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SEARCH KEYWORD -- customer relationship management services

  How Serious Is Facebook About Search?

An article in BusinessWeek suggests that Facebook is planning a deeper push into search. Will that be limited to improving search for the site — or will it be something more comprehensive? It’s clear that Facebook needs better internal search. Right now the search function at the top of the page is not very useful. Improving Facebook site search seems to be the first objective of an internal team, led by former Googler Lars Rasmussen, according to BusinessWeek; Searching...

   Facebook,Search,Internal search     2012-03-31 03:31:12

  Google will close shopping search service in China

Google vice president of products Sameer Samat posted a news on Google Blackboard, since the service failed to meet the expectations, in order to better optimize resources, Google decided to close the shopping search service in China.In order to better optimize resources, we have decided to close the shopping search service in China. The original intention of the development of this product is to set up a bridge between consumers and retailers and traders. However it did not meet our expectatio...

   Shopping search service, Google China     2012-12-12 14:30:44

  Huateng Ma becomes the richest person in China

On 22 July, Licai Zhoubao, a famous wealth management media in China, released a ranking about Chinese most richest people. In this ranking, Tencent CEO, Huateng Ma for the first time becomes the richest person in China with 46.7 billion RMB(around  $7.6 billion), his wealth was 35.4 billion RMB(around $5.76 billion) last year. That means his wealth increases 11.3 billion RMB($1.84 billion) in one year. In 2012, Tencent Corp had a revenue of 43.9 billion RMB(around $7.15 billion), which inc...

   Tencent,WeChat,Huateng Ma     2013-07-22 08:55:13

  10 Things Beginner Developers Should Know

If you are a novice developer, it might be confusing about where you should start, because the field is broad and provides many options for you. There are so many questions you might ask yourself, such as “What programming language should I learn?” or “Should I also know front-end, or only back-end?” And I am sure there are much more than that. Well, in order for you to be able to start with an advantage against the others, I’ve decided to help you start your ...

   Advice,Software developer,Beginner     2011-12-29 01:41:04

  5 Pro Tips Social Media Managers Swear By

Digital marketing is ruling the world, and rightly so. It's cost-effective, it increases business growth and helps in building a brand reputation. But to get successful results, it is important to target the right audience. This is where a social media manager’s experience helps. Social media managers create and manage a brand’s promotion strategy by monitoring the activity of their core audience. They are responsible for handling social media accounts and running marketing campaigns...

   SOCIAL MEDIA     2021-05-02 06:51:18

  Cloud Computing’s most Basic Concepts-Service Models

With the containerization of Docker, Kubernetes, CNCF, and the development of open-source communities, related frameworks and technology is booming and iterating rapidly. Cloud Computing, been applied for many years, is pushing developers into the new technological era. Companies and developers who are not using or not planning to use Cloud-Native gradually feel tremendous pressure in keeping up with the technology trends. The first step is to understand the concepts of IaaS, PaaS, FaaS, SaaS, S...

   CLOUD,PAAS,IAAS,CONCEPT     2021-01-24 05:23:11

  Keys to increase website conversion rate

In internet marketing, conversion rate is the ratio of visitors who convert casual content views or website visits into desired actions based on subtle or direct requests from marketers, advertisers, and content creators.Successful conversions are interpreted differently by individual marketers, advertisers, and content creators. To online retailers, for example, a successful conversion may constitute the sale of a product to a consumer whose interest in the item was initially sparked by clickin...

   Conversion rate, Website,Sale     2012-07-12 11:04:38

  Open source code libraries suffer from vulnerabilities

A study of how 31 popular open source code libraries were downloaded over the past 12 months found that more than a third of the 1,261 versions of these libraries had a known vulnerability and about a quarter of the downloads were tainted. The study was undertaken by Aspect Security, which evaluates software for vulnerabilities, with Sonatype, a firm that provides a central repository housing more than 300,000 libraries for downloading open source components and gets 4 billion requests pe...

   Open source,Security,Vulnerability     2012-03-28 06:10:19

  The Mature Programmer

1. The Mature Programmer The mature programmer manages their own time and productivity well. The MP knows that maintenance is as much work as the initial writing and code always takes longer than you think. The MP knows that any changes to code can introduce bugs, no matter how seemingly trivial. The MP knows that premature optimization is foolish and dangerous. The MP knows that sexy coding like writing big complex systems from scratch is rarely the best way to go. The MP does not get...

   Mature programmer,MP,Feature,Coding standard,Efficiency     2011-12-05 13:12:00

  How to hire an idiot

Wow, I remember how idealistic I was when I was about to bring on my first employee! After dealing with bad bosses over my career, after doing a whole lot of thinking about how I was going to be a great boss, and after doing a whole lot of reading about how to hire effective people, I was really looking forward to it. I was going to:-- Hire people smarter than myself, who get things done!-- Trust them to do their job, let them do their job and give them enough resources to do it!-- Pay them WELL...

   Employee,Idiot,Work experience,Pay,Process     2011-10-24 11:47:54