Microsoft is attacking iPad again

Microsoft recently released a new advertisement on YouTube which attacked iPad. It aimed to show that iPad had a poorer performance in the classroom than Windows Tablet.Steve Jobs once said that iPad could liberate student's shoulder, students no longer need to carry their heavy school bags to the class. But from Microsoft's perspective, although iPad is lighter than student's school bag, the problem is that its performance in the classroom is not so satisfying. In Microsoft's advertisement, af...

   Windows 8,iPad,Advertisement     2013-08-20 05:14:29

  The Most Effective Stretches and Yoga Poses for Programmers

Programming software takes a tremendous amount of focus and effort. Working hard to transform code into software is an exciting feeling. It’s easy to get lost in your work as the hours fly by. I’ve done this many times. However, writing code can also be frustrating in many cases. I’ve been a programmer for many years, and I still spend hours debugging. Most of the time this level of debugging requires sitting down and focusing. After many years of this, you will be a prime ca...


  Nokia fires the Qt team

Recently, Nokia announced that they would lay off around 10000 employees, 700 of them are developers. Among these 700 developers, 100 are the core developers of the open source project Qt.Nokia is the main sponsor of the open source project Qt. According to Mirko Boehm, the core Qt team has around 100 people, this means that Nokia fires the whole Qt team.He criticized Nokia's decision, he thought that a responsible CEO should persuade the team to move to other platforms.Qt team is experienced, t...

   Nokia,Fire,Qt     2012-06-26 06:57:06

  Do IE developers feel guilty?

IE won the browser war before Chrome appeared with the help of anti-competitive practices. But with the appearance of more and more easy-to-use and fast browsers, people start to hate IE and leave IE. It seems IE is not a product of modern age. Do IE developers feel guilty about this? Everything is contextual. The browser that most people hate today is IE6, which, at the time was one of the best browsers on the planet (it didn't win the Browser Wars, Round One, by accident). It was built on "int...

   IE,History     2013-07-26 21:21:46

  Can API be copyrighted? At least Oracle hopes so

  The result of the lawsuit case war between Oracle and Google is clearer now. The court said that 9 lines of code of Android has violated intellectual property right, these 9 lines of code can be ignored relative to the number of codes for the whole Android system. But just like LinuxToy points out that the reasons why this case catches so much attention are : 1). The amount of money Oracle asked from Google is $1 billion; 2). The statement says Java language itself doesn't violate the int...

   Oracle,Google,API,Copyright,Lawsuit case     2012-05-11 00:47:58

  Latest : Asp.Net 5 Beta 7 Is Now Available developers can now use the latest update 5 Beta 7 on both NuGet and Visual Studio 2015 to make good development practices. The update also has the first public preview of .Net Execution Environment for Linux and Mac without any need of Mono. To know how to use 5 beta 7, read this article further. You need to install the update first to use its features with Visual Studio 2015. You can download and install it from Microsoft’s official site. The update brings ...

   ASP.NET 5 BETA 7     2015-09-18 06:33:54

  Investing in myself: Realizing my value as a programmer

Being a programmer, you have an invaluable skill that you need to learn to harness. Investors realize this already which is why they’ll spend stacks of cash to have you build them something that’ll someday be profitable. Large corporations realize the value in good developers and sometimes bend over backwards trying to retain their top talent. To be able to program well is a skill that people clearly value but why do programmers tend to place such little value on their own ta...

   Career,Inverstment,Self,Software,Developer     2012-01-11 04:36:16

  Google releases Analytics real time API

According to Tech Crunch, Google finally released its Analytics real time API. Although this feature was launched two years ago, there was no convenient way for webmasters to adjust the data so that they can be viewed properly. Now developers can use the API to get what they want and utilize these data to do what they want to. Developers need to apply for using the API now. Once you get access to this API, then you can search your own real time data and utilize these data as you want to. For ex...

   Google Analytics,API,Real time     2013-08-02 00:05:56

  Websites Android developers must bookmark

Android now is an extremely popular mobile OS on the planet. This small robot creates a big world. Many developers are also devoting themselves to Android development. For both novices and experts, you all need to keep your skills updated and know what's happening in Android community. So we recommend some websites which you should bookmark. News Android People : Very interesting and most updated Android Weekly : Newsletters specially for Android developers Android and me PHAndroid Blogs Android...

   Android development,Resource     2013-07-23 20:45:28

  IDC report shows developers are losing ineterst in Android development

IDC's latest report shows that: the development interest in Android Phones and Android iPad  has been dropping steadily. 1869 developers participated in this survey.In this quarter, the development interest in Android phone applications fell by 4.7%, down to 78.6%; the development interest in Android iPad applications fell by 2.2%, down to 65.9%. Although the survey result may not be so accurate, it still shows a trend : Although sales of Android devices is growing, it is still unable to re...

   Android,Developemnt interest,IDC,HTML5     2012-04-09 06:26:18