceLaunch partiesHealth insurance plansSalary negotiationsFounder equity splitsSeries F stockOffice Food Team-building activitiesCRM systemsBookkeepingHead countWorking in SOMAConvertible debt capsValuationsTechCrunchKarma scoresISOsPowerpointBusiness CardsBanksLawyersDesks1099sBug TrackersAgile ProcessesAdvisory BoardsHiringCap TablesPayrollMeetupsMeetingsOf course, much of this stuff still needs to get done.  At some point.&nbs...

   Time management,Work,Startup,How to     2011-11-21 09:55:06

  Consistency between Redis Cache and SQL Database

Nowadays, Redis has become one of the most popular cache solution in the Internet industry. Although relational database systems (SQL) bring many awesome properties such as ACID, the performance of the database would degrade under high load in order to maintain these properties. In order to fix this problem, many companies & websites have decided to add a cache layer between the application layer (i.e., the backend code which handles the business logic) and the storage layer (i.e., the SQL d...

   REDIS,CACHE,DATABASE     2019-07-07 08:14:16

  How VR technologies take over the world

Virtual Reality (VR) literally may get it beneficial to experience anything, anywhere, anytime. It is normally the several immersive type of legitimate fact technology and can convince the real real human human brain that it is usually normally someplace it can get absolutely critically not really seriously. Brain installed displays happen to be used with earphones and hands controllers to offer a entirely immersive arrive across. With the major technology businesses on whole world community (Fa...

       2019-05-20 05:30:39

  Nokia is still alive and lives a good life indeed

1 Do you believe that Nokia, which you thought had gone bankrupt, not only survived but is still one of the world's most profitable technology companies, making trillions of dollars in profit every year? In 2022, Nokia's annual revenue reached 24.9 billion euros. Its net profit of 4.25 billion euros also hit a new high in nearly a decade. Moreover, as early as 2017, it quietly returned to the Fortune Global 500. In the telecommunications field, it is the world's third-largest telecommunications...

   5G,APPLE,NOKIA     2023-03-11 22:49:36

  â€œBuild something people want” is not enough

Most people take “Build something people want” to mean “Pick a problem to solve and solve it well.” This is not sufficient to build a world changing company.“Why now?” is the question entrepreneurs really need to answer. “Why now” encompasses two important and closely related concepts:Why have previous attempts at this idea failed?What enabling factors have emerged that enable you to succeed today?The world is full of smart people who have the same...

   User requirement,User friendly,Example,People needs     2011-11-16 08:18:45

  LinkedIn ceases operations in China

Microsoft's social platform LinkedIn announced on Wednesday, August 9th, that it would cease its operations in China, ending its nearly decade-long presence in the Chinese market. This move signifies the departure of a major Western social media platform from China. Currently, when accessing LinkedIn's domain within China, users are redirected to a page that provides services for corporate clients. The mobile app for "LinkedIn Workplace" displays a message stating, "Unable to load data." ...

   CHINA,LINKEDIN,MICROSOFT     2023-08-09 03:28:56