Today's Question:  What does your personal desk look like?        GIVE A SHOUT


  Make Magento 2 Faster: Five Quick tips

In this post, you will learn from Magento development company experts about speeding up the Magento 2. We hope these tips will help you in making Magento 2 faster than before. Magento 2 is a powerful platform. Once installed and with no customization it is a fully functional store. They even give you a well-designed, responsive storefront. However as you add products and your own content things will incrementally begin to slow down. To combat that there are some things you can do to increase spe...


  Streamlining the Project Invoicing Process: Tools and Strategies

For many businesses, project invoicing can be a complex and time-consuming task. Handling this aspect efficiently is crucial to maintaining cash flow and ensuring a healthy financial state for the company. Fortunately, many tools and strategies are available today that can help streamline the invoicing process. From automated software solutions to best practices in financial management, these improvements can greatly enhance the accuracy and efficiency of billing operations. Keep reading to expl...

   INVOICING,BUSINESS     2024-05-10 22:10:17

  Alibaba launches NASA program

On March 9, the China E-Commerce giant Alibaba held its first internal tech conference in its headquarter Hangzhou. During this conference, Jack Ma, Alibaba founder, announced a new program code named "NASA" which aims to build up technologies serving 2 billion people in next 20 years by forming independent and powerful R&D department. On March 13, Alibaba formerly announced this program to the public. The research area of this program would include machine learning, chi...

   ALIBABA,NASA,CHINA,NEWS     2017-03-13 11:32:22

  Why I Won’t Hire You

I will be very honest with you in this post. Most interview articles only show obvious mistakes, as if most people don’t know showing up late is bad form. I will tell you the things I didn’t really know about until I was the one interviewing, and interviewing for a variety of positions and person-types. No interview prep article ever prepared me in the right way for how interviewers really think. That is what I will be sharing with you today. When you first walk in...

   Career,Hire,Preparartion,CV,Resume     2012-01-11 04:38:19

  Why Apple Mac switches its CPU? The war between Intel and ARM

About three months ago, the new iPad Pro was released and it supports touch pad and mouse. It conveys a clear message to users that they want people to treat iPad Pro as a laptop.  As we know, iPad and iPhone are both using iOS, if iOS can run on laptop,  it means MacOS and iOS can merge and become a unified OS. And if Mac and iPhone can share the same OS, it means the same app can run in all places. It is becoming clearer and clearer that Apple is planning to do this exact thing. Late...

   APPLE,INTEL,ARM,WWDC,A14     2020-06-20 00:19:02

  Marissa Mayer brings 2nd Googler to Yahoo

A week ago, Anne Espiritu who was responsible for Google's public relations before leaving Google joined Yahoo, she became the first Googler Mayer brought to Yahoo. According to CNBC's Jon Fortt on Twitter, Google's former project manager Patricia Moll Kriese also left Google, formally joined Yahoo! as Senior Director of Yahoo's corporate projects.Although this news has not been confirmed by both companies, Patricia Moll Kriese's personal page on LinkedIn revealed that she left Google in August,...

   Yahoo,Marissa Mayer,Googler     2012-08-10 13:38:15

  Preparing for the real costs of cloud computing

Computerworld - At a cloud computing conference in New York in June, a number of speakers pointed out that the cloud is moving past the hype stage and is beginning to deliver tangible benefits to organizations. These improvements include increased flexibility and agility. But moving to the cloud can also mean added costs, some of which might be unexpected, according to IT executives whose organizations have implemented cloud services or are considering them. While these types of costs ...

   Cloud computing,Cost,Chanllenges,Platfor     2011-08-23 07:48:24

  Why Software Is Eating The World

This week, Hewlett-Packard (where I am on the board) announced that it is exploring jettisoning its struggling PC business in favor of investing more heavily in software, where it sees better potential for growth. Meanwhile, Google plans to buy up the cellphone handset maker Motorola Mobility. Both moves surprised the tech world. But both moves are also in line with a trend I've observed, one that makes me optimistic about the future growth of the American and world economies, despite the...

   software,quota,internet world,eat up     2011-08-22 12:06:40

  Jack Ma's interviews during Alibaba's IPO at NYSE

Alibaba has been listed on NYSE on 19 September. It becomes the largest IPO ever in the history of US stock exchange, larger than Facebook then the largest one. And after the trading closed on Friday, its share price closed at $93.89 per share, this makes it the second largest Internet company in the world following Google. Jack Ma, the founder of Alibaba, also becomes the richest person in China with a total wealth of $18.1 billion. He accepted interviews from different media during the IPO. Le...

   Alibaba,Interview,Jack Ma,IPO,Video     2014-09-20 20:09:27

  Mark Zuckerbeg's hacker way

According to TechCrunch, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg wrote codes for the latest mobile IM application : Poke, the tone played when receiving push notifications is from the mouth of Zuckerberg. This approach reflects the way pursued by Zuckerberg : hacker way.As one of the earliest features of Facebook the "Poking" is invented by Zuckerberg, it is not surprising that Zuckerberg involves in Poke's development.Zuckerberg recorded his own voice on the phone initially just for fun. But he was later ...

   Poke,Facebook,Snapchat, Mark Zuckerberg     2012-12-24 12:01:52