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SEARCH KEYWORD -- PHP error handle

  HTML5 photo taking and uploading app implementation

Underthe support of HTML5 standard, Building Web App to take photos is now possible.I will elaborate on how to take photos using Web App, display them on the pageand upload them to the server. 1.     Videostream HTML5 TheMedia Capture API provides the programmable  access to video camera on phones, users canuse the getUserMedia() method to get the video stream provided by video camera.What we need to do is to add a HTML <video> tag and make the videostrea...

   HTML5,Photo taking,Media Capture API ,Implementation     2012-03-15 07:19:49

  PHP sucks (but, some frameworks don't)

I started web development with PHP, and I've decided I've had enough. Why? Keep reading.PHP (the language) sucks. There, I said it. 1029380128301928301823 GlobalsObject system hacked onC extension system sucksDocumentation sucks (read more; no, I'm not drunk)Has a terrible communityAll in all, designed by total idiots. You've probably heard this a ton of times before, but, here it is again. THERE ARE JUST WAY TOO MANY GLOBALS. Why in the world does md5() need to be global? Do you serio...

   PHP,Sucks,Framework,Good,Bad Design     2011-11-20 07:08:16

  6 time management tips for startups

Many people are fighting for their startups, they are willing to put all their time in company operations. This 24x7 passion is necessary for startup founders. For the team in startups, the most important thing is time management, time management is a top challenge for everyentrepreneur. After years of experience working with entrepreneurs and business owners, Rieva Lesonsky has  learned a few tricks for getting more done in the 24 hours we all have. Here are 6 tips what he shared...

   startup,time management     2012-05-29 05:30:07

  9 useful jQuery code snippets

jQuery is one of the most popular JS library among front end developers because of its functionality and usability. Here we share with you some useful jQuery code snippets which can be used in our daily front end development. 1. Smoothly return to page top $(document).ready(function() { $("a.topLink").click(function() { $("html, body").animate({ scrollTop: $($(this).attr("href")).offset().top + "px" }, { duration: 500, easing: "swing" ...

   jQuery,Code snippet     2013-07-13 00:11:10

  Implementing DESede/ECB/NoPadding cipher algorithm in GoLang

By default, GoLang doesn't provide the ECB mode cipher for DESede though there is CBC mode provided. In cases we need to encrypt/decrypt data with ECB mode, we need to implement those by ourselves. This mode is frequently used when encrypting/decrypting PIN block which is small block data less than 16 bytes. In this post, we will introduce how to implement the DESede/ECB/NoPadding algorithm in GoLang by using the existing cipher support. Here we will not cover how DESede works in detail, instead...

   SECURITY,SAMPLE,GOLANG,DES,DESEDE,3DES     2019-07-29 06:43:50

  Break down defer statements in GoLang

Basic Concepts What are the characteristics of the deferred statement defer in Go language? When is it usually used? The deferred statement(defer statement) in Go language has the following characteristics: Deferred Execution: Deferred statements are executed before the function containing them exits, regardless of whether the function returns normally or encounters an exception. Last In, First Out (LIFO): If there are multiple deferred statements, they are executed in the order of last in, f...

   DEFER,GOLANG     2024-02-10 21:56:10

  The evolving history of asynchronous operation in JavaScript

JavaScript is single threaded, it means there would be only one task running at any point of time. But this would slow down the overall program execution if there is long running task, hence asynchronous task execution is desired in complex cases. To achieve asynchronous task execution, there are a few options introduced in JavaScript. setTimeout/setInterval Event Promise Async/Await setTimeout/setInterval is one of the first mechanisms introduced in JavaScript to simulate asynchronous operati...

   JAVASCRIPT,ASYNC,PROMISE,AWAIT     2019-11-09 08:21:56

  Error handling style in C

Following are three error handling styles in C.Which one you like the most? Or you don't like any one?1. /* Problem : Not enough. Easy to be wrong */int foo(int bar){        int return_value = 0;        int doing_okay = 1;        doing_okay = do_something( bar );        if (doing_okay)        { ...

   C,Error handling style,Goto,Nested if     2012-04-24 06:51:00

  Dates in PHP and MySQL

I see a lot of people on forums and on my training courses asking about the best way (or any way) to manage dates stored in a MySQL database and used in PHP. Three options follow, but first the problem.PHP uses unix timestamps for all its date functionality. It has methods to convert these timestamps into pretty much any text format you could want but internally it uses the timestamp format. A timestamp is simply an integer. Specifically, it’s the number of seconds that have ela...

   PHP,MySQL,Date format,Date,Comparison,Date compare     2011-10-17 14:00:57

  5 Lightweight PHP Frameworks For Creating An API

PHP is undoubtedly one of the most popular programming languages that offer a wide range of lightweight frameworks for building basic websites to REST APIs. These frameworks are powerful tools that have the potential to enhance productivity in order to deliver faster results without getting distracted from the best practices of development. Developing REST APIs with plain PHP is a tedious and time-consuming process. In order to sort this out, you only need to hire php developers who have a niche...

   PHP,API     2018-10-22 07:55:34