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SEARCH KEYWORD -- User experience

  7 big mistakes that make your layout a disaster

Even though the web design field has become a real industry, building a website is part art, part science. The design of a website may attract people but it may also make them run away, it depends on the work of the web designer. The experience, the talent and the capacity of endeavor are the greatest tools of a web designer, a good layout is based on all of these and, besides that, it is a very time consuming activity.Making a good layout is difficult and judging its value is subjective, a desi...

   Web design,Mistakes,Content,White space     2011-11-24 03:36:23

  Difference between localhost and

Lots of people would think what the address is when first seeing this address. In fact, is a loopback address which refers to the local machine. It is generally used for local testing. When typing ping on local command console, it will send network packets to local IP/TCP layer to test whether IP/TCP works properly or not.  To those who are used to use localhost, it is actually mapped to by default. There are hosts files in the system which store this...

   LINUX,NETWORK,LOCALHOST,,LOCALHOST VS     2018-09-29 22:11:12

  The Golden Age of Design in Startups

I just returned from Dave McClure’s excellent Warm Gun Conference, and I haven’t been this excited to be a designer in a while. The entire event was about design, metrics, and products, and even more importantly the people at the conference were many of the who’s who in Bay Area design. From what I saw and experienced there I daresay there are signs we’re entering a golden age of Design. The evidence: 1. The startups being invested in are designer-led. Take the...

   Designer,Golden age,Startup,Talent,Founder     2011-12-05 12:35:33

  Top 7 M-Commerce Trends to Pay Attention in 2018

Ever since eCommerce came to mobile, new technologies have been providing an advanced shopping experience to the users. Every year new concepts are introducing in the industry to improve the ways users are shopping through smartphones, tablets, and other mobile devices. Pieces of evidence advocate that more than 80% of buyers prefer using smartphones than computers to search products, compare prices and, locate stores. According to Statista, m-commerce revenue is forecasted to reach $669 b...


  That “JavaScript not available” case

During some interesting discussions on Twitter yesterday I found that there is now more than ever a confusion about JavaScript dependence in web applications and web sites. This is a never ending story but it seems to me to flare up ever time our browsing technology leaps forward. I encountered this for the first time back in the days of DHTML. We pushed browsers to their limits with our lovely animated menus and 3D logos (something we of course learned not to do again, right?) and we were ...

   JavaScript,Security,Banned,Reason     2012-01-04 02:37:35

  Chrome 23 supports Do Not Track now

Google has upgraded its browser to Chrome 23, released for Windows, Mac, Linux and Chrome framework. New features brought by Chrome 23 include GPU video decode acceleration, more convenient site permissions management and start supporting DNT agreement. The most important feature of this version upgrade is the support for "Do Not Track (DNT)". As one of the solutions to address online privacy issues, DNT protocol allows Internet users to control how their privacy information can be tracked, als...

   Chrome 23, Do Not Track,DNT     2012-11-07 11:27:26

  Mark Zuckerbeg's hacker way

According to TechCrunch, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg wrote codes for the latest mobile IM application : Poke, the tone played when receiving push notifications is from the mouth of Zuckerberg. This approach reflects the way pursued by Zuckerberg : hacker way.As one of the earliest features of Facebook the "Poking" is invented by Zuckerberg, it is not surprising that Zuckerberg involves in Poke's development.Zuckerberg recorded his own voice on the phone initially just for fun. But he was later ...

   Poke,Facebook,Snapchat, Mark Zuckerberg     2012-12-24 12:01:52

  Method chaining and lazy evaluation in Ruby

Method chaining has been all the rage lately and every database wrapper or aything else that’s uses queries seems to be doing it. But, how does it work? To figure that out, we’ll write a library that can chain method calls to build up a MongoDB query in this article. Let’s get started! Oh, and don’t worry if you haven’t used MongoDB before, I’m just using it as an example to query on. If you’re using this guide to build a querying library...

   Ruby,Method chaining,Lazy evaluation,Implementation     2011-11-29 08:51:17

  Beginners guide to Linux directory structure

Have you ever looked in your / directory, you’ll see a lot of directories. Here we are presenting beginners guide to linux directory structure explaining what they mean and what are the contents of these directories.Screenshot of contents of root directory: /This is called root partition. All files and directories start with root partition. Write privileges under this directory are avaible with root user only. Not to confuse it with root user’s home directory, know the ...

   Linux,File system structure,Beginner's guide     2012-04-20 12:19:32

  Dieter Rams' 10 principles of good web design

Dieter Rams is one of the most important designers of the 20th century but his famous 10 principles for good design focused on industrial design. Here Lisbon-based designer Nuno Loureiro applies them to web design “My heart belongs to the details. I actually always found them to be more important than the big picture. Nothing works without details. They are everything, the baseline of quality”  â€“ D...

   Web design,Principle,Innovation     2012-02-08 10:29:32