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  Data governance Challenges and solutions in Apache Hadoop

Do you understand meaning of data governance? This is taken as most critical part of an organization that deals with sensitive data of an enterprise. If organization wanted to know who is accessing their sensitive data and what action has been taken by the viewers then data governance is wonderful solution to consider. In this article, we will discuss on data governance solutions and what are the challenges that are faced by organization during implementation of data governance. We will also dis...


  Using OpenID connect in for login via Facebook

This post is shared by development India experts to explain OpenID support and OAuth providers support in Through this article, you will learn the best way to use OpenId in development for login through different accounts including Facebook. Read this article and discover how experts of do it. Web pages of Asp.Net have support for OpenID and OAuth providers. These providers allow users to log in to the web application with their credentials from Microsoft, Google...

   ASP.NET ,DEVELOPMENT,INDIA     2016-11-07 05:09:58

  Method chaining and lazy evaluation in Ruby

Method chaining has been all the rage lately and every database wrapper or aything else that’s uses queries seems to be doing it. But, how does it work? To figure that out, we’ll write a library that can chain method calls to build up a MongoDB query in this article. Let’s get started! Oh, and don’t worry if you haven’t used MongoDB before, I’m just using it as an example to query on. If you’re using this guide to build a querying library...

   Ruby,Method chaining,Lazy evaluation,Implementation     2011-11-29 08:51:17

  golangci-lint to enable comment check for exported functions

golangci-lint is a command line tool which aggregates a list of different go linters to check whether the source code is in correct condition from different aspects. It is built to run during the CI pipeline so that there is no obvious coding issues before compiling and building the program. It is easy to run it with just below command $ golangci-lint run -v INFO [config_reader] Config search paths: [./ /Users /] INFO [config_reader] Used config file .golangci.yml INFO [lintersdb] Active 10 li...


  Tips for improving PHP efficiency

0. Using single quote to replace double quote to enclose string literal, this will be a bit faster. Because PHP engine will search variables in double quoted string. 1. If a method in class can be declared as static, then make it static, this will be 4 times faster. 2. $row["id"] is 7 times faster than $row[id] 3. echo is faster than print, and you should use multiple parameters instead of string concatenation, i.e use comma(,) instead of dot(.) to concatenate string. For example echo $str1,$str...

   PHP, efficiency, tips     2012-10-01 19:39:06

  php://input in PHP

When using xml-rpc, server side will get the data from client with php://input method instead of $_POST. Hence today we will discuss php://input. PHP official manual has below explanation to php://input: “php://input allows you to read raw POST data. It is a less memory intensive alternative to $HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA and does not need any special php.ini directives. php://input is not available with enctype=”multipart/form-data”. Here we und...

   php://input, IO, input     2013-02-25 20:43:00

  Android Security

Android is an open source mobile platform that includes an operating system, middleware and applications. Android has revolutionized the mobile world in a big way. Android, which started as an alternative to Apple’s iOS, is now slowly eating into the market share of Apple and is of primary concern to the company. Let’s have a brief introduction about android and then look into the security concerns and vulnerabilities that need to be focused on. Android Introduction: Android was deve...

   Android security,Input validation     2013-04-16 12:19:37

  UIWebView Secrets - Part1 - Memory Leaks on Xmlhttprequest

My first blog post on iphone subject reveal a big memory bug when using UIWebView component. This is the (only one) component to display some HTML content in an iphone interface. UIWebView object has a lot of differents issues and I’m going to highlight the biggest of them. Actually, all XMLHttpRequests used in javascript code are fully leaking!!! I mean when you do a request that retrieve 100ko of data, your memory used grow up for 100ko! This bug is not always active, but almost always....

   XMLHttpRequest,Memory leak,Mobile device,UIWebView     2011-11-25 13:46:30

  Easy Parallel Processing in PHP

The proliferation of multicore CPUs and the inability of our learned CPU vendors to squeeze many more GHz into their designs means that often the only way to get additional performance is by writing clever parallel software. One problem we were having is that some of our batch processing jobs were taking too long to run. In order to speed the processing, we tried to split the processing file into half, and let a separate PHP process run each job. Given that we were using a dual core serv...

   PHP,Parallel processing,Multithreading like,Sleep     2011-12-12 10:58:59

  Short SASS tutorial

If you learned CSS before, you should know that CSS is not a programming language. You can use it to design webpage style, but you cannot use it for programming, i.e, CSS is what designer uses, not what programmer uses. Programmer may think that CSS is very troublesome, it has no variables, no conditional statements, it just allows line-by-line description of HTML elementsLuckily, CSS preprocessor appear which makes CSS programmable. The general idea of CSS preprocessor is using a programming la...

   CSS,SASS,programmable,variable,condition,comment     2012-06-22 08:38:18