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SEARCH KEYWORD -- Web development

  Spring – Web sockets in Java Development

Experts of java development team are sharing this article with entire java development community. The purpose behind intending this post is to explain spring – Web sockets as a concept to rest of the world. Technology: Web socket is the one of the protocol supported by web-browsers and web-servers. It provides the two-way communication between client and server. It is used in any Java application for providing the two way communication between client and server. It opens a connection betw...


  HTTP is not a transport protocol, HTTP is not RPC

Recently there was a question on the forums asking why we encourage usage of HttpRequestMessage<T> / HttpResponseMessage<T> in the signature of a web api implementation. The point made in the post is that if you have an ICalculator contract which your API implements, then it’s violating SOC / inappropriate to have those messages as params and in the contract. The argument is valid when looking at HTTP from the standpoint of an RPC mechanism, which is actually a quite co...

   HTTP,Transport protocol,RPC     2012-01-19 10:14:26

  What do people think about IE?

Browser war among major browsers is continuing for a long time since last century. Just a few years ago, Internet Explorer was the most used web browser. But now the situation is completely different, people are making fun of Internet Explorer and switching to other browsers. Today we share some jokes about Internet Explorer, it's just for fun, so grab a cup of coffee and sit down and enjoy. Hmm, is IE so slow? What gun is it? Hmm, I am still one step behind And I am lost. Hey, what is HTML...

   IE,Joke,Chrome     2013-07-31 08:25:24

  CSS Animation vs. JavaScript: Which One Is Better?

You know that there are two ways of creating animations on the web: with CSS and JavaScript. And, their selection completely depends on the dependencies of the project. But many web developers hold a wrong perception that CSS is the only way of creating the animations. In fact, CSS has established as the most pampered system of the web development industry and most of the developers recommend it because it is mobile-friendly and powerful system. No doubt CSS is good, but JavaScript is the best....

   CSS animation, JS animation     2015-07-24 02:45:01

  How does CSDN dare to use plain text as password?

Recently, the China's largest Chinese IT community website named CSDN leaked its user's account information. Later today CSDN made an announcements to its users on their website. The announcement said that some user account information was leaked and the passwords of the accounts were stored as plain text in their database before 2009, and after 2009, they adopted an encryption algorithm to encrypt user password. They urged all users who registered the account before 2009 to change their passwor...

   Security,Information leak,CSDN,Plain text     2011-12-22 09:10:01

  5 tips for developing HTML5 mobile games

Previously at Creat Studios, Vivendi Games Mobile and JAMDAT, amongst others, Scott brings eighteen years of industry experience to MocoSpace. He heads the company's internal game studio.We've all witnessed the growth of mobile and social gaming over the past two years: the two genres have continued to evolve independently, while also coming together and embracing the power of HTML5.Mobile browser-based social games have found an audience and are thriving.This new gaming category draws from the ...

   HTML5,Mobile,Game design,Tips,Mobile dev     2011-09-05 08:15:09

  JS code to check different mobile devices

Today I come across a code snippet which uses JavaScript to check different mobile devices and then loads different CSS files accordingly. As we know that there are mobile devices with different screen sizes, it's always troublesome for web developers to develop cross browser and cross device compatible codes. Hope this one can help those who develop web apps on mobile devices. // Check whether it's a mobile device // 20130716 if(/AppleWebKit.*Mobile/i.test(navigator.userAgent) || (...

   JavaScript,Mobile device,Detection     2013-11-28 05:25:10

  Top 10 Reasons to Use HTML5 Right Now

So you’re still not using HTML5, huh? I guess you probably have your reasons; it’s not fully adopted yet, it doesn’t work in IE, you don’t like users, you’re out of touch or you are just passionately in love with writing strict XHTML code. HTML5 is the revolution that the web needed and the fact is, it is the future whether you like it or not — suck it up and deal. HTML5 isn’t hard to use or understand and even though it’s not fully a...

   HTML5,Accessibility,Cross browser compatibility     2011-12-08 02:52:38

  10 Tools Every Software Developer Should Use in 2018

The main problem I noticed about most programmers is that even though they know about latest software development tools, they never really spend significant time to learn them well. As a programmer, I always try to learn new tools and latest technologies. At the same time, I also look to improve my knowledge of tools which I have been using for many years. Whether you're a front-end developer, full-stack programmer or part of a DevOps team, you should familiarize yourself with the latest develop...


  Why Firefox Isn't Doomed

This has been a rough year for Mozilla and its Firefox team. Once the darling of the Web and the champion of the oppressed against Microsoft and Internet Explorer, Firefox is facing stiff competition from its primary benefactor and backlash from users. Chrome also seems to be the preferred browser of Web developers. Naturally, this means speculation about the future of Firefox. Has Firefox had better years? Absolutely. Does this mean that Firefox is "doomed"? Not so fast. Google Will Pro...

   Firefox,Market share,Competition,Google     2011-12-15 07:39:27