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SEARCH KEYWORD -- customer relationship management services

  Understanding How is Data Stored in RDBMS

We all know that DBMS (database management system) is used to store (a massive amount of) data. However, have you ever wondered how is data stored in DBMS? In this post, we will focus on data storage in RDBMS, the most traditional relational database systems. Physical Storage Data can be stored in many different kinds of medium or devices, from the fastest but costy registers to the slow but cheap hard drives, or even magnetic tapes. Nowadays, IaaS providers such as AWS...

   RDBMS,DATABASE     2019-02-04 09:25:36

  Is Java the platform of the future?

I've mentioned before, but I think we are living in a period of time where a bigger explosion of programming languages is occurring than at any time in the past four decades. Having lived through a number of the classic languages such as BASIC, Simula, Pascal, Lisp, Prolog, C, C++ and Java, I can understand why people are fascinated with developing new ones: whether it's compiled versus interpreted, procedural versus functional, languages optimised for web development or embedded devices,...

   Java,Platform,Future     2012-04-03 12:59:52

  Google open sources its Collaborative IDE

July 9, 2012 news, Google engineer Scott Blum published an article on Google+ which revealed that Google would open source the Collaborative IDE. The project was named "Collide" (collaborative IDE), which is a Web collaborative code editor. Google hopes that Collide can serve as a catalyst for improving the state of web-based IDEs.Caution Collide does not have any proper auth, SSL support, or user account management just yet. Please consider that fact when running instances that expose important...

   Google,Open source,Collide IDE     2012-07-09 10:55:20

  Cracking the Data Lineage Code

What is Data Lineage?  Data lineage describes the life-cycle of data, from its origins to how it is manipulated over time until it reaches its present form. The lineage explains the various processes involved in the data flow of an organization and the factors that influence each process. In other words, data lineage provides data about your data.  Data lineage helps organizations of all sizes handle Big Data, as finding the creation point of the data and its evolution provides valuabl...

   BIG DATA, DATA LINEAGE,BUSINESS     2019-08-08 12:41:42

  Productivity tips for freelance web designers

There are lots of great things about freelance, such as not being tied to a desk, flexible working hours and little, if any, supervision. All freelance web designers probably realize that one of the biggest challenges of their job is the issue of productivity. How to motivate yourself and stay productive every day with no external supervisors telling us to complete a task right now? Here are five practical productivity hacks for all freelance web designers who want to boost their performance. 1....

   productivity tips, freelance, web designers, productivity hacks     2015-02-13 01:40:29

  Taking Precautions to Avoid Shady VPN Providers

VPNs or virtual private networks are virtual tunnels that obscure your IP address, routing your internet traffic through a server located in a country of your choice, in an encrypted and anonymous way. Using a VPN allows you to: secure your sensitive data from hackers obscure the IP address so you can see content not available in your country avoid websites you routinely surf (e.g., Facebook) noticing a different IP address when you are traveling, and asking you to verify your identity bypass t...

   VPN,NETWORKING     2019-02-19 07:26:26

  Fujitsu CTO: Flash is just a stopgap

Flash is a necessary waystation as we travel to a single in-memory storage architecture. That's the view from a Fujitsu chief technology officer's office. Dr Joseph Reger, CTO at Fujitsu Technology Solutions, is that office-holder, and – according to him – flash is beset with problems that will become unsolvable. He says we are seeing increases in flash density at the expense of our ability to read and write data. Each shrink in process geometry, from 3X to 2X and onto 1X, ...

   Flash,Memory,Bottleneck,Limitation,Futur     2011-08-12 07:31:34

  What makes a great IT project manager

Since IT project management is a field in constant flux, there's no one universal definition of a great IT project manager. Still, there are some skills and features that can be easily adapted to any working environment, meeting new organizational needs and consequent challenges. A significant problem is the fact that project manager will mean different things to different people (even within the same organization!). Some say that the greatest IT project managers are those who are able to balanc...

   project management     2015-07-06 02:15:46

  Hidden messages in logos

A logo is the simplest thing a user can remember about a product or a company. A good logo design will leave deep impression to customers. Each logo tries to convey either their product information or company vision to customers, this information may be easily understood with a glance or it contains some hidden messages which need us to figure out. Today we share some logos which contain some hidden messages. 1. Fedex The arrow between E and X means Fedex will deliver the product to the right p...

   Logo,Meaning     2013-10-01 07:52:05

  The Failure of Passive Recruiting: Recruiters

This is an actual conversation I had with a recruiter:Phone rings and I pick it upHim: Hi, is Paul there?Aaron: May I ask who is calling?Him: I have a technical question. Aaron: Ok, what is it?Him: Are you technical?Aaron: Yes. Who is this?Him: Who are you?Aaron: Are you a recruiter?Him: Yes and…Aaron: Great, send us your resumes, if we like what you send over, we’ll let you know if we want to meet with the candidates, other tha...

   Recruiter,HR,Recruitment,Failure,Hire     2011-10-26 06:59:33