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SEARCH KEYWORD -- Network file system

  Why init() is not recommended in Go

golangci lint Currently, the unified CI's .golangci.yml includes the gochecknoinits checker: # golangci-lint v1.46.2 # linters: disable-all: true enable: ... - gochecknoinits # Checks that no init functions are present in Go code. ref: ... If Go code uses the init() function, the following error will occur: # golangci-lint run foo/foo.go:3:1: don't use `init` function (gochecknoinits) func i...

   GOLANG,INIT(),SYNC.ONCE,PANIC     2024-05-10 07:46:18

  OpenLDAP Proxy -- slapd.conf

In the introductory post of OpenLDAP proxy, we mentioned that slapd.conf is the configuration file which tells the slapd service what to do.  Apart from this, there is a dynamic way of configuring slapd where the configurations are stored in LDIF database. In the future, LDIF database will be the one for configuring slapd, the old style of slapd.conf is deprecated. The slapd.conf can be converted to LDIF style using the slapdtest command. slapdtest -f /etc/ldap/slapd.conf -F /etc...


  Top 3 Cybersecurity Trends to Watch Out for Today

One trend in cybersecurity that never changes is that it’s getting more important with every passing year. According to statistics, the number of cyberattacks and severity of the losses they incur are growing at an alarming rate. Every day about 24,000 of malicious mobile apps get blocked yet more pop up overnight. For a business today cybersecurity isn’t an option, it’s a necessary measure one needs to invest in heavily. And it’s essential to follow the trends and develo...

   SECURITY,CYBER SECURITY     2019-05-14 09:03:24

  Save QWidget as image

Qt library is an excellent GUI library for C++ programmers developed by Nokia and now is an open source project. Often, we may use QPainter to draw strings, lines or images on a QWidget. We can override the QWidget's paintEvent() method when we want to use QPianter object to draw something on a QWidget. If we want to save the items drawn on QWidget as image for later reference, what can we do? We can save a QWidget as an image. Here is the code for achieving this: QPixmap pixmap(this->size())...

   Qt,C++,QWidget,Image     2012-08-19 12:01:18

  Google's acquisition of Quickoffice threatens Microsoft

Windows has over 90% market share in desktop operating systems, even though now other OS such as Mac OS and Linux are saying they are more user friendly, more stable and safer than Windows, Windows still has a weapon MS Office which can defeat all of them. However, with the development of mobile network and cloud computing, Windows is now challenged by different competitors on mobile and cloud areas.  Mobile and cloud are weak sides of Microsoft , but they are strength of Google.Google sudd...

   Google,QuickOffice,Microsoft,MS Office     2012-06-07 11:40:10

  Write HTML easily with Emmet and Haml

Writing HTML codes is very boring and tedious as it has many tags and it's static. One solution is to use template, filling content based on other's skeleton. One another solution is high speed writing. We can write HTML codes with Emmet and Haml. These two ways have similar functions but with different characteristics. Haml is based on Ruby, so when working on Ruby/Rails projects, we recommend to use Haml, otherwise we recommend to use Emmet. 1. Emmet Emmet is a editor plugin, the official webs...

   HTML,Emmet,Haml     2013-06-11 19:46:02

  Products born for Cloud

Cloud computing has become increasingly popularity among companies. It greatly saves the investment of infrastructure and training with everything is running on cloud, it also improves the accessibility and flexibility of service provided by companies. With its popularity, many products are born or becoming popular to help build and move the apps to the cloud. Some well known names of these products are Vagrant, Docker/LXC, Chef and OpenStack. These tools can help create, test and deploy applica...

   Cloud,Openstack,Docker,Vargrant,LXC,Chef     2015-01-25 02:27:11

  China has 591 million netizens now

CNNIC(China Internet Network Information Center() released its 32nd research report on Internet usage in China on July 17 Beijing Time. According to the report, China has 591 million netizens until June 2013, among them 464 million are phone Internet users. Chinese netizens surf the Internet 21.7 hours a week. The report shows that China's netizens reached 591 million as of the end of June 2013,  an increase of 26.56 million people compared to the end of 2012. Internet coverage rate is 44...

   CNNICInternet usage     2013-07-18 02:27:52

  Which Type of IT Career is Best For You?

Considering the growth of the information technology job market, a career in IT is an incredibly smart career move.  A career in IT can mean many things – you can become a network administration, website developer, database specialist, programmer or engineer. The job range is vast and can suit various personalities and levels of technical skill. Having a good insight into those job profiles is key to make the right decision about your career path. Here's a selection of some of the mos...

   career,IT,tips     2014-07-30 09:21:40

  Create animated refresh button in Android

In Android, we can have drawings on a button, also we can put animated drawings on a button as well. Today we will show how to create an animated refresh button with an animated spinner on it. We need to create an animated drawing first. Here we name it as progress.xml and put it in the res/drawable folder: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><animation-list xmlns:android=""    android:id="@+id/spin_refresh" android:oneshot="fal...

   Animation,Spinner,Refresh button,Android     2012-11-02 11:51:41