Today's Question:  What does your personal desk look like?        GIVE A SHOUT


  Why Outsourcing .Net Services is a Growing Trend?

IT companies are focusing more on .net for application development. This is because; the .net platform empowers developers with a wide range of tools and libraries to create diverse applications in an easy and efficient manner. The dot net framework allows users i.e. developers, to design and develop applications that can interact with web services and a range of online devices. .Net programming language is richer than others in many contexts. It has several objects oriented features like proper...

   dot net services, outsourcing, .net, framework     2014-10-23 22:30:43

  Why are ugly websites so successful?

“Techmeme has redesigned,” Gabe Rivera founder of the popular technology news site wrote in January 2012. “Drudge Report is now indisputably the web’s ugliest news site.” I use Techmeme all the time. I find it an excellent news website. It’s a collection of well-selected links to important issues in the technology industry. It doesn’t look pretty but it works fine for me. Asides from the quality of its stories it also has black text on white bac...

   Website design,Ugly,Success,Analysis     2012-02-13 05:27:56

  Should All Web Traffic Be Encrypted?

The prevalence of free, open WiFi has made it rather easy for a WiFi eavesdropper to steal your identity cookie for the websites you visit while you're connected to that WiFi access point. This is something I talked about in Breaking the Web's Cookie Jar. It's difficult to fix without making major changes to the web's infrastructure. In the year since I wrote that, a number of major websites have "solved" the WiFi eavesdropping problem by either making encrypted HTTPS web traffic an accou...

   Web traffic,Security,HTTPS.Encryption,Wifi     2012-02-24 05:02:58


More and more I see articles popping up that bash social networks for "violating" our privacy and selling our information to advertisers. Inevitably, Facebook has been at the center of many of these "scandals". Today on HN I came across this interviewwith Disconnect co-founder Casey Oppenheim and I just don't get it.In it, he bashes Facebook (and other online advertisers) for using our information in order to serve up targeted ads. He points out that many of the " “free” service...

   Social network,Facebook,Privacy,Data,Ads     2011-10-19 14:12:08

  Why Javascript is a Joy

I’m probably a bit biased – being a front-end web developer for a few years will do that – but I really enjoy writing Javascript. I’ve recently retreated from pure coding the last few months, but I got an opportunity this past week to jump back into some tasks, and it has reminded me how fun it is to dive into our[1] front-end codebase. Yes, Javascript can be surprisingly elegant yet completely infuriating, and all on the same line of code; for a long time, ...

   JavaScript,Speed,Simplicity,Malleable     2012-03-26 15:00:31

  How many programmers does it take to screw in a lightbulb?

There seem to be a lot of “How many programmers does it take to screw in a lightbulb?” jokes floating around the Internet, but none aimed specifically for us SQA folk.  I have decided (perhaps mistakenly) that this is no longer acceptable.  If this decision is a mistake, I'm sure that someone else in QA will report it up as a bug and assign it to me.  For better or worse, there is now an SQA set of these jokes, thanks to me.  Now, without further ado, let the pun...

       2016-05-08 12:43:34

  Samsung Overtakes Apple as World’s Biggest Smartphone Seller

Oct. 28 (Bloomberg) -- Samsung Electronics Co. overtook Apple Inc. in the last quarter to become the world’s largest smartphone vendor amid a widening technology and legal battle between the two companies.Samsung shipped 27.8 million smartphones in the last quarter, taking 23.8 percent of the market, Milton Keynes, U.K.- based Strategy Analytics said in an e-mailed statement today. Apple’s 17.1 million shipments, comprising 14.6 percent of the market, pushed the Cupertino, Californ...

   Samsung,Apple,Samrtphone,Overtake,Samsung No. 1     2011-10-28 10:18:12

  5 Must See HTML5 Sites

With the release of the iPad, HTML5 technology has recently come into the spotlight.  The format that will likely kill Adobe’s Flash is a lot of fun to use, but we’ve  not seen much of it yet. The good news is that you don’t have to wait until the iPad is in your hands to see what HTML5 can do.  If you have a compatible browser, there are already a wealth of sites that show off the capabilities. First, make sure that you have a browser that is capable of ...

   HTML5,Web,Website,Demo     2011-07-01 11:24:44

  Different types of font icons

A website with just text belongs to the pre Web 2.0 era. A modern site will have different icons appearing on different places on the site. This will give the visitor a better visual feeling. But to have a set of consistent and well crafted icons is not an easy task. It may even require a dedicated icon designer to design them. Fortunately, we now can use font icons provided by many people around the web. Today we will introduce some of them. Font Awesome Font Awesome is an open source font ico...

   font icon, web design, font awesome     2015-07-19 06:22:48

  The Number One Trait of a Great Developer

Maybe the best programmers aren’t those who spectacularly solve crazy problems, but those who don’t create them, which is much more silent. – Lena HerrmannWhen I look around at other companies hiring Ruby on Rails developers, I see them focusing on three major traits: Super-smart; Large community following; Deep Ruby knowledge. They’re all wrong. While these are great aspects in moderation, they all miss the number one quality of a fantastic developer: Judge...

   Developer,Trait,Judgement,No. 1     2011-11-05 06:49:19