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  What’s Custom Software Development in 2021?

Each year, custom software development shows us its new angles — those shaped by the technology trends and changes in customer behavior and preferences. Considering the highly impactful nature of 2020 with the outbreak of COVID-19, 2021 custom software development was formed around the technologies that have contributed to the minimization of the pandemic’s harmful impact. So what are these technologies? In this article, you will find out info about the top trends in software develop...

   CLOUD,SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT     2021-11-04 01:22:37

  Why Flash didn’t work out on mobile devices

The debate over whether supporting the Adobe Flash plug-in on mobile devices is a feature or not is over. Last night, ZDNet got hold of a leaked Adobe announcement: It’s abandoning its work on Flash for mobile. It’s not a huge surprise that it came to this, since Adobe had been struggling to optimize the performance, and the tide has been turning toward HTML5.From the Adobe announcement ZDNet published:Our future work with Flash on mobile devices will be focused on enabling Fl...

   Flash,HTML5,Advantage,Merit,Mobile device,Support     2011-11-15 03:15:12

  Top 10 Best Free PHP Frameworks of 2015

Like it or not, PHP is still, the most celebrated as well as an influential platform which is widely admired for its brilliant HTML, database integration support, intuitive features, and simple in learning too. Using diverse PHP frameworks, developers can create robust, effective, well- defined and stable web application with an ease and therefore, saving towards development cost is possible.   In essence, these frameworks facilitate scalability and enduring maintenance by obeying developm...


  GCC is compiled with C++ compiler

On 15 Aug, 2012, GCC merged a patch--Merge from cxx-conversion branch . This means GCC will be compiled with C++ compiler in the future, it also means that GCC will be implemented using C++. You may have following two puzzles: Why does GCC turn to C++? Without C++ compiler, how can we compile C++ codes? Why using C++? In GNU's C++ Conversion, we can find this description in the background section: Whether we use C or C++, we need to try to ensure that interfaces are easy to understan...

   GCC,C++,Compiler     2012-09-04 02:36:06

  Node.js: Five Things Every PHP Developer Should Know

I recently started working on a few Node.js applications. Coming most recently from PHP (and Drupal in particular), I found the transition to Node.js to be surprisingly easy. Pleasurable, in fact. But I had to learn to think differently about a few things. Below I list the five things I think every PHP developer should know about Node.js. 1. Node.js Is Built On Chrome's JavaScript Engine Google's browser, Chrome, has a notoriously fast JavaScript engine called V8. And this JavaScript engine ...

   PHP,Node.js,Developer,Feature     2012-02-09 07:37:48

  A mini guide to HTTP referer

In HTTP header, there is a field named Referer which is to provide the referrer of the current accessed page. In this post, we will introduce the usage of HTTP referer field. On the web, when a user visits a webpage, s/he must be from some place. This place is usually referred a s referer. This information is very important to some website operators and server owners as they want to know where they get the traffic from and this helps them provide better service for potential targeted users. In t...

   HTML,HTTP REFERER,REFERRERPOLICY     2019-06-29 02:23:25

  Why Software Is Eating The World

This week, Hewlett-Packard (where I am on the board) announced that it is exploring jettisoning its struggling PC business in favor of investing more heavily in software, where it sees better potential for growth. Meanwhile, Google plans to buy up the cellphone handset maker Motorola Mobility. Both moves surprised the tech world. But both moves are also in line with a trend I've observed, one that makes me optimistic about the future growth of the American and world economies, despite the...

   software,quota,internet world,eat up     2011-08-22 12:06:40

  A list of different CAPTCHA designs

Here is a list of website CAPTCHA designs which demonstrate all kinds of weird verification methods. By looking at these designs, as a website designer, you should distinguish which design is accessible and which is not.Is this human readable?What characters are in the picture?One moreWe will be crazy if we see theseOMG,What's the answer?IQ Test?Are you a normal person?You know how blind people read?ASCII PictureAre you an adult?3D verification codereCaptchaIt increase a new feature recently. It...

   CAPTCHA,Website design     2012-07-19 11:51:06

  PHP to get access token for Sina Weibo app

Previously I wrote two articles about getting access token for Facebook and Twitter apps using PHP. Today I will write one more article about getting access token for Sina Weibo app using PHP. OAuth 2.0 is now the authorization mechanism of Sina Weibo API. The API authorization process is similar to the process of Twitter. It has basically two steps: 1. Authorization; 2. Get access token. 1. Create an app. I hope you know how to create an app in Sina Weibo now. If not. You can access this page ...

   PHP,access token,Sina Weibo     2013-05-16 12:07:39

  Learning to Eat Well and Stay Healthy

Back in mid-2006, I documented my fairly dramatic weight loss in a series of blog postings. I went from a high of 224 pounds to a low of 164, which made for a total loss of 60 pounds (I’m about 6 feet tall). It’s interesting to go back and re-read what I wrote back then: Diet Tips or How To Lose Weight with a Spreadsheet and a Web SiteThe Diet Plan and The Three HabitsThe Diet SpreadsheetDiet Tips: How To Eat Less Fast forward to January of 2011, and I had gained back about h...

   Healthy,Engineer,Eat well     2012-01-03 10:53:43