Paint messages will come in as fast as you let them

There is a class of messages which are generated on demand rather than explicitly posted into a message queue. If you call Get­Message or Peek­Message and the queue is empty, then the window manager will look to see if one of these generated-on-demand messages is due, messages like WM_TIMER, WM_MOUSE­MOVE, and WM_PAINT. Neil wonders, "In that program that called Invalidate­Rect 100,000 times, how many paint messages were generated?" The Zen answer to this question is "Yes." A ...

   WM_PAINT,paint message,work,Mouse move     2011-12-21 09:37:14

  Custom C++ exception class creation

In standard C++, we can use try catch to catch and exception when something goes wrong. These are some built in exception support in C++. By including the #include , we can now catch exceptions in C++ programs. This actually helps us on debugging our code and reduce the maintenance work.However sometimes if we want to create our own custom exception class. What should we do?We should include the #include line and then extend the exception class and implement some methods as you like. The genera...

   C++,std,exception,custom exception,implementation     2012-03-04 09:58:18

  Some cases where MySQL cannot be started

After installing MySQL, when we try to start MySQL, sometimes we may not be able to start it. The reasons can be different. We share some general cases where MySQL cannot be started. Case 1: Directory or file permission issue If the permission is set wrongly in MySQL's $datadir and its sub directories or files, MySQL will not be able to read and write files normally. Error message: mysqld_safe Starting mysqld daemon with databases from /usr/local/mysql/data /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqld_safe: lin...

   MySQL,Error,Log     2013-08-15 03:32:36

  Different ways to print "Hello world" in Java

This post is not about best practice to print "Hello world" in Java, it is about exploring different capabilities offered by Java. Also there are articles about printing "Hello world" in different programming languages, but this post is not about that. Standard literal The most commonly used way is to use System.out to print"Hello world". System.out.println("Hello world"); Enumeration An enumeration can define a set of values belonging to one category. For example, an enumeration for all months ...

   JAVA,FEATURE     2016-05-21 21:49:48

  Sending message to Slack Incoming Webhook using PHP

Slack is a popular work collaboration tool and it provides many features which help teams collaborate. It has one function which allows sending messages to channels from external source such as your own web service -- Incoming Webhook. This is extremely useful when want to monitor something and get notified when some event occurs and it doesn't require complicated setup. To send messages using Incoming Webhook, a service URL has to be generated on Slack and then the message can be posted to this...

   PHP,CURL,SLACK,INCOMING WEBHOOK     2017-03-11 21:32:28

  An easy way to log client side information to server

JavaScript debug is a very troublesome thing in web application development. Because many web browsers will not notify you if there is any error in the JavaScript codes you write. They just silently fail and block the following codes execution. In order to debug JavaScript codes, we need a good log mechanism which will help us log the error information,, we often need to log errors in JavaScript codes to server for debug purpose in a production web application, What should we do? The first ...

   JavaScript log, Ajax,Image,Debug     2012-12-30 09:16:50

  5 comment styles should be avoided

Have you ever found some superfluous comments while checking others codes? The purpose of using comments in the code is to enhance the readability of the code, so that non-original code developers can understand them better and easier.I summarized 5 kinds of comment styles and the developers who write them. Hope you don't do the same thing as below in your application development process. 1. Arrogant comments public class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { string message...

   Code comment, comment style     2012-11-21 10:57:34 is down

UPDATE : The service is back now! is now inaccessible. It shows below "Access denied" message on its official site. It is still unknown why the service is down. And there is no ETA on when the service will be back to normal. From the error message, some people think this happens because Apple uses Akamai's security product and the security policy in place is violated. It's basically a WAF. The big issue is it takes 45 minutes for changes to propagate through Akamai's network. So, you ...

   IPHONE 6S,IPHONE 6S PLUS,APPLE     2015-09-12 00:50:17

  When will Google be back to China?

There will be news about Google returning back to China every now and then since the search giant left China in 2010. Every sign of change about Google in China will give people big hope on its return. But Chinese are still waiting for the dream to become true though nothing real happen until now. On Thursday, it seems there is "proof" again that Google is going back to China. In the morning, many Chinese noticed that the official Google China weibo(China's Twitter) account uploaded a photo with...

   GOOGLE,CHINA,SEARCH ENGINE,BAIDU     2017-03-02 09:39:51

  Twitter service down incidents summary

This Thursday, Twitter encountered a global service down incident. This is the second service down incident since last month. Later Twitter updated its website and stated that users might not be able to access Twitter temporarily.Twitter admitted the service down incident and explained that this time's service down was caused by problems of their both data centers.Ok, now lets summarize the service down incidents encountered by Twitter in past few May 2008, Twitter's new engineer team w...

   Twitter,Service down,History     2012-07-28 12:36:39