Today's Question:  What does your personal desk look like?        GIVE A SHOUT


  Python basics summary

Python is recommended by many people as the first language to be learned now. Even in some universities, it is the primary language to be taught to CS/CE students. To master this languages, we should understand some basics of it. Here we summarize some basics about this language.These basics include : string replacement with regular expression, traverse a directory, sort a list, remove duplication, dictionary ordering, dictionary, list, string conversion, date object manipulation, command line parameter parsing(getopt), formatted output, Call system commands or scripts with Python, Python file...

11,138 0       SUMMARY PYTHON

  A list of English abbreviations

When we read emails or short message on our phone, we will often see some words such as FYI or LOL etc. Do you know their meanings, right? But some of the abbreviations we may not know or cannot remember clearly. Here is a list of English abbreviations which may be useful to you in the future when you want to check them.      Numbers:    &n"sp;   2 = to/too   2B or not 2B = To be or not to be   4 = for   4ever = forever  A:   ASL = Age/Sex/Location   AFAIC = As Fa...


  Case sensitivity in PHP

Case sensitivity in PHP is a bit messy. We recommend that you stick to the case sensitive rule in any language. Here we share some case sensitivity cases in PHP.1. Case sensitive1.1 Variable name is case sensitiveAll variables names are case sensitive, these include normal variables and superglobals such as $_GET,$_POST,$_REQUEST,$_COOKIE,$_SESSION,$_GLOBALS etc.<?php$abc = 'abcd';echo $abc; //Output 'abcd'echo $aBc; //No outputecho $ABC; //No output1.2 Constant name by default is case sensitive, usually use UPPER CASE for constant name<?phpdefine("ABC","Hello World");echo ABC; &nbs...


  Disposable Email address

There is one statement which says Giving out your email address is like starting a relationship. What happens when you want to break up?Once you gave out your email address, you may take the risk of receiving big amount of junk emails. However, when we register on some websites, we must provide our Email address to receive authentication emails. If we cannot receive the authentication email, we cannot finish the registration process. Is there any alternative way?We can use disposable email, i.e, some email address are like disposable chopsticks, we can throw them once we finish using them.Curr...


  First page of 2012

The tail of 2011 has gone through my heart silently, Year of 2012 is coming with mystery. Looking back to 2011 and looking forward to 2012, it's time to record something...In the past 2011, nothing specials happened in my life. At the beginning of 2011, I was a college student with full of passion, while at the end of 2011, I am an engineer with 5 month's working experience. At the beginning of 2011, I was struggling through my Final Year Project and job hunting, while at the end of 2011, I am preparing for all kinds of hands on and objective tests before working onsite. At the beginning of 20...

2,732 0       SUMMARY 2012 NEW YEAR MAYAN

  SQL Grammar Summary

整理了一下,希望对大家有用SQL语句大全  --语 句 功 能--数据操作SELECT --从数据库表中检索数据行和列INSERT --向数据库表添加新数据行DELETE --从数据库表中删除数据行UPDATE --更新数据库表中的数据--数据定义CREATE TABLE --创建一个数据库...