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  Let’s Find Out What the Future holds for .Net Technology

Technology is more like an evolution, not a revolution. The disruptive industry seems to be changing day in day out. Due to which tech companies by default have to chase new trends in order to stay ahead of the curve. Now, Microsoft.Net framework has been around since the 1990s! Do you think such refined technology can be considered relevant now? From what I can see, .Net is going through a major transformation. It’s gone largely open source and has been getting modernized so that its wor...

   ASP.NET ,.NET     2018-06-12 05:07:53

  10 notorious computer virus

The history of computer virus is the same as computer history. With more and more powerful computers, virus also are smarter and harder to be detected and killed. They have big impact on data security and system usability. We introduce 10 notorious computer virus in the history. 1. Creeper In 1971, the Creeper virus, an experimental self-replicating program, is written by Bob Thomas at BBN Technologies. Creeper infected DEC PDP-10 computers running the TENEX operating sy...

   Computer virus,History,Security     2013-07-16 21:09:22

  5 Great Hacks to Learn Before Launching a Startup

Maybe months or years have gone planning for a startup and finally you are ready to enter into the world of small business.  Excited enough to hit the “Launch” button. As the bulk of your business is good, so the rest of it must be the same. You think like that, right? But hey, you are wrong there. You may be selling the next big thing, but it does not matter until you have frozen your brand name in the niche market and gained a decent amount of credibility. But you can do that...

   SOFTWARE,STARTUP, ENTREPRENEUR     2016-06-21 09:33:05

  Advanced event registration models

On this page I explain the two advanced event registration models: W3C’s and Microsoft’s. Since neither is cross–browser supported, their use is, for the moment, deprecated. W3C and Microsoft have both developed their own event registration model to replace Netscape’s traditional model. Though I’m not impressed by the Microsoft model, W3C’s is very good, except for one crucial vagueness. Unfortunately few browsers support it at the moment. W3C W3Câ...

   JavaScript,Event model,this,bubble,capturing     2011-12-27 09:20:44

  Investment Banking in China — What I’ve Learned & Unlearned

Anyone seeking to succeed in investment banking in China should live by one rule alone: it’s not who you know, but how well you know them. In China, more than any other country where I’ve worked, the professional is also the personal. Comradeship, if not friendship, is always a necessary precondition to doing business together. If you haven’t shared a meal – and more importantly, shared a few hundred laughs – you will never share a business deal. Competence, ex...

   Business,China,Relationship,Cooperation,Advice     2011-11-18 09:13:49

  Ruby WinRM undefined method `split' for nil:NilClass

WinRM service is a service provided by Windows to enable remote access a Windows system. It is similar to what SSH is for *nix. And it is frequently used in applications which want to automate process or accessing remote Windows system and perform actions on them. Ruby also provided the WinRM gem which is an implementation of the WinRM service.  When using WinRM gem, one may often want to use :negotiate as the transport protocol for authentication. This transport will negotiate using d...

   RUBY,WINRM,INIT_AUTH,PROXY     2017-03-08 02:21:09

  Create namespace in JavaScript

A namespace (sometimes also called a name scope) is an abstract container or environment created to hold a logical grouping of unique identifiers or symbols (i.e., names). An identifier defined in a namespace is associated only with that namespace. The same identifier can be independently defined in multiple namespaces. That is, the meaning associated with an identifier defined in one namespace may or may not have the same meaning as the same identifier defined in another namespace. Languag...

   JavaScript,namespace,example     2012-05-10 04:57:17

  How Is The POS Machine Conquering The Market Economy?

  In today's market, cash is losing its importance. Online transactions have taken over the market with credit cards, and debit cards used a lot by the customers. You are way behind your times if you still use just cash for your business and do not have a credit card machine. For all those businessmen, who do not have a credit card machine, here's a list of benefits that a credit card machine offers you. Knowing these benefits will help you in getting into the market by accepting cashless ...

   POINT ON SALE MACHINE,ONLINE PAYMENT     2018-11-23 03:25:14

  Android and Security

The last year has been a phenomenal one for the Android ecosystem. Device activations grew 250% year-on-year, and the total number of app downloads from Android Market topped 11 billion. As the platform continues to grow, we’re focused on bringing you the best new features and innovations - including in security.Adding a new layer to Android securityToday we’re revealing a service we’ve developed, codenamed Bouncer, which provides automated scanning of Android Market ...

   Android,Security,Android Apps,App market,Bouncer     2012-02-03 08:03:51

  How the Go language improves expressiveness without sacrificing runtime performance

This week there was a discussion on the golang-nuts mailing list about an idiomatic way to update a slice of structs. For example, consider this struct representing a set of counters. type E struct { A, B, C, D int } var e = make([]E, 1000) Updating these counters may take the form for i := range e { e[i].A += 1 e[i].B += 2 e[i].C += 3 e[i].D += 4 } Which is good idiomatic Go code. It's pretty fast too BenchmarkManual 500000 ...

   Go,Expressiveness,Performace,Sacrifice     2012-02-12 04:53:55