Today's Question:  What does your personal desk look like?        GIVE A SHOUT


  Some frequently used ES6 code snippets

Below are a list of ES6 code snippets which are used frequently. Hope that it will be helpful.1. Shuffle array elementslet arr = [67, true, false, '55']arr = arr.sort(() => 0.5 - Math.random())console.log(arr)// [ '55', 67, false, true ]2. Remove characters which are not numbersconst str = 'xieyezi 23213 is 95994 so hansome 223333'const numbers = str.replace(/\D/g, '')console.log(numbers)// 23213959942233333. Reverse sequence or wordsconst sentence = 'xieyezi js so handsome, lol.'const reverseSentence = reverseBySeparator(sentence, "")console.log(reverseSentence);// .lol ,emosdnah os sj ize...


  SkipList in Go

Algorithmic thinking is the must-have in the coding world, so I have been keeping the routine of algorithm practice every week, consolidating my knowledge of data structures on one hand, and improving my coding skills as well.A difficult one happened to be stuck in my mind- Implement SkipList with Go, which took me quite a weekend. Below is the front-line report of how I finally got the hang of it.First, from its concept. Wiki has explained it well.a skip list is a probabilistic data structure that allows O(log n) search complexity as well as O(log n) insertion co...

3,146 2       GOLANG SKIPLIST

  Returning To Work After COVID-19: How To Ensure Your Employees Are Ready

Every aspect of our day-to-day lives has been impacted by the Internet, whether it be work or personal time. Since nations enforced strict lockdowns, employees have mostly been working remotely. Now that the world is slowly getting back on its feet after the lockdown, employers are evaluating their options and planning strategies to ensure employee safety after returning to the physical office. With some restrictions remaining, companies must consider not just the workplace, but employees' daily travel as well. It is the need of the hour to deploy proper training to employees that are hea...


  Certificate is invalid for localhost in Chrome



  Public Vs. Private Cryptocurrency Keys

Before investing in any form of cryptocurrency, you must become familiar with the terminology used in the industry. This will prevent mistakes that could jeopardize your entire investment, and no one should be investing in any type of security or asset that they don't fully understand first.Crypto WalletsBefore we even delve into what public and private keys are, we first need to discuss what the keys are for. Your Bitcoin or crypto wallet is basically the account that you store your cryptocurrencies in after purchase. It is entirely controlled by you, and this level of control means that unfo...


  The First Bite on etcd Code

Etcd, one of the crucial components of Kubernetes. If APIServer is the heart, then etcd is the blood vessel that sends the end state of Kubernetes resources to various “organs”, providing high-speed, stable storage, and supporting APIServer’s high load performance. What if the etcd is not working properly? Just the condition as someone has a vascular disease. The deeper you know about them, the better diagnose you can make when issues occur.from unsplash, @John BarkipleRemember the local cache we finished in 20 minutes? If that is a short st...

1,260 0       SOURCE CODE ETCD

  Techies: Let's Not Forget Brain Hacking

A close-up of a jellyfishDescription automatically generated with low confidenceCredit: SergeyNivens via CanvaThe world of cyber security never fails to surprise us with bolder and more sophisticated cyber-attacks and methods added to its already extensive roster, especially with its relatively short history.Weekends an...

1,108 0       HACKING

  eLearning Can Improve How Educators Approach Learning

eLearning has varied benefits for learners, as has been amply documented across numerous articles on the web. It allows learners to gain access to quality education from the comforts of their homes, according to their convenience. It allows them to focus on their other interests and education at the same time. When it comes to educators, there’s a dearth of documentation of the positive impacts of eLearning on their work. eLearning has revolutionized the entire learning process, and it isn’t limited to the outcomes achieved by learners alone. The entire learning landscape has ...

1,013 0       ELEARNING