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SEARCH KEYWORD -- PHP error handle

  Including Related Objects in Queries

Every time you hit a mobile network, it slows your users down and introduces another point of failure. So when you're designing your application, you need to take advantage of every opportunity to omit needless requests. Parse's philosophy is to help make this easier by providing standard ways to reduce network requests. One example is caching queries, which lets you avoid resending requests you've already sent. Another example, which we've launched in the most recent version of the...

   Software design,Request,Network load,Resource manage,Mobile     2011-12-07 08:51:56

  SQLite C/C++ function interfaces

Some simple introduction to the SQLite function interfaces. First let's check some error codes defined in SQLite3 (They are in SQLite3.h file in the SQLite installation).#define SQLITE_OK           0   /* Successful result */  /* beginning-of-error-codes */  #define SQLITE_ERROR        1   /* SQL error or missing database */  #define SQLITE_INTERNAL     2&nb...

   SQLite,Function interface,C/C++     2012-07-04 12:23:43

  About JavaScript source map

Last week jQuery 1.9 was released. This is the last release before jQuery 2.0. It adds many new functions, one of them is the source map. By accessing , you can scroll to the last line and you will see below line :  //@ This is source map, it is a separate file and it is put at the same directory as the source file. You can click here and see what it looks like. It's an very useful functio...

   Source map, JavaScript, jQuery     2013-02-01 07:06:44

  Accessing Reddit top posts using OAuth

Previously one can use the API to access one subreddit's top posts. This API doesn't require any access token to fetch the data. However, this API may not work all the time. Reddit may block the API's request if it finds that you are using a script or some app which accesses the API now and then. For an app or script which needs to fetch the data routinely, what should we do? Reddit provides one method which can be used to fetch this kind of to...

   REDDIT,OAUTH,TOP POSTS,HOT POSTS     2023-12-16 07:24:14

  Who’s the winner: Python vs. Java, C/C++?

If there is one debate that never dies in the language community then it is this: Who’s the winner: Python Vs Java, C/C++. Obviously each has its own pros and cons, but in which language do the pros outnumber the cons or which language has better cons than others! For some it just comes down to familiarity, they like what they like!   The Numbers  But as far as the rest of the language world goes, the debate is still out there. By last count, Java, C and C++ were still winning. A...

   JAVA,INDIA,DEVELOPERS     2017-09-11 00:38:25

  Cache Reheating - Not to be Ignored

An important aspect to keep in mind with databases is the cost of cache reheating after a server restart. Consider the following diagram which shows several cache servers (e.g., memcached) in front of a database server.This sort of setup is common and can work quite well when appropriate; it removes read load from the database and allows more RAM to be utilized for scaling (when the database doesn’t scale horizontally). But what happens if all the cache servers restart at the same time, s...

   Database,Cost,Cache reheating,Advice     2011-09-21 09:47:29

  Speech recognition breakthrough from Microsoft

Recently, Microsoft Research published a demo video on YouTube that demonstrated simultaneously translating English speech to Chinese speech with Microsoft's new research achievement. The result is quite impressive, it has large improvement compared to previous speech recognition systems. It's a big breakthrough of speech recognition. In this demo, Microsoft Chief Research Officer Rick Rashid demonstrates a speech recognition breakthrough.First when he speaks, the screen will display what he is ...

   Speech recognition, Text to speech,Machine translation     2012-11-09 23:53:21

  Avoiding and exploiting JavaScript's warts

One's sentiment toward JavaScript flips between elegance and disgust without transiting intermediate states. The key to seeing JavaScript as elegant is understanding its warts, and knowing how to avoid, work around or even exploit them. I adopted this avoid/fix/exploit approach after reading Doug Crockford's JavaScript: The Good Parts: Doug has a slightly different and more elaborate take on the bad parts and awful parts, so I'm sharing my perspective on the four issues that ha...

   JavaScript,warts,Exploit,with,variable,this     2012-02-15 05:51:21

  Some useful code editors for developers

A good code editor will save developers much work. It can help developers find syntax errors easily through code highlight capability. It also makes the code more readable and maintainable through the indentation. Here we recommend some excellent code editors which you may want to have a try. Compilr Compilr is an online IDE, it supports 8 languages as of now including : C, C++,C#,Java,JavaScript,PHP ,Python,Ruby and Visual Basic. Compilr is developed by Ninjia Otter Inc in Canada. CodeMirrow C...

   Code editor,Code highlight     2013-03-20 12:25:13

  The "C is Efficient" Language Fallacy

I came across an article yesterday about programming languages, which hit on one of my major peeves, so I can't resist responding. The article is at, and it's called Programmer's rant: what should and should not be added to C/C++. It's a variation on the extremely common belief that C and C++ are the best languages to use when you need code to run fast. They're not. They're good at things that need to get very close to the hardware - not in the efficiency sense, but in the...

   C,GCC,Fallacy,Evolvement     2012-01-09 08:54:46