SEARCH KEYWORD -- HTML to Wordpress Conversion

  GCC is compiled with C++ compiler

On 15 Aug, 2012, GCC merged a patch--Merge from cxx-conversion branch . This means GCC will be compiled with C++ compiler in the future, it also means that GCC will be implemented using C++. You may have following two puzzles: Why does GCC turn to C++? Without C++ compiler, how can we compile C++ codes? Why using C++? In GNU's C++ Conversion, we can find this description in the background section: Whether we use C or C++, we need to try to ensure that interfaces are easy to understan...

   GCC,C++,Compiler     2012-09-04 02:36:06

  Handling Chinese Character Encoding Issues in Oracle Database

When working with Chinese data in Oracle databases, character encoding issues often lead to garbled text, preventing proper display and processing. This is typically because the default character set in Oracle is US7ASCII, which cannot recognize Chinese characters. By modifying the character sets of the database, client, and application, data can be converted to the correct character set, thus avoiding garbled text issues. This article introduces several methods to resolve Chinese character enco...


  If a programming language was a boat…


   Programming,Turing,C,C#     2011-06-24 01:07:42

  Networking Terminologies

Portmaps sudo apt-get install -y portmap Portmap is a part of ONC RPC (Open Network Computing Remote Procedure) collection of software for implementing remote procedure calls between Computer Programs. It is widely used by NFS (Network File System) and NIS. Portmap is a server that converts RPC program number to DARPA protocol port number. It must be used in order to make RPC calls. Network Infomation Service (NIS) sudo apt-get install -y nis NIS is a client server directory service provi...

   Linux,Network programming,Network file system     2012-02-16 06:22:30

  Landing page optimization : Less is more

There is a question on Quora : Why doesn't Quora show interesting questions/answers on their landing page? Why is it this? not this? Quora's product manage gives his answer to this question, it's agreed by many users in this community. Here is his answer: The logged out homepage is pretty sparse now mostly because it hasn't been given much treatment since the initial product launch. But we have plans on redesigning it and testing different variations (some with less info on the page, some with...

   Landing page,Optimization,Principle     2012-11-03 01:50:07

  ASP.NET 4 Breaking Changes #1: requestValidationMode cause ValidateRequest=False to fail

The request validation feature in ASP.NET provides a certain level of default protection against cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks. In previous versions of ASP.NET, request validation was enabled by default. However, it applied only to ASP.NET pages (.aspx files and their class files) and only when those pages were executing.In ASP.NET 4, by default, request validation is enabled for all requests, because it is enabled before the BeginRequest phase of an HTTP request. As a result, request valid...

   ASP.NET,Html content,Error,ValidateRequest,requestValidationMode     2011-11-07 13:50:29

  Wireframing: Is it Helpful in Converting PSD to HTML in Web Design?

The brilliance of your website is solely marked by the way you've got it designed. Many a times, you might have heard the term “wireframing” while discussing about a new website design or redesign project. Well, today in this post, I'll be offering you useful information about wireframing and why it has such a vital role to play in the creation of a perfect-looking and fully-functional website alongwith creative design to convert psd to html. Stick to this write-up and you'll get to ...

   wireframing, psd to html, web design     2015-07-21 07:50:37

  My love… for Expressive Programming Languages

I started out my journey with programming as a teenager learning GW-BASIC. Soon I learnt C language followed by C++.  I was impressed with the OO syntactic constructs C++ had on offer but I felt a little uneasy with a few constructs such as the scope resolution. I started studying Java. It immediately caught my attention with the syntactic improvements and simplifications it brought over C++. I was still in academics, so learning(precisely trying) programming languages on su...

   descriptive,programming,language,prefere     2011-08-17 07:31:09

  Convert time to Unix time

Unix time is defined as the number of seconds that have elapsed since midnight Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), 1 January 1970,not counting leap seconds. It is used widely in Unix-like and many other operating systems and file formats. It is neither a linear representation of time nor a true representation of UTC. Unix time may be checked on some Unix systems by typing date +%s on the command line. Sometimes it's a bit difficult to compare times stored in different applications or systems with ...

   UNIX time, Oracle DATE, conversion, timestamp     2013-01-19 09:04:17

  Multiple Constructor in PHP

See code:class MultipleConstructor {private $info = ”;function __construct() {$argv = func_get_args();switch( func_num_args() ){default:case 1:self::__construct1($argv[0]);break;case 2:self::__construct2( $argv[0], $argv[1] );break;}}function __construct1($value) {$this->info = $value;}function __construct2($value, $value2) {$this->info = $value . ” ” . $value2;}function get() {return $this->info;}}$a = new MultipleConstructor(‘Value 1′);echo $a->get();$...

   PHP,Constructor,Multiple constructor     2011-10-01 02:28:22