Today's Question:  What does your personal desk look like?        GIVE A SHOUT


  Why do I need a debugger?

  When I begin to learn a new programming language, I will try and master the debugger for it as early as possible. For example, in 2013, while I touched the Go, there seems only gdb for use. Although gdb itself is not a good choice (From Debugging Go Code with GDB): As a consequence, although GDB can be useful in some situations, it is not a reliable debugger for Go programs, particularly heavily concurrent ones. But at that time there was no other choice. So after delve&nb...

       2017-07-21 22:53:16

  Undefined property or variable in JavaScript

JavaScript is a weak type language, and also you can use a variable or property where it's undefined. If we don't have correct ways to check whether a property or variable is defined, we may get unexpected results when we try to access the,. How can we check whether a property or variable is undefined? This is actually a somewhat tricky question. Let's start off with some facts about undefined and then see what kind of function is consistent with the ones we care about. JavaScript attaches type...

   Property,Undefined,Array,JavaScript     2014-07-24 06:56:07

  Where Have You Installed Your Python Packages?

Preface I am writing this article because I recently noticed in the Python community that there are several frequently asked questions: Why does running the command after installing pip result in a "executable not found" error? Why does importing a module result in a "ModuleNotFound" error? Why can I run my code in PyCharm, but it doesn't work in the command prompt? Rather than just providing solutions, it is better to teach people how to fish. To address these types of issues, you need to und...


  World of Father of Ruby

"I am Yukihiro Matsumoto, I believe keyboard can change the world" is a video about Father of Ruby -- Yukihiro Matsumoto. This video introduces us a father, a husband rather than a programmer. Yukihiro Matsumoto shared his understanding about programming in this video. Computer is not quite smart, it cannot understand human languages, so if we want computers to complete jobs we assign to them, then we need something both human beings and computers can understand. That's why we have program...

   Yukihiro Matsumoto     2013-08-30 22:45:26

  PHP sucks (but, some frameworks don't)

I started web development with PHP, and I've decided I've had enough. Why? Keep reading.PHP (the language) sucks. There, I said it. 1029380128301928301823 GlobalsObject system hacked onC extension system sucksDocumentation sucks (read more; no, I'm not drunk)Has a terrible communityAll in all, designed by total idiots. You've probably heard this a ton of times before, but, here it is again. THERE ARE JUST WAY TOO MANY GLOBALS. Why in the world does md5() need to be global? Do you serio...

   PHP,Sucks,Framework,Good,Bad Design     2011-11-20 07:08:16

  The future smells like JavaScript

Of course I am only repeating what others are preaching about the recent rise of JavaScript. But I think the movement is significant and can't be overstated. And recent developments are really even making it more and more interesting. Nobody can deny hat JavaScript is the de facto programming language of Html5. Every other language trying to bolt itself onto Html5 looks like pure friction so far. And Html5 is looking upon a prospering future. Today we are used to some established JavaScri...

   JavaScript,Future,Node.js,Client-side     2012-02-03 08:06:43

  PHP 7 is coming soon

After a few RCs, PHP 7 will be officially released on November 12, 2015. This is a major release of PHP since PHP 5.6. @Laruence, one of the core contributors of PHP, has posted this news on Weibo(China's Twitter).  This is a one month later than the expected time as recorded in PHP 7 timeline. But it's not that late. The new release will come with a few features including: Scalar type declaration, you can define variable like int now Return type support. Besides declare scalar type ...

   RELEASE DATE,PHP7     2015-11-08 09:13:37

  How Integers Should Work (In Systems Programming Languages)

My last post outlined some of the possibilities for integer semantics in programming languages, and asked which option was correct. This post contains my answers. Just to be clear: I want practical solutions, but I’m not very interested by historical issues or backwards compatibility with any existing language, and particularly not with C and C++. We’ll start with: Premise 1: Operations on default integer types return the mathematically correct result or else trap. This is th...

   Number,Algorithm,System,Embedded system     2011-12-05 12:48:41

  Most Pressed Keys and Programming Syntaxes

I switch between programming languages quite a bit; I often wondered what happens when having to deal with the different syntaxes, does the syntax allow you to be more expressive or faster at coding in one language or another. I dont really know about that; but what I do know what keys are pressed when writing with different programming languages. This might be something interesting for people who are deciding to select a programming language might look into, here is a post on the...

   Keyboard,Programming language,Hottest ke     2011-09-23 13:10:10

  Web Security: In-Depth Explanation of X-XSS-Protection

What is X-XSS-Protection X-XSS-Protection is an HTTP response header designed to enable or configure built-in cross-site scripting (XSS) filters in certain versions of Internet Explorer, Chrome, and Safari. The purpose of these filters is to detect reflected XSS attacks in the response and prevent the loading of pages, thereby protecting users from such attacks. The X-XSS-Protection response header was initially introduced by Microsoft in Internet Explorer 8 to control the browser's XSS filter. ...