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SEARCH KEYWORD -- development

  Password-less login

Most websites need user login in order to provide personalized content to visitors. The usual way is to request user to register an user account. Actually, this is not so appealing since if we need to remember one password for each website, it's troublesome, while for developers, it's their responsibility to protect password, once password is leaked, then it's a big headache to a website's business and reputation. So long time ago people started thinking about password-less login, this is a big ...

   Password-lesslogin,Authentication     2012-11-05 12:29:55

  App Store, Most Effective Weaponry In Apple’s Armor

Apple’s most effective and effectual weaponry is its app store. Surprisingly however, the first generation iPhone did not support any Mobile apps, and Steve Jobs was actually proud of this fact. Back then, in 2007, third party mobile apps were not allowed on the iPhone. Jobs in-fact announced that Mobile app developers could use the most modern standards and write customized mobile apps for the iPhone web browser. He said, “We think we’ve got a very sweet story for you. You can...

   Mobile app developers, customized mobile apps, software development kit,     2015-07-28 03:26:19

  jsonSerialize() in extended class

Since PHP 5.4.0, there is a convenient interface JsonSerializable which can be used to indicate that a PHP object can be serialized to JSON object. It has only one method which should be implemented by any class which implements this interface. The method is named jsonSerialize(). It's really easy to serialize an object to JSON object. Here is one example: <?php class ArrayValue implements JsonSerializable { public function __construct(array $array) { $this->array = $array; ...

   JSON,jsonSerialize,Inheritance,extends     2014-07-26 05:54:00

  Push docker image to remote AWS ECR

With the popularity of distributed and large-scale systems, there are more and more adoptions of cloud services. One of the most popular container in the market is Docker and one of the most popular cloud service provider is AWS. From development perspective, there is frequent need to push local docker image to remote ECR for debugging or testing purpose. Normally when a code change is done and the committed change would go through a series of process like code review, push to remote repo, merge...

   CLOUD,AWS,DOCKER,AWS ECR     2020-12-13 04:12:26

  ARM adopts 64-bit architecture

ARM has disclosed technical details about its new v8 architecture - the first to include a 64-bit instruction set - at ARM TechCon 2011 in Santa Clara, California.The next-gen architecture will expand the reach of ARM processors in the consumer and enterprise markets where extended virtual addressing and 64-bit data processing are required.According to ARM CTO Mike Muller, ARMv8 architecture consists of two main execution states: AArch64 and AArch32. 

The AArch64 execution state int...

   ARM,Processor,64 bit,Architecture,v8,Nvidia     2011-10-28 10:31:52

  Essential skills any web developer should have

As a web developer, besides writing HTML code, there is much more to do before the site can go live. You may consider about user experience, device compatibility, security etc. To be a good web developer, you should acquire some essential skills for web development. Below we list some of them. Some of them you may be familiar with a long time ago, but definitely some of them you may not be so familiar with or even never hear about before. Interface and User Experience Be aware that browsers imp...

   Web development,User experience     2014-03-21 06:44:49

  How to be an excellent programmer

To use a programming language is very easy for a programmer, but it's a dream for many programmers to be an expert software developer. There are five levels of programmers: Novice, Senior novice, competent, proficient, and expert. Most programmers are senior novice. And programmer living in this level are a lot of people who have 1 to 10 years work experience.As a programmer, how to find the bottlenecks for your improvement and how to improve yourself quickly? This is really not an easy question...

   Programming,Tips,Habit     2013-03-26 09:53:38

  Expectations, Desperation And Anticipation All You Need To Know About iOS 9.3

With so much anticipation filled among the audience, iOS 9.3 on contrary came out to be as a blooper. All the users were filled with a lot of enthusiasm about the latest advancements in the software, but the final release went to several crest and troughs. iOS 9.3 was quite important for the users when it comes to mobile OS update, however this did not go as it was expected to be for the iOS. The latest software in some cases is locking users. Along with the users this has also creased the eye ...


  Turn Your Visitors Into Shoppers With Responsive Magento Website

In recent years, there has been an influential growth in the number of internet users across the world. If statistics are to be believed, almost 83% of the web users are engaged over smart devices like Tablets, Mobiles, Ipads, Laptops, Desktop, etc. In 2008, the core community of Magento released a spellbinding web development solution i.e Responsive Magento Website to uniformly serve the target audience. Due to technological advancement in digital realm, there has been a splurged introduction o...


  Send email using PHPMailer on GoDaddy hosting

According to PHPMailer troubleshooting guide, GoDaddy has a very strict rule on sending email using PHPMailer. Popular US hosting provider GoDaddy imposes very strict (to the point of becoming almost useless) constraints on sending an email. They block outbound SMTP to ports 25, 465 and 587 to all servers except their own. This problem is the subject of many frustrating questions on Stack Overflow. If you find your script works on your local machine, but not when you upload it to GoDaddy, ...

   PHP,PHPMAILER,GODADDY     2018-11-16 08:28:55