Today's Question:  What does your personal desk look like?        GIVE A SHOUT


  Can two new objects point to the same memory address in GoLang?

Do you have any idea what the output will be for below GoLang snippet? package main import ( "fmt" ) type obj struct{} func main() { a := &obj{} fmt.Printf("%p\n", a) c := &obj{} fmt.Printf("%p\n", c) fmt.Println(a == c) } Many people would think that a and c are two different object instances which have different memory addresses. Hence a == c will be false. But if you try to run the above program, you would see below output 0x5781c8 0x5781c8 true To get to know the reason wh...

   GO,GOLANG,VARIABLE ESCAPE,ZEROBASE     2019-04-06 01:19:52

  strange thing in PHP session variable and local variable

A few minutes ago, I noticed one strange thing when I did my PHP web application development.The situation is described below:I want to display a user's profile using a query parameter user=user_id as the parameter. And also the session variable when user logs in  is $_SESSION["user"].So before displaying the user's profile, I need to either get the query string parameter user and create a local variable called $user and assign value to it as $user=$_REQUEST["user"].Here comes the strange t...

   PHP,session,variable name,change automat     2011-06-13 12:23:59

  Sort an array with only one local variable

Array sorting algorithm question is frequently asked during technical interviews. There are lots of sort algorithms including bubble sort, selection sort, insertion sort, quick sort, merge sort etc. Usually interviewees will be asked to implement sort algorithms. But have you ever been asked to sort an array which you are allowed to define ONLY ONE local variable in your algorithm?  Bubble sort can be used to do this actually. Normally a bubble sort algorithm may need three local ...


  Name resolution order in JavaScript

To understand what value a variable has in JavaScript, we need to understand some concepts such as scope and name resolution order. JavaScript has two scopes; one is program level and the other one is function level. Unlike in C,C++ or Java, JavaScript has no block level scope. So a variable defined in a if block will still be available outside. For example, the below example: var foo = 1; function bar() { if (true) { var foo = 10; } alert(foo); } bar(); The alert will display 10 since the ...

   JavaScript,Scope,Name resolution     2013-07-10 01:29:28

  A small trick on using console.log to print data in JavaScript

When debugging JavaScript application, one may frequently use console.log to print data so that it is easy to debug when issue occurs and also helps on understand the data flow. The common way of printing a variable would be something like.  let user = { name: "test" }; console.log(user); In this case it will print: { name: 'test' } This is OK when there is no much logging or the program is not complicated. But it becomes difficult to debug if there are lots of variables to be printed ...

   JAVASCRIPT,CONSOLE.LOG,DEBUGGING     2019-09-03 10:24:24

  Valid JavaScript variable names

Did you know var π = Math.PI; is syntactically valid JavaScript? I thought this was pretty cool, so I decided to look into which Unicode glyphs are allowed in JavaScript variable names, or identifiers as the ECMAScript specification calls them. Reserved words The ECMAScript 5.1 spec says: An Identifier is an IdentifierName that is not a ReservedWord. The spec describes four groups of reserved words: keywords, future reserved words, null literals and boolean lite...

   JavaScript,Name convention,Standard     2012-02-22 05:16:53

  PHP 7 is coming soon

After a few RCs, PHP 7 will be officially released on November 12, 2015. This is a major release of PHP since PHP 5.6. @Laruence, one of the core contributors of PHP, has posted this news on Weibo(China's Twitter).  This is a one month later than the expected time as recorded in PHP 7 timeline. But it's not that late. The new release will come with a few features including: Scalar type declaration, you can define variable like int now Return type support. Besides declare scalar type ...

   RELEASE DATE,PHP7     2015-11-08 09:13:37

  C programming tips in SPARC architecture

If you are a newbie of C programmers in SPARC architecture (For example, working on Solaris), you should pay attention to the following tips:(1) By default, SPARC is big-endian (For Endianness, you can refer It means for an integer (short, int, long, etc), the MSB will be stored in the lower address, while the LSB will be stored in the higher address. (2) SPARC requires byte-alignment. It means for a short (2 bytes long) variable, the star...

   C     2014-06-01 03:56:30

  try { return } finally {}

Do you know what value will be printed when following program is ran? class Test { public int aaa() { int x = 1; try { return ++x; } catch (Exception e) { } finally { ++x; } return x; } public static void main(String[] args) { Test t = new Test(); int y =; System.out.println(y); } } And before answering the above question, do you have answers to following questions? If ther...

   JAVA,JAVA INTERVIEW QUESTION     2016-09-26 08:06:28

  Vim anti-patterns

The benefits of getting to grips with Vim are immense in terms of editing speed and maintaining your “flow” when you’re on a roll, whether writing code, poetry, or prose, but because the learning curve is so steep for a text editor, it’s very easy to retain habits from your time learning the editor that stick with you well into mastery. Because Vim makes you so fast and fluent, it’s especially hard to root these out because you might not even notice them...

   Vim,Anti-pattern,macro,syntax     2012-02-08 10:06:15