Today's Question:  What does your personal desk look like?        GIVE A SHOUT


  One good way to use optional parameter in function

In GoLang, it doesn't support method overloading like in Java, hence sometimes it would be a headache to create functions to construct new structs with different parameters.  Normally, we would construct the new function as below when want to let others create a new struct instance with explicit function call. type Queue struct { Name string } func NewQueue(name string) *Queue { return &Queue{name} } But with the scope and complexity of the struct increases, there might be more prope...


  Spending Too Much on Your Streaming Services? Read This

Remember the times when we thought ditching the cable TV might be a good idea to save time as well as all that money? Little did we know that platforms like Netflix, Hotstar, Hulu, HBO, Paramount, Disney Plus, and Apple TV Plus together cost more than the cable alone.  On the brighter side, there are ways to curb your streaming costs without much sacrifice. Do you want to binge-watch all your favorite shows at much fewer costs? Read on some great tips to save all that streaming costs to wa...

   NETFLIX,STREAMING     2022-06-13 07:20:37

  Native Audio with HTML5

Once upon a time, audio on the web lived primarily in the world of third-party browser plug-ins like Flash, QuickTime and Silverlight. This was not a bad world, but it had its issues.For one, most plug-ins require the user to install them, but not all users are willing (or able) to install them. Also, many players built with these plug-ins are inaccessible, making it difficult for folks who use assistive technologies to access the audio or alternative content.Then there are the front-end design ...

   Audio,HTML5,Built in,Audio tag,Video     2011-10-13 13:04:07

  Supervisord, God and Monit, which one to choose?

With the popularity of Docker, more and more service have been moved into docker containers and they are easy to build up and maintain for each atomic service(though it's a bit complex to maintain multiple docker containers which contain different service to form a complete solution). Ideally, each docker container should only contain one service which has only one running process. However, in reality there would be cases multiple processes would run in one single docker container and there is a...

   DEVOPS,MONIT,SUPERVISORD,GOD,DOCKER     2017-11-25 12:28:11

  JavaScript Is Not A Language

Recently people presented arguments for and against using CoffeeScript. I felt the argument against was pointless and obviously wrong, but I couldn't figure out why, and I thought the counterargument for was kind of toothless and irrelevant. I've figured out the real issue.The real argument for CoffeeScript is that JavaScript is not really a language.Years ago I read something which explained, in my opinion, why Lisp has never achieved the mainstream adoption its passionate advocates belie...

   JavaScript,Not a language,CoffeeScript,Model     2011-12-29 08:46:15

  5 Exemplary Material Design Frameworks That Are Worth Knowing

Google unveiled Material design last year, and it has inevitably created a great buzz among the designers' community, including both web and mobile designers across the globe. Today, you can observe many mobile and web applications are steadily deploying this design approach and overhauling their UI designs. Material design undoubtedly offers a refined and best approach to create a modern UI design. It embraces polished design principles that have been comprehensively described by Google in its ...

   material design, mobile app     2015-06-18 04:35:20

  Why do people hate Windows?

Windows brought us into PC era, it becomes the most widely used OS in the past 20 or so years. But unfortunately there are still many people hate Windows. Is it because we may encounter the notorious blue screen issue now and then?  People hate Microsoft Windows for the same reason they hate Comcast, United Airlines, or Paypal.Once Microsoft gained a dominant market position, it completely and utterly took its customers for granted. It became arrogant and complacent, causing customers to fe...

   Windows,Hate     2013-08-02 21:13:53

  Mastering a New Programming Language: A Professional Guide

Introduction Learning a new programming language can seem daunting, but with the right approach, anyone can become proficient in a new language. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced programmer, mastering a new language can open up new opportunities in your career and enable you to tackle new and exciting programming challenges. In this guide, we'll provide you with a step-by-step process for mastering a new programming language. Step 1: Choose a Language and Set Goals The first step in ma...

   PROGRAMMING,GUIDE,TIPS     2023-04-22 02:52:00

  Google is developing advanced programming technology to simplify Web application development

Beijing, March 28. According to foreign media reports, Google engineer Alex Russell this week at EclipseCon meeting said the company is now developing lots of advanced programming techniques to simplify Web application development.Russell said, "Web development has come to a critical point, it is becoming a run-time library integration platform." Although Web is very popular compared to some platforms such as Java or Windows, it provides only a relatively original programming capability. A ...

   Google,Web,Dart,Scalability     2012-03-30 06:22:13

  How to password protect a Winzip file

Winzip files are great ways of sharing documents and images of large sizes over the web or through email, since their reduced size makes it possible for them to be sent and received. Also, it is easier to manage one attachment than multiple. But what if the file contains sensitive information you don’t want snoopers to see? Simply add a password protection in Winzip. Adding a password will ensure more security and reliability of the transported files. How to add a Password to your Zip Fil...

   DATA SECURITY,WINZIP     2019-08-29 11:42:41