The Pitfall of WebSocket Disconnections Caused by Browser Power-Saving Mechanisms

Preface Recently, while using WebSocket (WS) connections, we encountered frequent disconnection issues, occurring hundreds of times per day for a single user. Although using the auto-reconnect feature of allowed us to quickly restore connections after disconnections, it did not guarantee that every reconnection would successfully receive WS messages. Therefore, we conducted several investigations and tests. Ultimately, we identified the root cause of the issue: the browser's power-savi...


  Top rules you can't afford to miss while developing a Magento website

A powerful and attractive website has become a vital necessity of every online entrepreneur. Whether its about boosting the inflow of customers or enhancing the overall profitability of your business, a good website can do all the hardwork. The growing demand and popularity of Magento development services has made online merchants switch to Magento for promoting their business products and services via the internet. As a website creator, it is absolutely essential for you to consider some basic...

   Magento development service, offshore Magento development, outsource Magento development, Magento de     2015-06-19 04:21:55

  Fujitsu CTO: Flash is just a stopgap

Flash is a necessary waystation as we travel to a single in-memory storage architecture. That's the view from a Fujitsu chief technology officer's office. Dr Joseph Reger, CTO at Fujitsu Technology Solutions, is that office-holder, and – according to him – flash is beset with problems that will become unsolvable. He says we are seeing increases in flash density at the expense of our ability to read and write data. Each shrink in process geometry, from 3X to 2X and onto 1X, ...

   Flash,Memory,Bottleneck,Limitation,Futur     2011-08-12 07:31:34

  The price of information

SOMETIMES it takes but a single pebble to start an avalanche. On January 21st Timothy Gowers, a mathematician at Cambridge University, wrote a blog post outlining the reasons for his longstanding boycott of research journals published by Elsevier. This firm, which is based in the Netherlands, owns more than 2,000 journals, including such top-ranking titles as Cell and the Lancet. However Dr Gowers, who won the Fields medal, mathematics’s equivalent of a Nobel prize, in 1998,...

   Information,Price,Value,Facebook,Social network     2012-02-07 06:24:53

  I am a programmer

Admitting that may be career suicide, or possibly it will cost me dearly because 'software engineers' are raking in the big bucks these days, but the fact of the matter is that I'm a programmer. It's what I do best and it is the job title that I associate with most because it feels as though the biggest chunk of me will always be most likely to blurt that out when people ask me what my job is. That I like to program definitely helps.So instead of choosing some fancy title for what it is that I d...

   Programmer,Skill,Future,Requirements,Software engineer     2011-11-01 07:08:11

  How multitasking really works on Android and iOS

As the horsepower packed into mobile devices gets ever greater, more full-featured forms of multitasking are possible. The market leaders have very different ways of going about things, and there are numerous misconceptions about what is going on behind the scenes. This isn’t all the fault of the user, though. In the interest of ease of use, sometimes the multitasking metaphor is overly simplified on both Android and iOS. iOS: It’s more complicated than it looksEver since iOS...

   Android,iOs,Multitasking,Task bar     2012-01-06 09:58:09

  Different types of keystore in Java -- PKCS12

PKCS12 is an active file format for storing cryptography objects as a single file. It can be used to store secret key, private key and certificate.It is a standardized format published by RSA Laboratories which means it can be used not only in Java but also in other libraries in C, C++ or C# etc. This file format is frequently used to import and export entries from or to other keystore types. Next we will explain the operations which can be performed on PKCS12 keystore. Create PKCS12 keystore Be...

   Java, PKCS12, keystore, tutorial     2015-01-04 21:08:49

  Announcing the Windows 8 Editions

Today I would like to share information with you on the editions that will be available for "Windows 8" when it is released to market. We have talked about Windows 8 as Windows reimagined, from the chipset to the user experience. This also applies to the editions available – we have worked to make it easier for customers to know what edition will work best for them when they purchase a new Windows 8 PC or upgrade their existing PC. Windows 8 has the flexibility you need - whether...

   Windows 8,Windows RT,New version     2012-04-17 06:19:16

  PHP sucks (but, some frameworks don't)

I started web development with PHP, and I've decided I've had enough. Why? Keep reading.PHP (the language) sucks. There, I said it. 1029380128301928301823 GlobalsObject system hacked onC extension system sucksDocumentation sucks (read more; no, I'm not drunk)Has a terrible communityAll in all, designed by total idiots. You've probably heard this a ton of times before, but, here it is again. THERE ARE JUST WAY TOO MANY GLOBALS. Why in the world does md5() need to be global? Do you serio...

   PHP,Sucks,Framework,Good,Bad Design     2011-11-20 07:08:16

  SSH Security and You - /bin/false is *not* security

Backstory While at RIT around 2004 or 2005, I discovered that a few important machines at the datacenter allowed all students, faculty, and staff to authenticate against them via ssh. Everyone's shells appear to be set to /bin/false (or some derivative) on said machines, so the only thing you'll see after you authenticate is the login banner and your connection will close. I thought to myself, "Fine, no shell for me. I wonder if port forwarding works?" ...

   Linux,Security,/bin/false,SSH     2012-02-06 07:46:29