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  CSS and HTML5 responsive images

With the popularity of Retina screen, the requirement of the images in the webpages is higher. How to make sure the image still clear while enlarging twice on retina screen? This brings much trouble to web developers, the good news is CSS3 and HTML5 is trying to change this, we can use response image. What is responsive image? It means user agent loads different images according to different resolutions of output devices, it will not waste bandwidth as well. In addition, it can load respective ...

   CSS3, HTML5,image-set,responsive image     2013-03-10 03:30:07

  How to upload file to FTP server using C# Asp.Net

This post is about uploading files to FTP server in development. You will learn step-by-step to upload files programmatically to FTP web server. All the examples shared in this post are intended by professionals to make you learn about the subject Here, I will explain you an example of Uploading Files to FTP Server programmatically in C#.Net. Using this approach, the Files will be programmatically uploaded to FTP Web Server. For example, I will create a function in which we will simply p...

   ASP.NET,DEVELOPMENT     2016-06-24 08:45:37

  Please Steal These webOS Features

When Apple introduced the first iPad in 2010, I bought one immediately. I didn’t know what I’d use it for, but I was sure that I would find some use for it. I never did. I played around with it, wrote some code for it, but eventually stopped using it. I would pick it up from time to time to read something or watch a YouTube movie, but even that was a rare occurrence. I have since picked up an iPad 2, and I’m using it a lot more than the first iPad, but again, I’...

   WebOS,Feature,HP,borrow     2012-02-22 05:45:49

  What is good design?

Some quotes about good design from a Germany designer Dieter Rams in documentary "Objectified": Good design should be innovative Good design should make a product useful Good design is aesthetic design Good design will make a product understandable Good design is honest Good design is unobtrusive Good design is long-lived Good design is consistent in every detail Good design is environmentally friendly Good design is as little design as possible This brings up a question -- what...


  5 Mistakes Developers Should Avoid before Launching Their API

Time is money in the API industry, and everyone wants to be timely for the API’s milestone event: its eventual launch. Delays in this event can be very costly, so the sooner the API can be integrated, the better. Many developers start their work knowing quite well that the clock is ticking. But prioritizing a quick launch—at the cost of everything else—can do a lot of damage in the long run. A rushed launch may result in unstable integration, a host of errors and bugs, lower en...

   TIPS,API DESIGN     2020-05-18 07:08:22

  How to Asynchronously Upload Files Using HTML5 and Ajax

In my previous posts, we discovered How to Use HTML5 File Drag & Drop, and Open Files Using HTML5 and JavaScript. Now we have a valid set of files, it possible to upload each one to the server. The process occurs asynchronously in the background so the user can complete other on-page tasks while it occurs.The HTMLLet’s examine our HTML form again:view plainprint?<form id="upload" action="upload.php" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data"> ...

   HTML5,File upload,AJAX,Asynchronously,X-FILENAME     2011-10-29 13:45:00

  Man Survives Steve Ballmer’s Flying Chair To Build ’21st Century Linux’

Mark Lucovsky, famous for building Windows NT and watching Steve Ballmer throw a chair.Mark Lucovsky was the other man in the room when Steve Ballmer threw his chair and called Eric Schmidt a “fucking pussy.”Yes, the story is true. At least according to Lucovsky. Microsoft calls it a “gross exaggeration,” but Lucovsky says that when he walked into Ballmer’s office and told the Microsoft CEO he was leaving the company for Google, Ballmer picked up his chai...

   VMWare,Founder,Mark Lucovsky,Microsoft,Google,Cloud Foundry     2011-11-25 03:00:39

  Understand diff in Unix

diff is an important tool program in Unix. It is used to compare differences of two files, it is the foundation for code version control. If you type : $ diff <file_before_change> <file_after_change> diff will tell you what's the difference between these two files. The result may not be so easy to understand, so now I will show you how to understand diff. 1. 3 formats of diff diff has 3 formats due to historic reasons. normal diff context diff unified diff 2. Demo files For easy d...

   diff,Unix,version control,git     2012-09-03 10:49:36

  Share on Twitter link

Ever wanted to give your readers, or your client’s readers a chance to share the post quickly on Twitter?The code is straight forward:<a href=” reading” title=”Click to share this post on Twitter”>Share on Twitter</a>If you’re using WordPress and want to automate this, simply use the following to insert the link to the current post in the loop into your link:<a href=”ht...

   Twitter,Share button,Customize,Custom     2011-08-24 10:55:51

  ASP.NET 4 Breaking Changes #1: requestValidationMode cause ValidateRequest=False to fail

The request validation feature in ASP.NET provides a certain level of default protection against cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks. In previous versions of ASP.NET, request validation was enabled by default. However, it applied only to ASP.NET pages (.aspx files and their class files) and only when those pages were executing.In ASP.NET 4, by default, request validation is enabled for all requests, because it is enabled before the BeginRequest phase of an HTTP request. As a result, request valid...

   ASP.NET,Html content,Error,ValidateRequest,requestValidationMode     2011-11-07 13:50:29