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  10 Tools Every Software Developer Should Use in 2018

The main problem I noticed about most programmers is that even though they know about latest software development tools, they never really spend significant time to learn them well. As a programmer, I always try to learn new tools and latest technologies. At the same time, I also look to improve my knowledge of tools which I have been using for many years. Whether you're a front-end developer, full-stack programmer or part of a DevOps team, you should familiarize yourself with the latest develop...


  What will happen after Baidu acquires PPS?

One month ago there was some news that Ai Qiyi would acquire PPS through Baidu Now this has been confirmed, Baidu will spend $400,000,000 on acquiring Shanghai Public Source Network Co., Ltd. (PPS). After completion of the acquisition, Ai Qiyi will likely change the overall content and production line of PPS so that they can complement each other's shortages. Many people are optimistic about this merger, Ai Qiyi can complement its shortage on PC side and PPS can also get more copyrighted film an...

   Ai Qiyi,Sohu,Youku,PPS,acquisition     2013-04-26 22:53:12

  Diving Deeper into HTML5 Offline Browsing

Recently, I published an article on one of the new features in HTML 5 called Offline Browsing  in HTML5 with ApplicationCache.The response to that article was good, and I was asked to expand on some further points including:how to decide on what files to cachethe implications of caching those filesdebugging the ApplicationCacheSo, that’s where this article will start: where the last one finished.  If you haven’t, you should probably read the previous article before this o...

   HTML5,Offline browsing,New breakthrough,Feature     2011-12-20 08:46:06

  printf("goodbye, Dennis");

Dennis Ritchie, a father of modern computing, died on October 8th, aged 70EVERY time you tap an iSomething, you are touching a little piece of Steve Jobs. His singular vision shaped the products Apple has conjured up, especially over the last 14 years, after Jobs returned to the helm of the company he had founded. Jobs's death in October resembled the passing of a major religious figure. But all of his technological miracles, along with a billion others sold by Apple's competitors, would be mere...

   Memory,Dennis Ritchie,C,Father of C     2011-10-22 12:42:22

  Top 9 Web Design Trends in 2020

To stay in demand, a top-level design agency must be aware of the current trends. This will improve their professional skills, help them to keep an eye on the latest events, and offer the clients relevant models that will increase conversion, website traffic, and customer loyalty. Read on to find out which nine web design trends are popular in 2020. UL animation There is a stereotype that it makes no sense to develop a complex, high-quality animation because it will not be supported by devices w...

   WEB DESIGN,UX     2020-09-04 10:06:52

  Top 7 programmers bad habits

1.- The all code is crap, except mine, attitude. I have bad news for you buddy, all code is crap. No matter how much effort you put on it, there is always a majority of programmers who are going to think that your code sucks and that they could have done it 10 times better. I have already covered this topic in previous posts, you can find more information of what exactly I mean when I say that all the code is crap here and here. How to fix it: Don’t criticise others people code, it ...

   programming,habit,tips     2011-06-07 00:36:22

  How I Quickly Test and Validate Startup Ideas

Since I’ve technically been unemployed now for a week, I’ve spent most of that time brainstorming some new ideas and putting them into a Google Spreadsheet.This week I began going through that list and pulling out the ones I think have a chance and I narrowed a pretty large list down to just a few.Let’s take one of the examples from my list. It doesn’t have a name, so let’s just call it Patient Connect.The idea behind Patient Connect is that it integrates with ...

   Startup,Idea,Choose,Validation,Verify,Invest     2011-10-28 10:14:41

  Can Your Programming Language Do This?

One day, you're browsing through your code, and you notice two big blocks that look almost exactly the same. In fact, they're exactly the same, except that one block refers to "Spaghetti" and one block refers to "Chocolate Moose." // A trivial example: alert("I'd like some Spaghetti!"); alert("I'd like some Chocolate Moose!"); These examples happen to be in JavaScript, but even if you don't know JavaScript, you should be able to follow along. The repeated code looks wrong, ...

   Programming,Maintainability,Reusable     2011-05-31 07:42:41

  If Multitasking Is Impossible, Why Are Some People So Good at It?

"Multitasking means screwing up several things at once," somebody once said, wrongly. In fact, we don't do many things at once, ever. We do many things in quick succession. And some of us are very good at it.Nagy-Bagoly Arpad/ShutterstockEverybody multitasks. We have conversations while driving. We answer email while browsing the Web. It's hard to imagine living any other way. What would be the alternative, removing the seats from your car to ensure you only drive alone? Block every website not ...

   Multitasking,Human,Program,Task switch,Myth     2011-11-18 09:03:22

  Circumventing browser connection limits for fun and profit

A few days ago, this video hosted by metacafe popped up on digg, explaining how to increase site download times by tweaking your browser settings to increase connection parallelism. To explain why this works, let’s step back a bit to discuss how browsers manage server connections. In building any application, developers are often required to make ‘utilitarian’ choices. Pretentiously paraphrasing Jeremy Bentham, ‘utilitarian’ describes an approach that ââ‚...

   HTTP,Concurrent connection limit,Solution,AJAX     2011-12-14 13:01:02