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SEARCH KEYWORD -- Web security

   7 Incorrigible Mistakes Of Mobile App Design

Plethora of mobile apps are launched every day, let alone a month or a year. With such a rising competition making an app which is not liked by people is a committal sin not just from a user's perceptive but also due to so many people and their efforts attached to it. In this blog we will discuss some of the very important factors which one should know before crafting an app. It's obviously not worth crying over the split milk as 80% of the users not even open an app again if they encounter ...

   Mobile App     2015-06-18 08:08:48

  Which web front-end framework to choose?

When doing web design, we often need to choose which front-end framework to use in order to provide great user experience and simplify the development. Also, compatibility problem can be solved by using front-end frameworks. Here is a list of front-end frameworks. Which one are you using? Which one do you prefer?1. Apache FlexApache Flex, is a software development kit for the development and deployment of cross-platform rich Internet applications based on the Adobe Flash platform. Initially deve...

   Web design,Front-end,Framework     2012-07-30 13:57:26

  Australian software engineer got asked algorithm question when entering US

The whole world knows that security and background checks get tighten for people to enter US since Donald Trump took office. But have you ever heard about getting algorithm question asked during the immigration check interview while entering United States? Recently an Australian software engineer David Thornton had such an experience when he tried to enter US. (Image from David is a software engineer from Sydney and he is a 24-year-old studied computer sci...

   NEWS,DONALD TRUMP,UNITED STATES     2017-03-04 12:07:54

  Simplify Cloud Data Security: A Deep Dive Into Protecting Sensitive Data in Java

Featuring encryption, anonymization, hashing, and access control Network security incidents occur now and then, mostly caused by data leakage. Data security has aroused widespread concern, and the community keeps working hard on approaches to simplify data security, especially in sensitive data protection. Sensitive data includes but is not limited to personally identifiable information (PII) like names, ID numbers, passport numbers, driver’s license numbers, contact information like addre...


  JS code to check different mobile devices

Today I come across a code snippet which uses JavaScript to check different mobile devices and then loads different CSS files accordingly. As we know that there are mobile devices with different screen sizes, it's always troublesome for web developers to develop cross browser and cross device compatible codes. Hope this one can help those who develop web apps on mobile devices. // Check whether it's a mobile device // 20130716 if(/AppleWebKit.*Mobile/i.test(navigator.userAgent) || (...

   JavaScript,Mobile device,Detection     2013-11-28 05:25:10

  Google Chrome Alternatives: Best Browsers For Android

Most Android phones come with Chrome pre-installed as the default browser. There’s nothing wrong with that. Chrome is a great browser with excellent features. And it feels natural alongside all the other Google products that also come pre-installed on Android. But the type of browser someone uses is super important. In the end, the browser may be one of the most-used apps on any phone.  Browsers need to fit the needs and lifestyle of the person who is using it. To name a few examples,...

   FIREFOX,MICROSFT EDGE,CHROME     2020-06-18 07:12:35

  I'm Retiring from PHP

I am retiring from PHP as my language of choice for personal side projects and new programming ventures. This was not an easy decision to come to, but one that I think is necessary for my love of programming to continue. You see, I'm not only a programmer because I love programming, but because I can not do anything else. History It all started in 1999 when I was in 8th grade. The Internet was really starting to get interesting and I wanted to start programming. I had picked up...

   PHP,Scala,Programming,Language     2011-06-27 07:36:25

  Why Firefox Isn't Doomed

This has been a rough year for Mozilla and its Firefox team. Once the darling of the Web and the champion of the oppressed against Microsoft and Internet Explorer, Firefox is facing stiff competition from its primary benefactor and backlash from users. Chrome also seems to be the preferred browser of Web developers. Naturally, this means speculation about the future of Firefox. Has Firefox had better years? Absolutely. Does this mean that Firefox is "doomed"? Not so fast. Google Will Pro...

   Firefox,Market share,Competition,Google     2011-12-15 07:39:27

  Building a Modern Web Stack for the Real-time Web

The web is evolving. After a few years of iteration the WebSockets spec is finally here (RFC 6455), and as of late 2011 both Chrome and Firefox are SPDY capable. These additions are much more than just "enhancing AJAX", as we now have true real-time communication in the browser: stream multiplexing, flow control, framing, and significant latency and performance improvements. Now, we just need to drag our "back office" - our web frontends, app servers, and everything in between into this cen...

   Web design,Real-time web,web stack     2012-02-15 05:54:41

  Online Branding Tips for Small Businesses

Although an aspect ignored by many people who venture into the business sector, building a brand with a strong online presence may be one of the small details which can improve your performance significantly in the long run. Having said that, in this article, we’ll explore a few different online marketing and branding strategies and tips to help you build a stronger brand online.        #1 Build an identity When people hear about the name of your business, the...

   BRANDING,SOCIAL BUSINESS     2019-05-16 07:38:25