Today's Question:  What does your personal desk look like?        GIVE A SHOUT


  Selling Yourself: Why? and How!

I know many good developers who are under the impression that they either don’t have to sell themselves, or selling themselves is wrong, but is that really true?First let me clarify by defining what I mean by “selling yourself”. I don’t mean “selling out”, I mean marketing yourself, what you’re doing and what your skills are. Especially to your organization.I don’t need to sell myself, my code speaks for itself.Really? Do you think your pristin...

   Sell,Developer,Skill,Show,Resume,CV     2011-08-10 03:19:34

  Top 7 programmers bad habits

1.- The all code is crap, except mine, attitude. I have bad news for you buddy, all code is crap. No matter how much effort you put on it, there is always a majority of programmers who are going to think that your code sucks and that they could have done it 10 times better. I have already covered this topic in previous posts, you can find more information of what exactly I mean when I say that all the code is crap here and here. How to fix it: Don’t criticise others people code, it ...

   programming,habit,tips     2011-06-07 00:36:22

  Is programmer really profession for youth only?

- dedicated to the new programmers just into the workplace.

One young Chinese friend asked me: is programmer meant only for less experienced youth? Should I consider transition once if I work on it until 30 years old?

   Programmer,Youth,Product,Project,Career,Analysis     2012-03-18 07:06:44

  Jack Ma speaks within the company's intranet post PDD earnings report

On November 28th, PinDuoDuo(PDD) released its financial report for the third quarter of 2023, ending on September 30th. The revenue for the third quarter was 688.4 billion RMB, showing a year-on-year growth of 93.9%. The net profit, according to the U.S. General Accounting Standards, reached 15.54 billion RMB, with a net profit margin of 22.6%. PDD attributed its overall positive performance to the accelerated recovery of the consumer market and the vigorous implementation of its "high-qual...

   PDD,JACK MA,ALIBABA     2023-11-29 06:02:09

  4 Technologies That Impact You (Without Your Knowledge)

Our world to day is so driven by technology that it’s easy to stay on top of the major changes and developments. We know when there’s a major new innovation in personal electronics; we know that the 5G network is rolling out this year; we track the progress of smart cars, learning thermostats, and interactive home speakers. We even tend to care about how major tech companies around the world are performing! However, as “plugged in” as we all seem to be to the world of tec...

   AI,DATA ANALYTICS,IOT     2020-04-16 06:35:54

  Read 10 new books from O'Reilly for free

Recently O'Reilly provided free access to some books. Some of them are even in early release status. Here we recommend 10 of them. 1、Mastering Perl 2、Git Pocket Guide 3、Vagrant: Up and Running 4、High Performance Browser Networking 5、802.11ac: A Survival Guide 6、Test-Driven Development with Python 7、Interactive Data Visualization for the Web 8、HTML5 Canvas 9、Programming JavaScript Applications 10、Agile Data Source : http://linu...

   O'Reilly,Free book,Early release     2013-07-03 07:56:20

  Pros and cons of 6 most popular test automation frameworks

Not everyone dappling into systems for test automation knows how to leverage the maximum benefit and keep them going in top shape for a long time. That's where test automation frameworks come in – they're basically sets of rules, standards, protocols and guidelines which can be incorporated into practice or simply followed to provide beneficial execution environments for automation test scripts.   Why are test automation frameworks important?   Test automation frameworks offer m...

       2015-11-30 08:14:23

  How Cloud Computing is changing the Face of Business

The world of information is getting bigger and bigger and so does the need for cloud computing is felt broadly across various industries and platforms. The ever growing popularity and adoption are due to the fact that cloud computing is efficient, reliable and secure than any other business model. However, the way cloud computing is adopted across different enterprises may vary. How cloud computing has been adopted worldwide by companies- let us have a look at few statistics that would blow you...


  Expectations, Desperation And Anticipation All You Need To Know About iOS 9.3

With so much anticipation filled among the audience, iOS 9.3 on contrary came out to be as a blooper. All the users were filled with a lot of enthusiasm about the latest advancements in the software, but the final release went to several crest and troughs. iOS 9.3 was quite important for the users when it comes to mobile OS update, however this did not go as it was expected to be for the iOS. The latest software in some cases is locking users. Along with the users this has also creased the eye ...


  Great code is written twice (or more)

The last couple of years more and more people have been moving towards Agile development. These techniques aren’t new, most we’re devised in the 80s or 90s. But finally these days programmers and (more importantly) business consultants, architects and clients have learned to love and embrace Agile development.Evolving requirementsIt has now become common knowledge that you can’t write down all the requirements before you start the project. These requirements h...

   Twice,Good code,Recoding,Agile,Evolvement     2011-11-01 00:36:35