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SEARCH KEYWORD -- mobile apps

  Revenue = X

We've been experimenting with app prices for quite some time and again and again we've noticed a funny effect:No matter what price we choose, we always make the same revenue.I attached two charts to illustrate that. I recently lowered the price of the iPad app ( from 5 to 1 Dollars. At first the sales spike, then they even out to previous levels. Meaning: By cutting the price by factor 5, I am selling exactly 5 x more apps. Then we lowered the price of iA Writer for Mac...

   Revenue,Price,Productivity,Investment,Discount,Software     2011-11-17 02:31:58

  Best Tips for a brilliant responsive design

Portability of mobile devices have made it easier for the users to access internet. Consequently , this has increased a lot of of mobile traffic and has given birth to new terms such a mCommerce. Now the point is that as we know that technology is ephemeral , will we keep on investing time and money every time a new gadget is launched? Indeed yes, because this is what market demands!  But what if I say a that there is a technology which is independent of the size of the devices or a technol...

   responsive, mobile     2015-07-01 01:25:37

  Windows 8 Possible Features: Ribbon, Metro, Apps, Cloud Integration

Microsoft may still be plugging away at selling Windows 7 to consumers and the enterprise, but rumors have already started about the next version of the popular operating system—dubbed "Windows 8" by many in the media. Rafael Rivera and Paul Thurrott, two bloggers with a track record of delving into Microsoft's proprietary code base, recently sparked a fresh round of chatter with a dissection of a supposed Windows 8 early build, adding their voices to a discussion that extends back to 201...

   Windows 8,New features,Touch,Metro     2011-04-11 02:10:12

  Samsung S3 defeats iPhone 4S in sales in Q3

The market research firm Strategy Analytics publishes a research report which states global sales of Samsung Galaxy S3 is over iPhone 4S in the third quarter of 2012, it becomes the most popular mobile phone.From the chart below, Galaxy S3 was sold 18 million units in Q3, while iPhone 4S was sold 16.2 million units. Galaxy S3 took market share of 10.7%, and iPhone 4S took 9.7%.Perhaps people are not willing to buy iPhone 4S due to the launch of the iPhone 5, the iPhone 4S sales lost to Gala...

   Samsung S3,sale,iPhone 4S     2012-11-08 11:22:54

  How to Choose the Right Ruby on Rails Hosting Platform

Over the last decade, Ruby on Rails has become an increasingly popular framework for web-based apps. At its beginnings, hosting Rails was a real challenge and required a fair amount of relevant know-how. Nowadays, there are dozens of hosting platforms that provide cheap and accessible services for building and deploying Rails apps. In general, the choice of hosting should be based on your requirements and technical skills – some platforms are much more difficult to handle than others. Here...

   ruby on rails, ruby hosting     2015-01-30 06:27:47

  Only 4G can resolve the conflicts between China Telecom Carriers and WeChat ?

Why WeChat has made the three big Chinese telecom companies uncomfortable? Let's analyze from both technical and commercial levels. From a technical point of view, Mr. Huang, Dean of China Mobile Research Institute, described the impact of "always online service" applications like WeChat. Instead of using technical terms, we will explain in simple vivid phrases. First, mobile QQ, or WeChat, will have their own "request frequency". These requests are sent to the carrier network, to check the re...

   4G,WeChat,Telecom,China     2013-03-25 08:28:59

  What should Microsoft do after Steve Ballmer steps down?

Steve Ballmer decided to retire from Microsoft within 12 months last week. Where should Microsoft head to and what should they do on their products to maintain their influence.Whether you like or hate Ballmer, and regardless of who will replace him as Microsoft new CEO, his voice became a very important part of different Microsoft conferences, Ballmer said : "We need a CEO who will be here longer term for this new direction."Steve Ballmer is criticized for many things. Under his control, Micros...

   Microsoft,CEO,Trend     2013-08-26 07:33:41

  8 Very Simple and Easy Steps for Designing a Successful Launch Page

There are such a large number of new companies launching nowadays that you truly can't stand to waste your time for coding for your wonderful products. Also make sure that you are additionally making a list of your potential clients for your application. A Launching page will permit you to connect directly with great business people who can transform your company into compelling brand envoys. You can browse making a coming soon page or even a complete page including the items with their complete...

   app development, mobile apps, app design, app development sydney, iphone app, iphone app development     2014-12-12 00:40:10

  The biggest change ever of iOS--iOS 7

In this year's WWDC, Apple unveils its new iOS--iOS 7. The new iOS has the most significant change since it first came to the public. But many people may be disappointed about this. I am not one of them. In WWDC, Tim Cook said iOS 7 is more flatter than before and it has a completely new user interface design, new slide to unlock feature, official share and weather apps are redesigned. The weather apple now has almost the same feature as the newly updated Yahoo weather application. Ive said the...

   iOS 7,new design,Apple     2013-06-10 22:39:45

  Making Your Tech Conference Presentation, and Experience, Not Suck

Tech conferences are incredibly expensive, and not just in dollars. Even free conferences like BarCamps incur the expense of the attendee’s time. Taking time off from work or family is a hassle at the very least, and it’s time that isn’t billable. The draw of the conference boils down to those 45 minute sessions, and speaker and attendee alike should make the most of it. Speakers often start off by wasting time. They front-load the presentation with worthless informatio...

   Soft skill,Tech presentation,Advice,Highlight     2011-12-20 08:50:00