Today's Question:  What does your personal desk look like?        GIVE A SHOUT


  The Web Is Wrong

The Analogies Are Wrong Originally, web pages were static documents, and web browsers were static document viewers; there was text, some formatting, and images—if you could pay for the bandwidth to serve them. Hyperlinks were the really big thing, because they were the main point of user interaction—but what a powerful thing they were, and still are. Then along came CGI and Java, and the web was transformed: all of a sudden, a web browser became a way to serve interactive co...

   Web,Feature,Static document,CSS,Text     2011-12-31 15:43:53

  HTTP Streaming and Internet Explorer

In early 2006, Alex Russell posted about a neat hack that the Google Talk team in Gmail use to support Comet in Internet Explorer, a trick which works as far back as IE 5.01. What great news! A reliable way to stream Comet messages to Microsoft’s browsers. If only it were that easy. I have not been alone in the following findings: after connecting the htmlfile ActiveX object as a streaming Comet transport to my Comet server, everything works perfectly for a few messages, but then abruptly...

   IE,Streaming,JavaScript,htmlfile,ActiveX     2011-09-05 04:05:23

  Becoming a Better Developer Part 3: Enjoy the Panorama

If you're trying to grow your startup you've come to the right place. Get my 170-page ebook on how to grow a startup and join thousands of self-funded entrepreneurs by subscribing to my newsletter at right. I’m writing this while sitting on a beach chair overlooking the Gulf of Guinea near Cape Coast in Ghana, West Africa. Although it’s slightly overcast the view is amazing, with whitewater stretching out in both directions as far as my laser-corrected eyes can see. Bein...

   Developer,Tips     2011-06-29 08:41:33

  Upcoming Product from Nokia: Nokia 2

With the emergence of telephone, the field of communication has seen a revolution. It was the time when people were able to talk to each other on the phone directly, and the reliance on letters was just reduced. Later entered the cell phones where the users were able to communicate with a phone call or even with SMS. The cell phones made it easy for the users to talk to each other even if they are moving from one place to another. To add value to the cell phones then entered the smartphones to t...

   SMARTPHONE,NOKIA 2     2017-11-06 23:29:02

  On Programming Deadlines

There are a lot of differences between programming, and programming professionally. The most notorious of which, is deadlines.DeadlinesWhen you're writing code for yourself, you can spend as much (or as little time) on it as you please--but when you're writing code for other people, you've got only a limited amount of time and resources to get the job done. In my experience, this typically leads to one of two situations:You've got to extend the deadline to finish the job properly.You've got to w...

   Programming,Deadline,Transparent,Test,TODO     2011-11-01 07:10:21

  How to write good requirements

Requirements are pretty ubiquitous in the embedded world. They are used to define tasks, help coordinate large development efforts, and to communicate the behavior of the desired end product between the developers and the customer. When done right, requirements can be very useful. Unfortunately, if you spend much time working in the embedded world you quickly discover that there are a lot of bad requirements. And then when you try to go fix them, you quickly discover that writing good req...

   Requirement gathering,Good requirement     2012-02-18 12:53:15

  Code reviews in the 21st Century

There's an old adage that goes something like: 'Do not talk about religion or politics'.  Why?  Because these subjects are full of strong opinions but are thin on objective answers.   One person's certainty is another person's skepticism; someone else's common sense just appears as an a prior bias to those who see matters differently.  Sadly,  conversing these controversial subjects can generate more heat than light.   All too often people can get s...

   Code review,21 Centuary     2012-02-10 06:39:14

  As A Hottest Job Ever, What Should You Know As A Front End Web Developer?

The front end web developers are the openers for the visitors to visit the web page. It is also known as the client-side development, works predominantly with HTML, CSS, and Javascript. The tools and techniques are the important players of the front end web development. The developer must be aware of the updation of web technologies.The scope is evergreen with this technology as every company or business needs a website to showcase their profile. There are many objectives must be measured while ...


  The Five Stages of Hosting

As a proud VPS survivor, I thought it might be fun to write up five common options for hosting a web business, ranked in decreasing order of 'cloudiness'. People who aren't interested in this kind of minutia would be wise to pull the rip cord right here. 1. The Monastery You run your site on an 'application platform' like Heroku, Azure, or Google App Engine. You design your application around whatever metaphors and APIs the service lays out, and in return you are veiled from all t...

   Website hosting,Recommendations,Stages,Advantages     2012-01-30 05:43:42

  How to play with cross domain request

What is cross domain request In simple, cross domain request is to request resource from other domain in one domain. Note, the "other domain" doesn't just mean domain name only, it includes much more. If the protocol, domain name, port is not the same, two domains will be considered different.  Below example describes what is considered as different domain.               # Same domain &nb...