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  Step-by-Step Guide: How to Choose a Website Developer

A software development partner greatly affects the success and performance of your online project it is involved in. Therefore, it is so important to approach your IT partner selection with special care and responsibility. Find below the main steps and decisions you need to make in order not to fail in this business.  Step 1: Decide What Tasks the New Site Should Perform The main goal of any business (and a website) is to generate and grow profits. You shouldn't create or update a site just...

   WEBSITE DEVELOPER,WEB DESIGN     2020-08-26 03:56:41

  Using JSON in PHP

Currently JSON has become one of the most popular data exchange formats. Many website APIs support it. Since PHP 5.2, PHP provides json_encode() and json_decode() method to handle JSON encoding and decoding.1. json_encode()This function is used to transform array and objects to JSON format. First let's look one array example.        $arr = array ('a'=>1,'b'=>2,'c'=>3,'d'=>4,'e'=>5);   echo json_encode($arr);the result is{"a":1,"b"...

   JSON,PHP,json_decode(0,json_encode()     2012-05-06 06:04:42

  Useful functions to provide secure PHP application

Security is a very important aspect of programming. There are many functions or modules in any kind of real programming language providing security functionalities  In modern websites, we may often get inputs form users all around the world.There is a famous saying which says that never trust user input. So in web programming languages, we will often see functions which will guarantee the security of the data input from users. Today we will cover some of these functions in the most famous o...

   PHP,security,SQL Injection,XSS,AJAX     2014-10-30 04:21:59

  Install Open webOS on Linux

HP has just released its first beta version of the webOS, It is said the user experience of webOS is quite impressive, so I immediately had it installed on my PC. There are two versions of Beta release,one embedded version and one Ubuntu version. I briefly share my installation experience of webOS in Linux. In the official document, it says "By 'Linux' we mean 'Ubuntu Linux'", it doesn't support server version and 64 bit version of Ubuntu. Here I use Mint 13. 1. Clone source code from github Add...

   Linux,webOS,Ubuntu,embedded,HP     2012-09-10 19:36:30

  Easy Parallel Processing in PHP

The proliferation of multicore CPUs and the inability of our learned CPU vendors to squeeze many more GHz into their designs means that often the only way to get additional performance is by writing clever parallel software. One problem we were having is that some of our batch processing jobs were taking too long to run. In order to speed the processing, we tried to split the processing file into half, and let a separate PHP process run each job. Given that we were using a dual core serv...

   PHP,Parallel processing,Multithreading like,Sleep     2011-12-12 10:58:59

  Location matters for your startup

18 months ago I relocated from my home town of Glasgow, to London, just 400 miles away. An important reason for the move was because I had just started working on my new startup, Teamly, and I know that location matters, even when running an internet business. Don’t kid yourself otherwise, your chance of success is seriously improved when you’re in a startup hub.18 months later and moving to London has proved to be a smart move, for all the expected reasons, as well as  t...

   Startup,Location,Company,Brand,Popular location     2011-10-22 13:01:39

  The Wasteful Legacy of Programming as Language

A few years ago I visited a friend who is a graduate student in linguistics. After some time he asked me if I was aware of the work by Chomsky on formal languages. I told him that yes, Chomsky work was a basis for much of the developments in theoretical computer science. More than that, I was glad to learn that there was something technical that I could share and discuss with other people in linguistics. At the time I found this was just a great coincidence. It was only recently, though, t...

   Programming language,Human language,Chomsky     2011-11-28 10:36:34

  Web Vs. Native: Which Is the Better Type of Mobile App?

An average US adult spends 3 hours and 15 minutes on their smartphone every day. This means that launching an app of your own is a great business opportunity. However, you need to decide whether you want to develop a native or a web app. The difference boils down to the fact that web apps run through a mobile browser and native apps are full-fledged programs. Each option has its pros and cons and can be successful under some circumstances. To make the right decision, you need to understand ...

   MOBILE,WEB APP,NATIVE APP     2018-03-26 06:35:27

  ScrollerJS vs Odometer

Both ScrollerJS and Odometer are two JavaScript libraries to transition one number to another number with animation. They provide user a fancy animation about scrolling numbers. These libraries can be used in many scenarios such as user statistic counter, timer or odometer. This post is going to have a comparison on these two open source libraries. Below is a table which lists the features the two libraries have: Feature ScrollerJS Odometer Language JavaScript and CSS JavaScript and CSS S...

   JavaScript, Odometer, ScrollerJS, Open source, CSS Transition     2015-05-13 02:10:55

  CSS3 Animation With jQuery Fallbacks

In today's post, we'll be taking a look at how you can use CSS3 transitions to power your application's animations with jQuery's .animate() method as a fallback where transitions aren't supported. The benefit of transitions is that unlike JavaScript based animations, they're hardware accelerated in certain browsers and mobile devices, resulting in a potentially smoother overall animation than you would normally experience. In a lot of cases your code will work seamlessly with the solut...

   CSS3,Animation,JavaScript,jQuery,Demo     2011-08-19 08:10:58