Kualitee: For better Test Management in the year 2020

New IT trends will dominate in 2020. Big data management, customer satisfaction, security concerns, mobile apps, artificial intelligence (AI), test automation, DevOps and agile methodologies are a few of these rising technologies and trends.  With their rise, Quality assurance (QA) has to take the testing game a notch up, especially with using smart test management tools for their testing.  Test Automation Stays A report by Research and Markets estimates the global automation testing ...

   TESTING,KUALITEE     2019-09-04 07:33:25

  Management Myth #1: The Myth of 100% Utilization

A manager took me aside at a recent engagement. “You know, Johanna, there’s something I just don’t understand about this agile thing. It sure doesn’t look like everyone is being used at 100 percent.”“And what if they aren’t being used at 100 percent? Is that a problem for you?”“Heck, yes. I’m paying their salaries! I want to know I’m getting their full value for what I’m paying them!”“What if I told you...

   Management,Utilization,Efficiency,Innovation     2012-01-05 08:13:41

  Microsoft forms a new subsidiary focused on open source called Microsoft Open Technologies

Microsoft once again changes its attitude and intends to set up an open technology subsidiaries in order to promote the formulation of open-source projects and standards.The new company name is Microsoft Open Technologies and Jean Paoli, Microsoft executives will be the president of the new company. The company will also form interoperability strategy team in the future. The newly established company will have about 50-75 employees.Over the years, Microsoft has been considered to be the rival of...

   Microsft,Open source,Microsoft Open Technologies     2012-04-13 06:10:45

  Building Security onto Your Mobile Application

Analysts state that more than 75% of the mobile applications will fail the basic security tests in 2015 – Gartner Research. Enterprises that follow the Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) approach and facilitate mobile computing to their employees are susceptible to security threats and other vulnerabilities, unless they implement stringent security measures. In the development or deployment of mobile applications, a business can be severely impacted both financially and otherwise, if they are to...

   Web Application Development Company, iPhone App Development Company     2015-08-21 07:22:32

  The concept of Iterative Model in a Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)

The iterative model implemented in any Software Development Life Cycle is all about an initial, simplified implementation which may or may not gain more complexity in future. Furthermore, it is can even be called as a broader feature set until and unless the final system is accomplished. Now while discussing the model, chances are there that he concept of incremental development will also often be used liberally and interchangeably. This means incremental alterations made during the design and i...


  The requirements of DevOps development

DevOps has become a popular and commonly adopted software development model in IT industry in recent years. Its popularity is partially because it advocates it could improve software development efficiency, delivery speed and cost saving. This is especially favored by managers who become the main force to promote this type of development model in their companies. However, we must be cautious about DevOps model as well. With their advantages, they also bring challenges to development teams and th...

   AGILE,DEVOPS,SPRINT     2018-06-03 23:18:44

  Programming language choices for an IT manager

A TechRepublic reader named Aaron emailed me and posed excellent questions; here’s an excerpt from his email:“I manage a small IT department and all my skills are self-taught. At times I struggle with complex business initiatives and I believe if I had some programming skills I would be more adept at handling the initiatives. Can you recommend a programming language? Is formal education the best path or have you found that programming can be self-taught?”I’m sure a lot ...

   IT Manager,Programming,Skills,Programming knowledge     2011-10-21 08:37:10

  10 habits of 10x developers

Last week, I discovered The Rise of Developeronomics via Brad Feld. As long as I’ve lived, it has always been a great time to be a software developer. The economics keep getting better for us. My favorite quote: The one absolutely solid place to store your capital today — if you know how to do it –  is in software developers’ wallets. If the world survives looming financial apocalypse dangers at all, this is the one investment that will weather the storms. ...

   Developer,Efficiency,Advice,Rest,Focus     2011-12-26 02:54:06

  Why Software Projects are Terrible and How Not To Fix Them

If you are a good developer and you’ve worked in bad organizations, you often have ideas to improve the process.  The famous Joel Test is a collection of 12 such ideas.  Some of these ideas have universal acceptance within the software industry (say, using source control), while others might be slightly more controversial (TDD).  But for any particular methodology, whether it is universally accepted or only “mostly” accepted, there are a multitude of o...

   Software,Development,Debug,Design     2011-11-21 10:27:05

  What’s Your Start-up’s “Bus Count”? 7 Myths of Entrepreneurship and Programming

Software development is a rapidly evolving field that got off to a very rocky start. Conventional wisdom for many years was that software engineering should be like other types of engineering: design carefully, specify precisely, and then just build it – exactly to spec. Just like building a bridge, right? The problem with this approach is that software is just that. Soft. It’s endlessly malleable. You can change software pretty much any time you want, and people do. A...

   Start-up,technical,company,tips     2011-07-04 07:44:54