Today's Question:  What does your personal desk look like?        GIVE A SHOUT


  Will Microsoft use Windows 8 to replace Metro?

Since there is some dispute with a German company Metro AG on the word "Metro", it is said that Microsoft will abandon "Metro" in Windows 8. Then what will be the replacement of "Metro"? According to Zdnet, the answer may be Windows 8. Microsoft reminds Windows developers not to use "Metro" when they mention interface of Windows Phone or Windows 8 in their apps and recommends that the developers use New User Interface when they describe Windows 8 style interface design. Microsoft officially anno...

   Windows 8,Metro,name     2012-08-10 13:32:00

  Web Security: In-Depth Explanation of X-XSS-Protection

What is X-XSS-Protection X-XSS-Protection is an HTTP response header designed to enable or configure built-in cross-site scripting (XSS) filters in certain versions of Internet Explorer, Chrome, and Safari. The purpose of these filters is to detect reflected XSS attacks in the response and prevent the loading of pages, thereby protecting users from such attacks. The X-XSS-Protection response header was initially introduced by Microsoft in Internet Explorer 8 to control the browser's XSS filter. ...


  How multitasking really works on Android and iOS

As the horsepower packed into mobile devices gets ever greater, more full-featured forms of multitasking are possible. The market leaders have very different ways of going about things, and there are numerous misconceptions about what is going on behind the scenes. This isn’t all the fault of the user, though. In the interest of ease of use, sometimes the multitasking metaphor is overly simplified on both Android and iOS. iOS: It’s more complicated than it looksEver since iOS...

   Android,iOs,Multitasking,Task bar     2012-01-06 09:58:09

  Bash Shell Scripting - 10 Seconds Guide

This Bash shell scripting guide is not a detailed study but a quick reference to the BASH syntax. So lets begin... Common environment variables PATH - Sets the search path for any executable command. Similar to the PATH variable in MSDOS. HOME - Home directory of the user. MAIL - Contains the path to the location where mail addressed to the user is stored. IFS - Contains a string of characters which are used as word seperators in the command line. The string normally consists of the spac...

   Bash,Shell,Linux,Tutorial,10 seconds,Shortcut key     2012-02-28 08:05:41

  Remote execute command in Java example

Frequently there is a need to logon to a remote system and run some commands or programs to get the output, many software can serve this purpose such as putty and gitshell.These software usually provide secure access to the remote system. But have you ever wondered what to do if you need to run commands on many different systems at the same time and get all these results back at a single place? Especially in big data era, many tasks may run on different distributed systems and you want o have a ...

   JSch, Example, Distributed system, SSH2     2014-12-12 03:20:19

  Why is Great Design so Hard?

I want to take a slight detour from usable privacy and security and discuss issues of design. I was recently at the Microsoft Faculty Summit, an annual event where Microsoft discusses some of the big issues and directions they are headed. In one of the talks, a designer at Microsoft mentioned two data points I've informally heard before but had never confirmed. First, the ratio of developers to user interface designers at Microsoft was 50:1. Second, this ratio was better than any other comp...

   Apple,Microsoft,UI design     2011-03-28 02:06:31

  Why is Design the Body Language of the Web?

Good web design is not just about the looks. It is also about the message being delivered to the user and this is probably much more important that it being pretty. Designing a visual message which will contain text has to be easily understood by the people you deliver that message to.Given this, you have to master the method of connecting to the people that visit your website. Besides knowing what they want and what they are looking for, you will have to know how to make it comfortable for them...

   Web design,Body language,Visual,Connection,Focus,Communication     2011-10-26 03:24:53

  30 minutes to fix Java vulnerability

On September 25, Adam Gowdiak from the Polish security consulting firm Security Explorations submitted a Java security vulnerability to Oracle and provided a proof-of-concept. The vulnerability exists in Java 5 6,7, once the user accesses hosted malware site, an attacker can remotely control the infected machine.Gowdiak later got in touch again with Oracle and got the response that the fix has reached the final stage. He can expect the patch in four months later. He eventually unbearable Oracle'...

   Java, Vulnerability,Fix     2012-10-29 11:53:43

  Telecom elements in WeChat

As an engineer who spends much time on focusing on WeChat like applications(Skype, Fring, Viber, Kik Messenger, WhatsApp, Talkbox, LINE, Kakao Talk) , I would like to share with you the telecom element in WeChat to show the inheritance and integration of traditional telecom services in the Internet service and applications.First, WeChat is an application to send messages, the fully IP-based messaging capabilities may replace the traditional telecom services such as SMS, MMS and VMS ,This is ver...

   WeChat,Telecom operator     2013-04-13 20:29:46

  Pinterest announces open registration

Pinterest is on-line for two years. During these two years, it gains big growth, but it needs invitation before you can register on Pinterest. Now Pinterest announces open registration, it means that anyone can register on Pinterest with emails, Facebook or Twitter accounts, no need to get invitation from others. In its official blog, Pinterest says: We’re really excited to have the capacity to offer Pinterest to more people and if you’re a Pinner with friends who’ve been wait...

   Pinterest,Social,Open registration     2012-08-09 01:56:23