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  Code to Create Custom Share Buttons

Interested in sharing your B2B content on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn or delicious? Do multi-option social media sharing tools such as ShareThis seem like overkill?That was our conclusion after researching the social media sites on which readers are most likely to share content from our blog focused on solutions to a wide range of business challenges, What Works for Business. We decided that Facebook, LinkedIn, delicious, and Twitter were the sites on which our target busines...

   Share button,Web content,Facebook,Custom     2011-08-24 10:40:29

  India: The World's Secret Silicon Valley

You might not know it, but a key cog in the global innovation machine is hiding in plain sight in the world's largest democracyReutersFor many firms, developing new products for consumers around the world is the most visible manifestation of innovation - the "real deal." But many people still see India as a place where other people's ideas are made or executed and not where innovation begins. (After all, you don't hear about an Indian equivalent to Google, iPod or Viagra.) Bu they're wrong. In m...

   Innovation,India,Silicon Valley,GE,Chip,Intel     2011-11-16 08:06:54

  How big are PHP arrays (and values) really? (Hint: BIG!)

Upfront I want to thank Johannes and Tyrael for their help in finding some of the more hidden memory usage. In this post I want to investigate the memory usage of PHP arrays (and values in general) using the following script as an example, which creates 100000 unique integer array elements and measures the resulting memory usage: <?php $startMemory = memory_get_usage(); $array = range(1, 100000); echo memory_get_usage() - $startMemory, ' bytes'; How much would you expect it to ...

   PHP,Array,Memory occupation,Garbage collection     2011-12-16 10:06:04

  How to improve website rank in search engine?

Want to let people know your website? Want to get much web traffic ? Then you need to make sure that people can find your website. Currently, many people are using search engine to find what they are interested in. So besides good content, you need to spend some time on getting your website shown at the first few pages of the search engine. Here are 10 suggestions to improve your website rank in search engine.1. Webpage response speedSimilar to human beings, search engine hates waiting. Webpage ...

   Website rank,Suggestions,SEO     2012-07-23 13:28:27

  Let Your Programmers Be Silly

6Share You’re in the middle of a crazy startup development sprint. Pressure is sky high as you might have to fire everyone if you don’t generate significant traction over the next 4 months. Make it or #fail situation. The guys (I wish we’d have girls but … wait we have a student, anyway) are killing tickets and you’re pretty much on the target you’ve set with your investors. Not comfortably confident but ok. And you catch your guys debating, f...

   Programmer,Style,Management,Work     2012-01-29 04:31:56

  Pros and cons of 6 most popular test automation frameworks

Not everyone dappling into systems for test automation knows how to leverage the maximum benefit and keep them going in top shape for a long time. That's where test automation frameworks come in – they're basically sets of rules, standards, protocols and guidelines which can be incorporated into practice or simply followed to provide beneficial execution environments for automation test scripts.   Why are test automation frameworks important?   Test automation frameworks offer m...

       2015-11-30 08:14:23

  Online Branding Tips for Small Businesses

Although an aspect ignored by many people who venture into the business sector, building a brand with a strong online presence may be one of the small details which can improve your performance significantly in the long run. Having said that, in this article, we’ll explore a few different online marketing and branding strategies and tips to help you build a stronger brand online.        #1 Build an identity When people hear about the name of your business, the...

   BRANDING,SOCIAL BUSINESS     2019-05-16 07:38:25

  How Kafka achieves high throughput low latency

Kafka is a message streaming system with high throughput and low latency. It is widely adopted in lots of big companies. A well configured Kafka cluster can achieve super high throughput with millions of concurrent writes. How Kafka can achieve this? This post will try to explain some technologies used by Kafka. Page cache + Disk sequential write Every time when Kafka receives a record, it will write it to disk file eventually. But if it writes to disk every time it receives a record, it would ...

   BIG DATA,KAFKA     2019-03-08 09:42:57

  JavaScript programming style

Douglas Crockford is a JavaScript expert, he is the inventor of JSON. In November 2011 he made a speech "Youtube", during the speech he talked about what JavaScript programming style is.I recommend this speech to everyone, it not only helps you learn JavaScript but also make you enjoying because Crockford is very humorous and he made audience laugh frequently.Next I will summarize JavaScript programming style according to this speech and his article code convention. The so-called programming ...

   JavaScript, programming style,Curly braces,Equal     2015-10-14 10:16:44

   Move.Me Writing Your Own WebSocket Server

The WebSocket protocol has applications beyond plain vanilla web development.  I will explain how the protocol works, how to implement your own server and share some insights I had along the way. Before we get down and dirty, I will explain what I’ve been doing with it. At this point I expect many of you are saying “I’m not working on a web game this doesn’t seem relevant to me.” Well, neither am I. I embed a WebSocket server into my game engine and wit...

   Socket,NetWorking,WebSocket,Server development     2012-01-28 07:06:43