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SEARCH KEYWORD -- Mobile Application

  Identify & Address 3 Common BYOD Adoption Problems

With an abundance of mobile phones, tablets, and other personal devices; delivering Enterprise Mobility Solutions has become much more easier as compared to early years, however; the new avenues that have opened up for Enterprise Mobility Consulting in India brings in new, interesting and unforeseen challenges as well. Alongside the growing presence of SaaS applications and BYOD; data protection and integrity has become very critical and a concern that demands immediate attention. Here are some ...

   enterprise mobility solutions, enterprise mobility consulting, enterprise mobility management servic     2015-03-16 06:05:21

  Skills Needed to be a Web Developer in 2011

Many web developers think they already have all the knowledge they need to continue their careers. Check out this list of the ten skills all web developers must have to succeed in 2011 and beyond, and see how you measure up.1) Speak The Basic Languages of the WebBesides the content mark-up of HTML and the style rich sheets of CSS, how are you at your JavaScript and other advanced DHTML features? HTML 5, the latest upcoming W3C standard, includes audio and video embedding, database connectivity a...

   HTML5,Web skills,PHP,.NET,Java     2011-05-12 00:47:49

  Feature: The History Of Mobile Gaming

Mobile phones have come a long way since the unsightly bricks of the 1980s. The sleek handsets of today are a fraction the size of their ancestors, yet exponentially more powerful. While the implications for communication have been profound, there have been many other applications for this technology. Modern devices are capable of supporting increasingly complex software, innovative interfaces and networking capabilities, and the gaming sector has been one of the biggest benefactors of this.Much...

   Game,Mobile,History,Feature, Game on mobile device     2011-10-12 11:44:30

  Please Steal These webOS Features

When Apple introduced the first iPad in 2010, I bought one immediately. I didn’t know what I’d use it for, but I was sure that I would find some use for it. I never did. I played around with it, wrote some code for it, but eventually stopped using it. I would pick it up from time to time to read something or watch a YouTube movie, but even that was a rare occurrence. I have since picked up an iPad 2, and I’m using it a lot more than the first iPad, but again, I’...

   WebOS,Feature,HP,borrow     2012-02-22 05:45:49

  TIOBE : Objective-C overtakes C++

TIOBE recently released the programming community index for July. From the index,we can find that the biggest change is that Objective-C overtakes C++ as the 3rd most popular language among programmers. Because of the popularity of iPhone and iPad, Objective-C is used by more and more mobile developers who want to develop apps for Apple products. Also, many developers are willing to develop apps for Apple since they can gain more profit on Apple platform than on Android platform.C++ is mainly us...

   TIOBE,July,C++,Objective-C,overtake     2012-07-05 22:49:49

  Why Apple Mac switches its CPU? The war between Intel and ARM

About three months ago, the new iPad Pro was released and it supports touch pad and mouse. It conveys a clear message to users that they want people to treat iPad Pro as a laptop.  As we know, iPad and iPhone are both using iOS, if iOS can run on laptop,  it means MacOS and iOS can merge and become a unified OS. And if Mac and iPhone can share the same OS, it means the same app can run in all places. It is becoming clearer and clearer that Apple is planning to do this exact thing. Late...

   APPLE,INTEL,ARM,WWDC,A14     2020-06-20 00:19:02

  Fix issue "cannot load such file -- bcrypt_ext (LoadError)"

bcrypt() is a sophisticated and secure hash algorithm designed by The OpenBSD project for hashing passwords. The bcrypt Ruby gem provides a simple wrapper for safely handling passwords. However, sometimes the rails application would fail to start after installing the bcrypt gem on Windows. The error would look similar to below. The issue is that it fails to load the bcrypt_ext which is the native built extension, the reason may be the library is wrongly built. To fix this issue, below steps can...


  Google is returning back to China

It has been five years since Google announced its difficult decision to leave China in 2010. The well known reason was that Google didn't want to conform to China's censorship request on sensitive information. During these five years, many stories happened bbetween these two sides. Things may turn around now as there are a few indications where Google may return back to China at an appropriate time soon. The most convincing indication is that a customized Google play -- Google online shop may a...

   Google,China,Alphabet,Google play     2015-09-06 04:13:30

  Javascript Frameworks Are Too Small

A while back I stumbled upon a great post by Jean-Baptiste Queru. It describes the incredible depth of the modern technology stack. Layers upon layers of complex science, hardware, and software, each layer creating a simpler abstraction around the previous. This ultimately enables our paltry human brains to create amazing things that would otherwise be impossible (or really difficult). This is, in my opinion, the lifeblood of modern software development. For some reason, however, when i...

   JavaScript,Framework,Size,Small,jQuery     2012-01-10 07:20:59

  Misunderstanding about Android UI design

A few days ago I wrote a post trying to correct a lot of the inaccurate statements I have seen repeatedly mentioned about how graphics on Android works. This resulted in a lot of nice discussion, but unfortunately has also lead some people to come up with new, novel, and often technically inaccurate complaints about how Android works.These new topics have been more about some fundamental design decisions in Android, and why they are wrong. I’d like to help people better understand ...

   Android,UI,Priority,Background job,Smooth     2011-12-09 02:30:25