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  The History of Programming Languages

This post is part of our ReadWriteHack channel, which is a resource and guide for developers. The channel is sponsored by the Intel AppUp Developer Program. As you're exploring these resources, check out this helpful resource from our sponsors: AIR for AppUp: What You Need To Know Rackspace recently published a nice infographic on the evolution of programming languages. It starts with FORTRAN and COBOL and runs through Ruby on Rails (which, yes, is a framework and not a language). Unfo...

   History,Programming language,C,Java,Java     2011-07-28 09:00:23

  Importance of Side Projects

Side projects are important for a few reasons. Programming is a creative process. Side projects allow programming without deadlines or restraints. Side projects allow programming in an exploratory way. Explore new technologies Every day there are more and more bleeding edge technologies coming out. A side project is a great place to try them out. There’s no reason to worry about bugs or performance issues because it’s just a side project. You’re not depending on the ...

   Side project,Creative idea,Dealine,Scratch,Launch     2011-11-28 03:17:22

  I've run out of adjectives

The news of Dennis Ritchie's passing hit hard. So much has been written in the past day. His impact was enormous, and outside the tech world, mostly unknown - but very much felt. C underpins everything. My whole career has grown out of C and Unix. Wow.For most engineers working today, it's hard to understand the euphoria I felt in the 70s when a programming language finally came along that I (and everyone else) could use to move up from writing in assembler to a real programming l...

   Dennis Ritchie,James Gosling,Death,Praise,Comment,C     2011-10-20 02:55:58

  If we use programming language names as building names

Today I came across some interesting building names while wandering around technology park of Singapore. Most of these names are biotech related. They are Chromos,  Centros, Matrix, Genome, Proteos, Nanos, Helios, Neuros, Immunos, Synapse and Amnios. Chromos Centros Matrix Genome Proteos Nanos Helios Neuros Immunos Synapse Amnios I am wondering whether there are building which are named with programming language names. Do you see anyone of them anywhere?...

   Buidling name,Programming language     2013-08-16 06:02:26

  XML Abuse

It’s everywhere. XML Abuse. From Domain Specific Languages to Data Serialization, XML is the most commonly abused data format I’ve ever encountered. XML is perfectly fine for (because it was designed for this): First of all: XML was designed to be written by humans and read by humans. Nearly all generated XML I’ve seen sucks badly. I think this is because XML cannot efficiently represent common data structures found in programming languages.XML is good...

   XML,Abuse,Alternative,Serialization,Data storage     2011-12-14 07:12:10

  Before Python

This morning I had a chat with the students at Google's CAPE program. Since I wrote up what I wanted to say I figured I might as well blog it here. Warning: this is pretty unedited (or else it would never be published :-). I'm posting it in my "personal" blog instead of the "Python history" blog because it mostly touches on my career before Python. Here goes.Have you ever written a computer program? Using which language?HTMLJavascriptJavaPythonC++COther - which?[It turned out the students ha...

   Python,History,Programming language,B     2012-01-18 08:08:53

  Hacking Vs. Programming

What is the difference between Hacking and programming? One opinion I have heard expressed is that a hacker can put a lot of code together in a hurry but if a change is needed the code has to be completely rewritten. A programmer may take a little longer but if changes are needed they are more quickly and easily installed without the need for a complete rewrite. One source I heard attributed an observation like this to Maggie Johnson of Google. It rings true to me though. Hacking is usual...

   Hacking,Programming,Coding style     2012-04-23 06:09:24

  Want to be a programmer? Top programming languages that will be result driven in 2017

Programmers are always high in demand in software industry: take any corporate blue chip Software Company India for instance; programmers are playing a pivotal role in company’s business and relevant growth. In that case if you are planning to pursue a programmer’s career and earn fat package, here goes the range of option for your further study. Alternatively, if you are an employer and you want to understand the basic idea of coding, the outline description of popular programming ...


  The use of Erlang in Facebook chat

Erlang  is a general-purpose concurrent, garbage-collected programming language and runtime system. It stays strong while building concurrency programs. Erlang provides language-level features for creating and managing processes with the aim of simplifying concurrent programming. It has large application in many chat service well known now such as Whatsapp and initial version of Facebook chat. Previously we have written an article Use of Erlang in WhatsApp. In this post, we will talk about...

   Facebook,Erlang     2014-02-25 07:12:36

  C program to shutdown or turn off computer

C Program to shutdown your computer :- This program turn off i.e shutdown your computer system. Firstly it will asks you to shutdown your computer if you press 'y' the your computer will shutdown in 30 seconds, system function of "stdlib.h" is used to run an executable file shutdown.exe which is present in C:\WINDOWS\system32 in windows-xp. You can use various options while executing shutdown.exe for example -s option shutdown the computer after 30 seconds, if you wish to shutdown immediately th...

   C,Windows,Shutdown,Command,Code     2011-10-10 07:08:31